Old and New Debts

"KD-554, prepared for deployment. "

Those were the only words I ever heard every time I woke up from stasis. Deployment after deployment, I only lived to serve the empire. On one of my missions, I was tasked with assassinating a Japanese minister who wished to collaborate with the Allies behind Sniper's back. As I moved through a marketplace, I found myself in the middle of a festival; The fireworks, the beautiful dresses, the joy in the air and the smiles on people's faces. 

How much I envied that kind of freedom. Yet, no one ever paid me any mind. I was just a machine, a senseless expendable android built to serve a purpose. We were built using the same technology, the same type of brain module, for the same kind of purpose, yet you were made of flesh while I was made of metal. When you possessed the tool to become human, I was imprisoned in my shell without an escape. 

You knew the story, a fellow demi-human fell in love with me and we got married in secret. You were there, KD-555, you were the only witness to my special moment. However, unlike you, my husband wasn't a man like Mike. I still yearned for the freedom he could not grant me. So I did the unthinkable one day. 

On mission 72-A6, I escaped. I had to tear my fellow KD-series sisters to shreds because I had no choice. I had to live like a stray dog for 3 years before I found my footing while you lived happily with the Grand Knight who shielded you from storms and winds under his care. Crime is my only choice, and you would've done the same if you were in my place. 

Screamed KD-554 as her eyes scanned for Kadyn.

Still without a sign of her prey, KD-554 sat on a concrete slab and assumed a more sincere expression on her face. 

[KD-554] - "You shouldn't see me as a monster, KD-555. You aren't so different from me. Think about all the people you've killed. Think about all the brutal, animalistic ways you slayed your enemies. When you slayed my soldiers, have you ever given thought to them? They also have families, they also have a wife and kids. Yet, when you sliced their skull open and splattered their intestines all over the sidewalk, didn't you realize you were also a monster in their eyes? "

Kadyn took a look at her blades in horror as the cries of her victims echoed inside her mind. She looked at the dried blood that coated her unclean wrist blades and remained unfazed by it. She realized that she overcame her fear of blood probably because she got desensitized over the amount of lives she had taken. 

[KD-554] - "We are not so different, you and I. I'm not a wild beast and you are no Virgin Mary. We are kindred spirits, you and I. Think about it, KD-555, what kind of future awaits you even if you manage to get out of here alive? Mike is dead and the world will also see you as a monster just like how they perceive me. "

Said KD-554 in a compassionate tone. 

Suddenly KD-554 got up and retracted her weapons. 

[KD-554] - "See, I was wrong about you. I reconsidered everything and I finally realized how pointless this fight is. KD-555, sister, I care about you. You are the only true family I have left in this world. Think about it, if you gave me your body, my status would absolve all the sins you have committed while providing a safe haven for your children. You care about them, right? Then handing the responsibility of raising them to me is your best option in ensuring their future. "

[Kadyn] - "I don't believe you! After everything you have done, how could I trust your words? "

Kadyn's sudden response put a slight grin on KD-554's face.

[KD-554] - "KD-555, what difference would it make if I was your children's mother? You and I are the same without an ounce of difference. The only difference between us is that I can ensure them a bright future while you can't. Without your existence, whatever curse attached to you cannot be passed onto your offspring. "

Said KD-554 with a confident smile. 

Kadyn took a moment to contemplate her options. Even if she managed to escape her encounter today, there is simply no way for her to raise her kids safely. Sooner or later, Jagger will find her and maybe even do terrible things to her children. 

[Kadyn] - "How can I know what you said is true? I reassurances from you first. "

Said Kadyn with uncertainty in her voice.

[KD-554] - "I want love too, KD-555. I want to prove to the world that I'm capable of being more than just a machine. Forget this fight, sister. Let's reunite a once-broken family. "

Although Kadyn could smell a devious intention behind these words, desperation began to cloud her judgement. She isn't oblivious to the reality in front of her and she knows that KD-554's words do have some truth to them. She has been suffering for so long and KD-554's proposition could be her last chance at salvation. 

[Kadyn] - "Alright, I'll show myself. You promise you will keep your word? "

[KD-554] - "I promise! Look, I'll even discard all my hidden weaponry. "

Said KD-554 as she destroyed many of the hidden gadgets inside her body with her wrist blades. 

With that, Kadyn finally pushed herself out of an old ventilation duct and descended onto the floor using an old ladder. KD-554 forced a smile on her face as she gave Kadyn a gentle hug. 

[KD-554] - "You have made the right choice, sister. "

Said KD-554 as her malicious eyes stared directly at Kadyn's defeated face.

[KD-554] - "Now, let's not waste any more of our time. The surgeon is waiting for us. "

As they began to walk, Kadyn's eyes laid upon the sleeves of her coat. After turning her wrist, she saw once more the shiny symbol of the cyberknights which reminded her of Mike. In a last gesture of defiance, Kadyn stopped and raised her head at KD-554.

[Kadyn] - "Before we go, answer me this, why would you want to take care of kids when you are running a criminal empire? Isn't this action quite illogical, dear sister? "

Said Kadyn as she shot a challenging stare into KD-554's eyes.

[KD-554] - "It's because... "

There was a break in KD-554's logic circuit. She struggled to find a proper response to Kadyn without revealing her true intention. 

[Kadyn] - "I knew it. If you were sincere about your intention, a response wouldn't take this long. "

[KD-554] - "Tsk! "

Said KD-554 with a hateful stare in Kadyn's direction. 

[Kadyn] - "You can only use words to seduce the vulnerable but you can't fool me. Remember? This type of deceptive language is programmed into me as well. "

Said Kadyn as she stabbed forward and impaled her blade through KD-554's chest. With an enraged growl, KD-554 whacked Kadyn in the face using her elbow before driving her blade into Kadyn's chest. With a painful cough, a drizzle of blood leaked out of Kadyn's mouth. 

[Kadyn] - "You can't love, KD-554. You only married so you could find comfort in yourself. You never even loved your husband. I saw it that day, there isn't an ounce of joy on your face. "

Said Kadyn with a provocative smile.

Without the need to conceal her true nature any further, KD-554 kicked Kadyn into a pile of garbage before walking up to her helpless victim with a sadistic smirk.

[KD-554] - "Life is so unfair! They had to give a real body to a worthless little bitch like you instead of me. But now, the tables have turned. You are right, I don't care about my husband or your children. They are nothing but bargaining tools for power. "

Said KD-554 as she showed her row of pointy teeth. 

[Kadyn] - "Does it feel good to live alone on your pitiful throne? A lone monster who only proved that she's a machine undeserving of love. When I kicked your ass a few days ago, I never saw your loyal Astroboy there to help you. "

Said Kadyn as she tried to push herself upward.

KD-554 immediately sent Kadyn back to the ground with a kick to her face. 

[KD-554] - "I don't need love or sympathy. This is a cruel world, KD-555, the only one you can depend on is yourself. "

Said KD-554 as she extended her wrist blades.

[Kadyn] - "That's not true. You can only go so far in life sometimes. So many people helped me when I became lost. Meanwhile, you allowed yourself to be consumed by your rage and envy while forgetting in the first place why you chose this life. "

KD-554 felt a sensation of hatred building inside her heart as Kadyn's words resonated within her. She knew Kadyn was right but refused to be wrong herself. Kadyn blocked as KD-554 stabbed forward but due to her injuries, KD-554 was slowly winning the tug of war. 

[Kadyn] - "My body will not grant you happiness or satisfaction. You will only find yourself wanting more until it consumes you. Like the evil queen, you only saw Snow White in the mirror while ignoring what you are worth. Is power and vanity everything you stand for as a person? "

Said Kadyn as she struggled to prevent KD-554's blade from slipping.

Kadyn's words only served to feed KD-554's fury.

[KD-554] - "What does a normal life grant you? You can only lie to yourself for so long before you realize the truth. There is no happiness when you live in a world where everyone is your enemy. There is no happiness when you choose to be virtuous because people will profit from your kindness. So why subjugate myself to the role of a slave when I can be the slave master? "

Yelled KD-554 with a psychotic stare in Kadyn's direction.

With one last desperate effort, Kadyn managed to push KD-554's blade off her before rolling away. Just as KD-554 stabbed forward, Kadyn instinctively shielded herself using Mike's coat. The blade punched through the fabric and headed toward Kadyn's chest while she closed her eyes. 

Moments passed as KD-554 tried to shove her blade forward to no avail. When Kadyn gathered enough courage to look, she noticed that the tip of the blade was blocked by the crystal on her chest. Blinded by rage, KD-554 pushed harder only for the blade to start fragmenting. Before she knew it, KD-554's blade shattered into pieces. Using this opportunity, Kadyn stabbed forward and ripped one of KD-554's arms off with her blade. 

[KD-554] - "How is this possible? You shit-eating fucking fuckin' little bitch! "

Screamed KD-554 in disbelief and anger. 

[Kadyn] - "Because I wasn't alone. He has always been by my side from the start. He launched the first punch and I took over the fighting he never finished because I refuse to live like a rat. I refuse to accept this fate just like him. I'm not your mirror, I'm not KD-555, I'm Kadyn! Just who the bloody hell do you think we are! "

Yelled Kadyn with a newly found determination in her voice. 

Kadyn's crystal began to glow with a bright blue light before KD-554 lost sight of her. Although KD-554's sensors all sent warnings about an incoming threat, KD-554 herself was unable to register any presence in her mind. In this confused state, KD-554 received another stab through the abdomen by Kadyn before she finally began to believe her sensors. 

With that, the equilibrium of the battle was once more established. Kadyn had a pair of injured legs and a stab through the chest while KD-554 had only one arm with one stab through her chest and one through her abdomen. 

[KD-554] - "This doesn't change a thing, KD-555! I still don't feel pain while you do. "

Using the last of her gadgets, KD-554 excreted a massive cloud of an unknown substance through her mouth. Although Kadyn shielded her face and chest from the mist, the particles that made it onto her leg wounds caused an excruciating amount of pain. The pain was so great that it forced Kadyn to kneel on the ground. 

[KD-554] - "This is the end for you! "

Said KD-554 with a confident smile on her face. 

Suddenly, time slowed around KD-554 as she dashed toward Kadyn. However, just as she was about to strike, she suddenly couldn't remember what she was trying to attack. Despite KD-554's accelerated speed, her sensors still worked outside her acceleration at a speed that couldn't match hers. Kadyn's ability has created a second equilibrium in their battle.

[KD-554] - "Damn you, KD-555! "

Screamed KD-554 as she returned to normal time flow. 

The hatred that burned KD-554's eyes glowed like a forest fire as she stared at Kadyn. Meanwhile, Kadyn stared back at her with a sense of determination more durable than the root of a mountain range. 

[KD-554] - "Come at me, KD-555! I'll rip out your heart for all this humiliation! "

Screamed KD-554 in a fit of blind rage. 

[Kadyn] - "This is what makes us different. You are a savage monster with no remorse who kills just for fun while I'm a human who desires nothing more than peace. Unlike you, I kill only when it's necessary to protect the ones I love. "

Suddenly, a violent earthquake shook the factory grounds and caused some metal rods to fall from the second floor. A few of them fell upon KD-554 and bounced harmlessly off her hardened metal body. Upon seeing this, a brilliant idea suddenly popped inside Kadyn's head. She immediately began to crawl toward KD-554.

[KD-554] - "Oh? You are approaching me? Instead of running away, you dare approach me with your current condition. "

Said KD-554 with an amused tone. 

[Kadyn] - "How can I beat the shit out of you without getting closer? "

[KD-554] - "Then come as close as you like, KD-555! "

Yelled KD-554 in a thrilled tone. 

Just as Kadyn raised her hand to attack, KD-554 stabbed forward. However, instead of dodging, Kadyn leaned forward and took the blade right in her chest before pulling KD-554 toward her. Instead of attacking, Kadyn simply laughed hysterically in KD-554's face.

[KD-554] - "What the hell is wrong with you? Why the fuck are you laughing? "

Yelled KD-554 in a frustrated tone. '

KD-554 began to slice sideways inside Kadyn's chest with her blade coming dangerously close to Kadyn's generator. However, this did not disturb the consistency of Kadyn's strange laughter. 

[KD-554] - "Why are you doing such an illogical thing in the face of death? Why! "

Suddenly, a static disrupted KD-554's sight. Immediately after, multiple alerts popped up in her vision. At first, she ignored the warnings but soon, her vision began to fade to black. With horror, KD-554 finally looked back to see her body skewered by multiple massive metal rods. They all managed to impale her through the stab wound left by Kadyn's previous attacks. 

[Kadyn] - "Indeed, you can't feel pain. However, you seem to have forgotten why living things feel pain. While you were distracted by my nonsensical laughter, I exposed your wound to the falling rods. "

In a last act of desperation, KD-554 began to send messages to Astroboy but fear immediately gripped her face as her call was declined by the recipient. 

[Kadyn] - "As expected, left on read. "

Said Kadyn in a cold voice. 

[KD-554] - "Hey, Kadyn, please don't do this, I have learned my lesson, I swear. "

Said KD-554 in a panicked expression.

[Kadyn] - "Who said this was a bloody lesson? Did your maggot-filled brain forget why we were fighting? This is an execution! "

Said Kadyn in an emotionless voice as she pulled KD-554's blade out of her chest. 

[KD-554] - "Hey, hey, didn't you say you are civilized unlike me? You can't just decide my life or death like that. Won't that make you the same as me? "

Screamed KD-554 with increasing panic in her voice. 

[Kadyn] - "Says who, bitch? "

With both of her blades, Kadyn abruptly slashed KD-554's skull in half before her face plate and jaw fell to the ground with a metallic din. The monster's body finally went limp as Kadyn breathed a sigh of relief. 

[Kadyn] - "Gosh, what an ugly mother fucker under that face plate. "

Said Kadyn as her crimson eyes finally returned to green. 

It was finally over, for now. Kadyn victoriously raised her fist in the air and let out a joyful grin.

[Kadyn] - "Maybe I should be less aggressive, don't you think? Can't have our children swearing while running around with knives in the future. "

Whispered Kadyn in a sarcastic tone. 

As Kadyn finally collapsed to the ground and let out a smile of relief, the air around her suddenly grew cold. She could feel shivers running down her spine as the sombre figure of evil shadowed her. 

[Jagger] - "Welcome home, my dear little fox. "

To be continued...