Devil in the face of an Angel

I could feel the electricity flowing through my veins.

I thought to myself - " first time in her life Sakshi wasn't exaggerating he was very very good looking".

But something broke my daydream.

suddenly I was in the floor.he had let go of my hand so I was in the floor.

everybody was laughing.they sure had their laughing stock fullfilled.

I was confused by his actions.

Then he started talking, his tone was like an angel but he was speaking the devil's words.

he said sarcastically -" my lady are you hurt".

then he started smiling.

I got up and asked him-" I was here to thank you but why are you doing these things to me?"

He told me -" did you thought that I was helping you . sorry to break your dreams but I was helping my friends. I making sure because of your silly little dramas my friends don't get into any kind of troubles. that's why I held Rajesh's hand when he was about to hit you because if principle knew what he was doing he would have expelled him ."

I was both angry and hurt but I gathered up all my courage and asked him -"why did you helped me the second time?"

He smiled and answered me -" That day Nisha did a lot of bad things to you . she even tried to starve you so if the hostel warden knew what she did to you she would have punished her and I couldn't see my friends getting punished. I would rather see you getting hurt. don't worry I will make sure you are getting punished everyday"

I heart was shattered by his word.

why does he hate me so much. what did I miss ?

Did I hurt him in some way?

I asked him why are you doing this? don't you know what they do to people?

he answered - " my friends are everything to me . whatever they do is right for me and you tried to hurt them so in return I will hurt you"

After saying this he left and I was standing there with eyes full of tears.

But somehow I managed to control the tears and left the canteen and got back to my classroom.

I was in the classroom but my heart was elsewhere .

I couldn't stop thinking about him .

I was so angry on him but something in his eyes were stoping me from getting angry on him.

but my mind was telling me otherwise that he sure was a devil in the face of an Angel.