They're Gone

"I just want to get this over with and go home," Ivy blurted. "Please ask what you need to as quickly as possible and take the scans."

May jabbed her brother in the ribs and rolled her eyes. "Don't worry; he still has to keep this within an acceptable time frame so his supervisor won't get suspicious. You'll be in and out of here in less than two hours."

That was a relief. It appeared based on her thoughts that May had been brought here specifically to keep her power-obsessed brother on track. She seemed like she had a good head on her shoulders so it might actually work.

Matthew asked questions about her powers and Adrian's interference as he hooked her up to the EEG, his mind racing. Getting conductive gel put in her hair before the cap went on felt weird but she didn't so much as make a peep of complaint. She was used to it by now after her time in the Mayo Clinic.