Another Reason To Reach Out To Rosa

Ivy could use some advice but she had purposely avoided using the contact information she had been given all this time because Rosa made her uncomfortable. And brought back thoughts of Adrian, which were always tied up in a mixture of guilt, anger, and indignation.

Guilt over seeing his deepest, darkest secrets laid bare, anger about what he unwittingly did to her, and indignation over how he had treated her the day he declared they weren't friends and essentially told her to get lost. She really didn't like thinking about Adrian because of her mixed feelings about how everything went down with him.

They hadn't stayed in touch so she had no idea what he was doing right now or if he was even still in the city. He might have gone away for college…even though he said he wasn't sure what he was going to do after high school.

Whatever. He wasn't her problem anymore. He made it very clear that he hated her simply because she was a telepath.