He Really Was Such A Nerd

Ivy's dream of being an interpreter seemed so far away now. Interpreters tended to be needed in big cities, which she definitely couldn't handle anymore.

At this rate she didn't even know if she would be able to finish high school strong, let alone go to college. Colleges were horribly crowded places too and she would probably have to live nearby for the sake of convenience.

Getting through the school day was hard enough now. There was no respite anywhere she went so why even bother?

Ivy's apathy had grown a lot worse since she started working on trying to accept her new normal. What was the point of having dreams if they were impossible to fulfill? She couldn't bear setting herself up for anymore disappointment.

And yet she had still gotten her hopes up when Carson talked about reverse engineering some hearing aids for her. Was that even possible? What would her life be like if she couldn't hear anyone's thoughts?