You're Wrong

After school, Ivy walked the dogs like usual before borrowing the car to get the supplies she needed for Carson's pick-me-up. She decided to get that taken care of while she was still on a roll before making the phone call.

The project really didn't require that much effort. All she needed was some fabric and Sharpies. It took her less than fifteen minutes to complete after getting back home.

She looked at the finished product with a sense of satisfaction before glancing nervously at the piece of paper she had dug out with Rosa's contact information on it. She was afraid of what she would hear. That there was no hope for her after all.

Ivy dialed the number with trembling fingers. The voice that picked up was undeniably smug. "I knew you'd call eventually, niña. I will admit it took longer than I anticipated but time is a meaningless construct in this place regardless."

"How did you know it was me?" she asked curiously.