Let Her Go

Adrian scowled. He didn't like the insinuation of being a life ruiner and never had. Even if his mere existence somehow did something to exacerbate telepaths' powers how was that his fault?

"Let me guess, it happened after she spent more time with you?" Rosa asked with a sneer. "And now she's afraid of you and wants nothing to do with you so you thought it would be okay to come crawling back to me for answers."

He couldn't even deny it. She had hit the nail on the head.

Adrian didn't remember her being this insightful before. He had never exactly thought of his mother as being smart in any capacity. She was too unhinged to make observations like that as far as he had seen.

"Why do you even care what you did to this girl? You never cared about what you were doing to me," Rosa said dismissively. "Why should I tell you anything?"