unexpected adventure 7

In the only mall in this small city Madame Lina was having fun with her other friends chatting about their interests not forgetting anything, from complaining about how little their kids appetite was to how they cook some special dishes in different ways then strangely it became a topic about fashion and so more, hearing them you'll know it's the talk of married women gathering.

Lilah and her friends all made a decision to have some fun in the circus, knowing that summer vacation near it's end they all wanted to enjoy the left days before parting as most of them don't study in this small city, luckily enough the tickets were more than enough for them to attend the special day of the circus.

the kids were enjoying happily the stroll around the mall till Haya asked shyly " can i have two tickets with me.. my little brother will like it too there... if you don't mind of course Lilah..."her voice went down slowly like a lullaby but they still heard her.

They all gave her a strange look to the point she dropped her head down sadly doubting if what she said was wrong, but unlike what she thought the kids were surprised that she have a younger brother as they were thinking she's an only child.

" you have a brother but we never saw him at your house.. or did your father bring a kid from outside!!??" Samara talked as if she just figured something but still looked confused ' could it be a wild child' she grasped in shock while putting both her hands on her little mouth. Meanwhile the others didn't seem like they understood what she meant so they would rather wait for Haya to explain rather than asking Samara for explaining.

Haya in the other hand was panicked and stuttered a lot trying to speak a full sentence " .. it.. it's not like that .. he's my little cousin but because he call me big sister i ..also call him .. little brother..it.. it became a habit..of ..mine... recently" with difficulty she finally finished the last word of her sentence, spending enough time with her they became accustomed to her personality even Lilah who had a first bad impression of haya didn't mind the way she was now as she herself wasn't easy to talk to, and so none of them felt irritated knowing that she wouldn't be Haya if not stuttering while talking.


Everyone was eager to meet that little cousin, which mean the seventh ticket was now reserved for this little boy.

Sam frowned looking at his sister who was painted red like a tomato thinking she might have a fever he asked softly " are you alright? do you feel sick?"

Samara shook her head denying it " don't worry I'm just hot haha .." even though he felt strange Sam believed her and shifted his eyes to looking around. Once her brother stopped asking she sighed in relief ' thank god no one understood or I'd be in an embarrassing situation right now'.

even though they were having fun going from store to another they still didn't forget to think about a way to make their parents let them go to the Circus, at first they were worried their mothers would not let them go so they prepared all type of tricks to convince them but all was in vain as none of the mothers opposed the idea they even asked again and again to make sure they'll not change their mind when the day of the big show comes.

" sigh don't worry much kids we will accompany you too so why would we reject the idea" Lilah's mother assured them for the last time, even the twin's mother said her heart " it's sure a good thing, to be honest i never attended a circus before and seeing a big one in this small city i'd not let this chance pass even if you didn't ask me hohoho"

and finally they were assured so they left to play on the kids space happily not worrying about anything.

soon the expected day arrived and all were ready each prepared on his own way, for Lilah she brought her new camera making sure to take memorable photos, whereas the twins brought a bag who knows what's inside of it, as for Mary she also brought her camera thinking of taking pictures with Mr rabbit.


At the entrance of the circus none of them wanted to enter till they all arrive like that whenever one of them come they wait for the next and precisely because they were curious and eager to see that little cousin, it didn't take long before they all gathered at the entrance. Mary and Bobo were the first to arrive two minutes later Lilah arrived with her mother, and with how busy mimi's mother was she didn't waste time and left hurriedly leaving both of Mimi and bobo in Madame Lina's care, not long after the twins arrived accompanied by their mother, as for Haya her aunt brought her there with that little causing of hers.


when Haya and her cousin arrived, all those eager little eyes looked at the little boy who was frightened by those curious looks , this little action of him made them all think of how cute he was yet one of them was astonished , yes Lilah met the boy before he was no other than the one she found on the playhouse.

" woah little boy we meet again hehehe" they looked at her confusingly till a gentle voice echoed from behind

"we met again little girl, as for before I'm sorry i didn't thank you properly and by the time i looked you were gone, I thought that i lost my chance to thank you" the aunt smiled happily knowing that her child's saviour was no other than a friend's acquaintance. Lilah blushed suddenly not knowing how to answer she only nodded her head forcefully " no need to thank me i only found him sleeping inside the playhouse so i took care of him,.. he's rather cute ..ha .. ha.. but i still don't know his name.. sadly.. he's deaf and... " she was so embarrassed to the point of not realising that she's uttering whatever comes to her mind, the aunt seems to understand Lilah's meaning but didn't seems offended by the girl's words instead chuckled softly while patting her son's head lovingly

" I'm sorry but your words are funny the truth is Ruby is a healthy child just ..he doesn't know how to talk to strangers" she looked at Haya before finishing her words ".. maybe .. he's similar to Haya in personality sigh" she sighed inside her mind again, the other ladies sensed something off and changed the topic to lighten the mood. as Lilah's mother heard what happened she was more happy that her little girl played in the playhouse notting in her heart that she need to tease her latter at home

' this little girl really didn't notice her tongue slipping hehehe I'm gonna teach that brat a lesson why he didn't tell me about an important incident like this happened ' her mind worked quickly from happily thinking of her daughter to angrily scolding her little brother inside her mind.
