A Germ Under A Microscope

Ivy made it through Christmas Eve in a haze of playing games with Ethan and her cousins and being bombarded with questions about her future from her aunt and uncle that she wasn't even sure about anymore. She answered everything in generalities as if she was going to be able to go to college despite being plagued with the fear that it wasn't going to happen.

Socializing en masse was more difficult than usual because of her focus issues. She said "huh?" or "what?" or "can you repeat that?" about a hundred times, much to the annoyance of her relatives.

Whatever. She did her best. But she was so worn out from the effort that she literally lay around doing nothing all Christmas Day once the presents were open.

A good chunk of them ended up being movies so everyone else joined her to watch them. All of the cats came by and chose a person's lap to curl up on too so the whole set up was rather comfortable.