Well Arjun the handsome devil kept his words it's been a three months and I still haven't had a day with peace.
It was like Sakshi and I was their favourite target for everything.
They made our lives incredible horrible but whatever they do they never get caught and somehow we became the victim of invisible crime.
But after getting tortured everyday Sakshi stopped retaliating a long time ago and accepted the fate of her.
But after everything I've been through their torture was child's play for me but it still annoyed me a lot.
But whenever I try to get my revenge on our seniors the Handsome devil snatch them away from my hands.
He was always a step ahead of me.
He wasn't kidding when he said he would save his friends from anything he was actually telling me the truth.
For example , one day I was very angry on Shama (one of our seniors) she cut off sakshi's hair through our window when Sakshi was taking a nap in our room.
Sakshi loves hair . she cried for the whole day.
I couldn't handle it anymore so I went to our principal and complained about her.
Principle called her and asked her if she did it or not .
As usual she lied .
But their reputation was already bad in principle's eyes so he didn't listen to her and punished her but out of nowhere Arjun came and told the principle he was the culprit and Shama is innocent.
principle was shocked because he was one the scholars of school . he was a all-rounder .
first in class also first in sports and he was never a troublemaker, he kind of lives in his own world, only talks to his friends other than that he never tortured anyone well expect me of course, he even doesn't torture Sakshi only me, he tortures only me.
His father was a trustee of the school so the principle let him go with a week of detention.
When we got out of the principle's office he took my hand and practically dragged me to a place behind our school. His friends stopped Sakhi from coming .
I have never been to that place it was beautiful.
it was full of flowers but we were alone in that place and so if he tried to kill me there no one will know.
I was afraid.
He knew I was afraid so he came very close to me and told me -" Afraid are you? don't worry I am not going to hurt you but I can't guarantee you I will pay you back the principles punishment. enjoy while you can"
saying that he left that place leaving me struggling with emotions.