hi my name is Spring, nice to meet you 1

the kids gasped in astonishment by the sight of the Circus, the outside looked so small and kind of deserted if not all those people showing from time to time, strangely the noises of the surroundings mixed with the colourful big top tent just add another mysterious playful feeling to the Circus, yet the inside was another world unlike the outside.The staff were everywhere some in the reception whereas the clowns selling balloons and toys to the kids are everywhere, once a batch of people enter another comes it was busy unlike the outside but what made the kids confused is those many people who comes and go, they even questioned if the place big enough to accommodate all of them, luckily it was not crowded no matter how many entered.

For a first time watching a circus they were happy but still a bit nervous, holding each others hands they strolled inside from clown to another buying all the souvenirs they saw not letting even balloons as for Bobo he frowned most of the times as there was nothing like wonderland food only normal snacks and candies nothing was special even the popcorn that was named Alice popcorn tasted same as the one his father prepare for him.. no his father's food was much tastier so unlike the rest he didn't enjoy the stroll thinking he's been cheated by his friend's words mostly Lilah's temptation.

they didn't knows how time flies till they found themselves sitting on the tent watching the ringmaster presenting the performers and their plays. what makes this circus different is the special programs they prepared for the audience which was another reason for why the tickets price was high. the program was simply cut into three parts. the first part contained most popular performances they had as for the second part it was the reason lilah and her friends come to watch . ' Alice in Wonderland ' the special performance that only held once at the last day of the circus, it was a mixture of all types of performers be it magiciens or jugglers everyone with their own roles making them outshine on the stage capturing the hearts of everyone watching it, lastly the third part which was auxiliary it was an exploration room with the tag name *wonderland* writing above it. it was specifically made to imitate the wonderland in Alice story.


The first performance was a funny clown play, the first clown who was holding a big cake on his hand tried running away from the other clown but the later was tempted by the cake's smell and wanted to eat it so he tried stealing the cake from the other clown while riding a unicycle the first clown saw his friend coming as he panicked he threw the cake highly while taking a mini bike from the side at the same moment, riding it and skillfully grabbed the cake in his hand while making a funny face to his dumbfounded friend that was still struggling on his unicycle, this part was so funny that many audience laughed at it, as the play come to it's end showing both clowns stopping the fight the first clown held a white banner signalling that he gave up the hide and seek game with the other and so they both shook their hands happily once they settled down to eat the first clown throw the cake at the second's face making him pull the ear of the other till they went out of sight. surprisingly enough this small act made the audience laugh till the next play began. the only one who looked sad was Bobo as he muttered" poor clown he didn't get to taste the cake"

" did you say something?" Mimi who was beside him asked

"..no nothing at all "

Like that many plays were performed till the last one which was about a trained Lion the kids liked this one the most as they got to take pictures with the cub lion, unlike the other performances the second part finished quickly but it was the most outstanding play anyone saw that day. the ringmaster invited the kids on the audience to explore the wonderland room.

At the entrance of that room there was a small door similar to the rabbit hole, beside it was another big door it was specifically made for big kids whereas the other one for younger kids.

Lilah and her friends were jumping from excitement wanting to explore that place so quickly.

knowing that the exploring room was made only for the kids some of the parents just took their kids and went out while others kept waiting for their kids to get tired and return home as for madam Lina and the aunts they were worried for their kids but still let them play inside knowing it's not an always thing to do.

" Haya can you take care of ruby for me he want to go with you all inside" the aunt said helplessly like that they went happily to play in wonderland believing it's a magical place not just a room made by the circus's people.

inside the room was a girl wearing a similar dress like Alice on her head sat a small white rabbit with a hat on his head, they both were standing at the entrance like statue if not the girl regularly ask if any need help with something the kids would believe it's only a doll.

" wow ... wow ... wow wow wow you saw that Mary it's Alice " Lilah said while tagging at Mary's dress not even closing her dropping jaw.

" ...stop tugging at my dress it'll have wrinkles " but before she finish she too opened her mouth wider than Lilah " so beautiful ... I can finally meet Mr rabbit and be Alice too "

Sam who was beside them laughed loudly that some kids turned their heads to look at him but who cares he was more interested in what Mimi said making it the perfect time to make fun of her

" you becoming Alice ??! hahahaha do you have blonde hair ??.. a beautiful face like hers and most of all did you met the talking rabbit yet hahahaha you soooo delusional than Lilah hahaha" he did not stop laughing till he got pinched by his sister who heard him making fun of her friends

" just what's in your brain, do you think that's good to laugh about ?! so what if she's not a blonde nor have a beautiful face! ha!.. " her words only throw more arrows on Mary's small heart that she almost burst crying, luckily Bobo was near and gave her a sweet candy to eat even though he was disappointed with the food here he still couldn't stop himself from buying candies to eat that's how he got plenty of them in his pocket.

"thank you" Mary said quietly not caring if Bobo heard her or not as she kept walking.

Bobo blushed and run to another place.
