unexpected adventure 6

Sam agreed to what Lilah said knowing that getting the doll is most important whereas there's plenty of plushies around.

who knows the time they spent in talking, the wheel draw already began and the shock was the first draw Landed on the doll which means they lost the chance to get it, at a point they all glared at Sam with thier furious eyes saying in one voice

" you babbler took all of our times now the doll is in someone else's hands now"

he protested against thier accusation seriously

" I just forgot to say the most important rule that is : first come first served "

in the end they gave up arguing with him someone with a stone like head they'd rather think of another way than waste energy talking to him.

The atmosphere around them dropped few degrees as Mary was seething from anger looking daggers at Sam, poor him Mary was a grudge holder if someone did something bad to her she'll always remember it, not even kneeling down in front of her would help them stop her from having grudge against them and same goes for Sam at the moment.

Lilah sensed the changes and decided to ease the mood saying jokingly

" now i lost my chance to save the beauty sigh"

Bobo said innocently : " can't we just try getting other toys ... we will give all to you Mimi don't be sad"

Haya said with energy : "we still could ask that person to exchange it with our cards right??"

Lilah was first to respond agreeing to Haya patting her shoulders yet Sam broke thier hope again

" none of us saw that person how could you tell if it's the one we looking for, idiots, humph"

everyone kept their heads low silently in the end each of them held into the card waiting for thier turn to try the lucky draw dejectedly.


The clowns entertained the kids without failing to make a smile appear in those innocent faces, looking like fools yet funny than jokes. the game started with the clowns easing the tension of the kids who participated in the draw making it a smooth game in a comedic atmosphere.

unfortunately for them none won a prize and so all decided to leave the scene in dullness.

suddenly a funny voice sounded behind them it was one of the clowns holding a microphone,

" for our luckiest kids congratulations for getting the prizes but there's a number who didn't show itself yet let's call our most luckiest person today the holder of the joker card number Zeeeeroooo " the kids cheers sounded after his speech curious about who is lucky to be the holder of the magical joker card.

Lilah suddenly stopped her paces looking at her so called useless card then shifted to looking behind with stars swimming in her big eyes she walked to the small stage firmly holding her card tightly, 'who thought it's not a useless number hehe let's see what goods you'll get me zero just make it something Mimi will like'.

The twins were beside Lilah same as her they clearly heard the clown's words so they called the rest who were steps ahead of them in a moment all of them become full of energy knowing that there's still hope.

seeing how each of them trying hard just to make one of them happy maybe this type of friendship was what the little girl longed for she might be just a kid not fully matured yet her heart already took a step ahead of her peers.

in kindergarten Lilah was always bullied by other kids not even allowing her to play with them she was an outcast by them, she even got punished just because of defending herself against the kids who bullied her, the only thing she was bad at is explaining herself which made her always the one at disadvantage, no matter how much she hated going to kindergarten Lilah never complained to her parents about that. Fortunately she got a strong spirit if someone hurts her she do same ten times harder, indeed she was her parents precious baby princess.

after learning how to read Lilah found her hobby of reading picture books interesting later her mother bought her some famous classical books which were made for kids, that was when she took reading seriously not just as a hobby but as a place where she belonged a world of fantasy where friendship was sacred and love was a happy ending this made her ideas progress to another level. because that was the reason why she decided to have friends who would support and help eachother along the way in life just like how beautiful it's described in books.


returning to the stage the clown was still waiting for the special kid to appear, just when everyone thought there's none who got the Joker card Lilah climbed the stage slowly a bit shy yet confident enough to not tremble in front of many people ' don't panick or you'll be the laughing subject of everyone here , you are a precious princess in your house go go go ' encouraging herself she quickly made it to the clown showing him the card.

" ahem.. here comes our luckiest little friend ..now the surprise is that you can get .." before he even finished his words Lilah interrupted him excitedly

" i know i know ..hehe it's that i can get whatever i want .. I knew it hahahaha " she looked in the front saying loudly to her friends

" Mimi prepare yourself for the surprise don't faint by excitement yet, they'll give us the doll as a prize hehehe"

But the clown beside her got another thing to say with his face fully painted not anyone could detect his emotional changes well he at least has to clear this misunderstanding before getting all the kids unhappy as his works Moto is < kid's happiness before his own > .

" little Princess you must have gotten too excited to speak those words hoho but the prize is not wh.."

again Lilah didn't let him finishes his sentence it's more like she didn't bother listening from begining as she said this time " how did you know I'm a princess ?? it's a secret not everyone knows about haa"

'what's wrong with this girl shit' the clown thought in his head while showing a big smile in front of her " hohoho it's because we clowns can see how precious you look so i thought you are one hohoho"

"oohhh , then ..." before Lilah say something else the clown spoke first,

" you all are curious about the Joker prize right ?!?" everyone said yes loudly indicating they're curious

" the prize is more precious than a doll or any toy you saw in the stage it's the dream of every little kid here.." he made sure to make the girl next to him hear clearly while he was emersed in making them all believe his words or rather brainwash them to believe his speech Lilah wasn't concerned as much as she was happy thinking how embarrassing it'll be if the other kids wanted to befriend her after they knew she's her parents only princess ' should i just say i got friends or just accept them ? arrrr it's not the time to think of this now ... idiot Lilah'

" ... are you all ready to hear now ???!" the clown said and the kids answered positively as always

" the prize is 7 tickets to the Wonderland Circus a chance of gold "

not knowing what was that Lilah's energy dropped as the prize was nothing like what she thought, not knowing what to say to her friends she kept her head low till the clown put the tickets in her little palm.

" congratulations little friend now go enjoy the show with your dearest friends hahaha"


After getting down from the stage some gave her envious looks while others whispered about how great that Circus is, on her way she decided to give her friends all a ticket and go together to enjoy the show then when they return she'll give her doll to Mimi she'll be so happy, thinking this all over. Lilah finally showed a grin on her face happily walking toward her friends who were uninterested in that prize.

" friends see what i got , hehe let's all go to the Circus you know i heard it's magically fantastic, Mimi you always liked Alice in Wonderland the kids there said this Circus is same as Wonderland hehehe just imagining going there it makes my heart race fufufu come on guys agree we will have so much fun .. beside none of us ever watched Circus in real "

Haya liked what Lilah said and nodded her head eagerly , the twins didn't care about it but still got some curiosity as they never experienced going to a Circus before so they agreed to go there too.

Bobo looked puzzled but knowing him Lilah quickly made him agree by only adding few tasty words

" the cakes made in Wonderland are the sweetest anyone could ever want to eat ... yaaa I'm so excited to try them, Mimi you saw them too don't you want to try them ?" and bingo he also nodded in agreement leaving Mimi to be the only one who still didn't give her response.

all of a sudden a strange voice said excitedly behind them " yo little girl you should go you'd not want to let a chance like this go in vain hehe I heard that this circus is sooooo great that even it could transport you to the real wonderland and the tickets aren't sold everywhere they're only provided in this small show by the clowns sadly i didn't have the lucky card like you guys sigh ... but i have a good offer if you became my friend i'll give you the ..." the girl wanted to say more but someone called her so she went hurriedly without finishing what she wanted to say.

the kids shifted thier looks from that stranger to Mimi eagerly, watching them all looking at her with shining puppy like eyes she hesitated for few seconds then nodded silently, knowing that nothing comes after crossing paths with Lilah she didn't care anymore, the doll already not there and what might be worse than this.. she also wants to have some fun before summer vacation end.

suddenly Bobo uttered hesitantly " that girl was holding the prize ..." they were all trying to get what he meant till Lilah yelled at him nervously " why you didn't say before now she's already not in our sight arrrrrr it'd be easy to trade the tickets with the doll with her "

Mary didn't mind the doll at this moment she thought it might be fun and good as that stranger said so she smiled sweetly at her friends

" okay now we only need to make our parents agree hehe let's make good memories in the Circus "
