The Literal Middle Of Nowhere

Adrian wanted to ask more but when he tried Rosa began screaming and clutching her ears, going on about how someone was getting murdered right now in another part of the city. Throwing a fit as promised.

The orderly from before came rushing in immediately and didn't seem at all surprised. This sort of thing must happen a lot.

Rosa shot him a smirk for 0.2 seconds before continuing her act as her son was ushered out the door. He had to sit in his car for a while to process everything he had just heard, despite it not being much.

His father…what did any of this have to do with his father? Was she implying that he had some sort of strange power too?

Thinking back on the biology class he took his sophomore year, if superpowers were a recessive gene and his parents both had one it was highly likely that he did too. Even if his father was simply a carrier of a superpower gene there was still a 50% chance of any offspring having one.