Muted flames

Earlier during Kadyn and KD-554's duel, Astroboy just finished defeating both Senju and McCree. With a satisfied look on his face, Astroboy sat on a discarded chair and watched as the life slowly drained out of Senju and McCree's wounded bodies. Just as he began to relax, a set of sonic booms suddenly rocked the sky before a man suddenly landed in front of the factory grounds. As Jagger began to walk, he noticed a severed arm which led all the way to Senju's resting place. 

[Jagger] - "Huh! Was it you who did this? "

Said Jagger in an intrigued tone. 

[Astroboy] - "Guilty as judged, pal. "

Said Astroboy as he began to munch on some of McCree's chewing tobacco. 

[Jagger] - "Heh! Nice work! I have been wanting to do the same a while ago. "

Said Jagger as he approached Astroboy. 

The two men stood close to each other while their overconfidence shined through their faces like a sore thumb. 

[Jagger] - "Do you happen to know where a blonde girl with fox ears might be? "

[Astroboy] - "What do I get for telling you? "

[Jagger] - "Mercy from my fist. "

Said Jagger with a confident grin. 

Astroboy laughed at Jagger's proposition before sitting back in his chair with an unbothered look on his face. Although both men remained passive throughout the conversation, the tension was so thick in the air that it could be cut with a knife. Suddenly, an explosion rocked one of the warehouses in the factory complex. With a grin, Jagger turned to investigate the situation but was stopped when a hand appeared on his shoulder. 

[Astroboy] - "That area is off-limits to tourists, I'm afraid. "

A surge of energy suddenly rushed through Astroboy's hand as he attempted to crush his opponent's shoulder but Jagger remained surprisingly uninjured by the attack. 

[Astroboy] - "Oh? Impressive. "

[Jagger] - "I'll show you how to properly work your grip. "

Said Jagger as he grabbed onto Astroboy's wrist. 

With a single squeeze, Astroboy immediately felt the pain surge through his arm as his wrist was crushed inside Jagger's grip. 

[Astroboy] - "Ugh! What is this? "

Whispered Astroboy as he pulled his arm out of Jagger's grasp. 

This display of power finally made Astroboy realize what kind of opponent he was dealing with. Jagger isn't an opponent to be taken lightly. Despite how he only possessed a fraction of Mike's power, his mastery over his ability is far more extensive than his counterpart Arthur. 

[Astroboy] - "Hmm, glad to finally see someone powerful enough to stand up to me. A surprising but welcomed fresh breath of air, I dare say. "

Said Astroboy in a thrilled tone. 

[Jagger] - "I don't have time for fools. If you value your life, get out of my way. "

Said Jagger in a cold voice.

[Astroboy] - "Heh... very well then. "

Out of the blue, Astroboy abruptly struck Jagger in the face with his fist. The impact was so sudden that oxygen caught in Astroboy's fist spontaneously combusted. Unexpectedly, Jagger punched right back at his assailant but both men somehow emerged unharmed from the exchange. 

[Astroboy] - "Well, I suppose now I got your attention. "

Jagger didn't speak as he violently slashed at Astroboy with his hand. However, before he could realize it, Astroboy appeared behind him and stabbed forward with his fingers. An incredible amount of kinetic energy surged through Jagger's back and opened a slight gap in his flesh. 

[Astroboy] - "You have to be faster than this, friend. "

Said Astroboy with an evil smirk. 

Meanwhile, a sombre look of frustration appeared on Jagger's face. With a flick of his finger, an invisible force suddenly struck Astroboy and propelled him through a dozen buildings in the city. Jagger observed the destruction with a pair of killer eyes. However, just as the dust settled, Astroboy abruptly appeared beside Jagger and smashed his opponent's head into the ground.

[Astroboy] - "Now, this is starting to get fun. Maybe try to keep this up. "

As soon as Jagger came to his senses, he immediately sunk Astroboy's feet into the ground before pummeling him with his fists. But despite his efforts, Astroboy simply remained unharmed by his assault. 

[Astroboy] - "I don't think you understand who you are dealing with here. "

Said Astroboy with his arms crossed. 

With a single kick, Astroboy freed his foot from the ground while splashing hypersonic chucks of pavement into Jagger's face. Like a meteoroid shower, the debris caught Jagger completely off guard while coating Jagger in a layer of molten magma. 

[Astroboy] - "I was one of lord Sniper's imperial guards. However, that mongoloid traitor Mike forced me into early retirement. Now, I have to work for this bat-shit insane bitch who thought she was the Napoleon of America. Glad you showed up to entertain me from this bore of a job. "

Jagger suddenly reached forward and grabbed Astroboy by the throat. A pair of murderous eyes peeked out of the molten lava that streamed from Jagger's head. At that moment, Astroboy witnessed not the sight of a man but the savage expression only found in the predatory eyes of wild beasts. Jagger was, after all, a Frankenstein monster moulded from the remains of Mike. Despite being a different person, he retained the all-consuming rage and unrestricted violence that burned inside Mike in his last moments. However, that's where the similarities ended between him and Mike. 

[Jagger] - "Look me in the eyes and realize where you belong, worm! "

Said Jagger in a deep, animalistic voice. 

With a single swing of his arm, Jagger lifted and threw Astroboy on the ground with such force that the shockwave managed to shatter almost all the windows inside the city. Then, like a feral animal, Jagger proceeded to savagely beat Astroboy with his other hand while still holding onto his neck.

[Jagger] - "I'm death incarnated! I live to see this world burn under my feet. I don't care who you are or what you stand for. As long as I'm alive, no living being shall dare look in my direction with a single ounce of contempt. "

Said Jagger as Astroboy could almost taste the madness streaming from his expression. 

With his free hand, Astroboy grabbed a small piece of rubble and shot it at Jagger. However, with a quick reaction, Jagger dodged the projectile just in time for it to slash his right cheek open. Blood quickly poured out of the wound as Jagger's molars became visible from his side. Instead of feeling pain, Jagger somehow presented a grin on his face like Mike's signature grin but driven by dark motivations instead. 

[Astroboy] - "Something is seriously wrong with you! "

Astroboy didn't have enough time to retract his hand before Jagger smashed his fingers into a broken mess. The powerful pain produced by his fingers finally drove Astroboy to scream in pain. At that moment, Astroboy finally managed to see the monster that hid behind Jagger's skin. He wasn't just fighting for fun anymore. If this kept on going, he would soon be fighting for his life. With a panicked expression, Astroboy struck hard at Jagger and managed to get him off him. 

"Shit, this mother fucker is not just some random cyberknight or Allied agent. He is a goddamn psychopath straight out of Hannibal Lecter's gene pool. I got to deal with him, this mongoloid is a menace to society. "

Thought Astroboy as he rubbed his bruised neck. 

Jagger suddenly charged Astroboy and struck him in the chin before barraging him with a flurry of punches. Using his speed, Astroboy flashed around his opponent while flooding Jagger with a relentless wave of assault from every direction. Due to his lack of speed, Jagger couldn't properly respond with a counterattack. Every time he attacked Astroboy, his attack would simply miss. 

[Astroboy] - "You are too slow! Better give up now than having to leave with your body in a casket. "

Said Astroboy as he perceived Jagger's attack in slow-motion. 

Infuriated, Jagger simply lifted a massive apartment complex and smashed it against a random direction where Astroboy was coming from. Unfazed, Astroboy simply continued his attack while digging his way through the obstacle as if it were butter. With bloodshot eyes, Jagger's rage finally reached a boiling point as he abruptly clapped his hands together. In an instant, Astroboy crashed against an invisible barrier before another invisible surface collided with him. By pressing his palms tighter together, Jagger increased the pressure on his surfaces until Astroboy was completely stuck with any possibility for movement. 

[Astroboy] - "Heh, maybe it's best for us to stop this nonsense. Our abilities are somewhat equal in power, thus meaning none of us two can come out victorious. "

[Jagger] - "Victory is meaningless to me! I want nothing but to see you squirm and suffer like the worm you are. "

Said Jagger with rage in his voice. 

[Astroboy] - "I'm afraid you can't do that. My kinetic energy does not only apply to my fists, it also applies to my entire body. "

Suddenly Astroboy let out a massive surge of outward energy which pushed away the surfaces conjured by Jagger's ability. Immediately after his escape, Astroboy charged at Jagger and struck him with his hand. Just as Jagger blocked his opponent's attack, Astroboy let out a mocking smirk. 

[Astroboy] - "Aren't you forgetting something? You are too slow. "

Said Astroboy as his knee suddenly connected with Jagger's abdomen and caused him to vomit blood. 

Following that, Astroboy let out another surge of energy from his foot which left a massive bloody wound on Jagger's leg. Thinking that he had the upper hand, Astroboy began to faint his attack against Jagger while striking him somewhere else where he least expected it. 

[Jagger] - "So I presume your bodily shield is also a manifestation of your kinetic energy. When I attack you, I suppose you are shooting your kinetic energy out of your body to defend yourself. "

Astroboy didn't respond as he kept pushing his advantage against Jagger. All of a sudden, Jagger caught one of Astroboy's fists and struck back at him. As Astroboy tried to defend himself, Jagger's punch somehow broke through his defences. By channelling the kinetic energy from Astroboy's attack, Jagger was able to add it to his punch which gained enough power to overwhelm his opponent's defence. 

In a flash, Astroboy was propelled into the ground and created a massive shockwave that shook the city. The dirt and debris flew hundreds of metres into the air while every building, including the factory complex, shook violently as a result of the impact. 

The dust recoiled around Jagger as he moved toward Astroboy's broken body. The defeat came swiftly for Astroboy who now found himself surrounded by a puddle of his own blood while a large portion of the left side of his body was missing. As much as he wanted to flee upon seeing Jagger's approach, Astroboy was shocked to find his remaining crystal shattered into a puzzle of ruined pieces. 

[Astroboy] - "Hey, hey, we can talk about this! "

Said Astroboy as he began to recoil in fear.

Without a word, Jagger stepped forward and cracked Astroboy's femur bone. A visceral scream immediately filled the streets as Astroboy rolled in agony while rolled up in a ball. Without an ounce of mercy on his face, Jagger proceeded to also break Astroboy's other femur bone. A deafening scream of pain escaped Astroboy's mouth while tears rolled down his cheeks. A combination of fear and pain appeared on Astroboy's face as Jagger once more forced his regard toward him. 

[Jagger] - "I thought you liked joking, clown! Where is that sense of humour on that shit face? Where is that smile? "

Yelled Jagger as he forced Astroboy to stare at him. 

While gently pressing his thumbs against Astroboy's face, Jagger activated his crystals and simulated the nerves that coated his opponent's face. Immediately, an extreme amount of pain surged through Astroboy's brain to the point where veins inside his eyes began to pop. However, all this torture didn't satisfy Jagger's craving for human suffering. No matter who or how many people Jagger tortured, his appetite only desired Kadyn's agony just like a twisted mirrored version of Mike. 

[Jagger] - "What a fucking bore! Why can't you satisfy this fucking boredom! "

Screamed Jagger in frustration while Astroboy kept yelling in agony. 

Jagger angrily pulled away from Astroboy before digging his nails into his own face. 

[Jagger] - "Why can't this hunger be satiated? Why can't this body be satisfied with the torture of any human but her? "

Yelled Jagger in a fit of rage. 

With a single jump, Jagger disappeared into the sky, leaving Astroboy to his own fate. After a while, when things calmed down, a sewer cap slowly slid open before a group of the city's previous residents exited to scavenge for resources. While most scattered toward the abandoned buildings, one of the punks arrived in front of Astroboy with a bat in his shoulder. 

[Davis] - "Just as I thought justice has turned a blind eye against me. You'll pay for the lives of my comrades! "

Yelled Davis as he bashed Astroboy's head into a bloody pulp. 

The Allied Forces military soon arrived inside the city and rushed to rescue the survivors left inside the ruins of Trump City. As the medical personnel and soldiers rushed through the streets alongside medical trucks, they all suddenly noticed Jagger dash out of the city through the sky while carrying someone in his arms. Luckily for Senju and McCree, medics were quick enough to locate them and provide them with much-needed medical assistance. 

The chaos inside the city has finally been silenced. After two weeks of hell on Earth, the streets were at last declared safe for civilian travel. However, 99% of the city's infrastructure was reduced to ruins by the conflict while human casualties were numbered in the millions. As for the remnants of KD-554's gang, now left without a leader, they were easily wiped out by the military while others met their fate at the hands of the surviving residents. 

In a statement released by the US government, they addressed the nation about this great tragedy. However, the lack of transparency and political biases left nothing but a bitter taste inside the mouth of those who survived "the two weeks in the underworld".

"Concerning the tragedy that befell Trump City, it was concluded that it was the result of infighting between the different criminal organizations that ruled the city. The military was able to quell the inferno before it burned beyond its borders. Investigation was still ongoing concerning civilian casualties but estimates put the number at around 100 000 - 200 000. Please be advised that Trump City is an exceptional case where crime was left unchecked by its corrupt mayor for decades, resulting in lawlessness and the unprecedented violence witnessed by our nation in the past two weeks. Rest assured that the rest of the nation is not at risk of such an event. Police forces and the military will reinforce every city's security measures. You are safe. Obey curfew laws and mandatory conscription. God bless our great government and nation. "

To be continued...


- Profile: Astroboy

- Real name: unknown

- Ability: [Don't stop me now]: "Astroboy's ability produces kinetic energy and grants him control over it. In application, Astroboy can infuse the generated kinetic energy into any part of his body, making any regular hit the equivalent of being punched by the asteroid that ended the dinosaurs. Unfortunately, Astroboy's ability is restricted to his own body and can only transfer kinetic energy to other objects or entities through direct contact. Another kind of attack consists of Astroboy charging himself with kinetic energy before slamming himself like a bomb toward the ground. In doing so, Astroboy technically turns himself into a nuclear bomb which would allow him to take out a group of enemies. At maximum power, Astroboy can mimic the destructive power of 10 Tsar Bomba. Defensively, Astroboy uses an improvised body shield consisting of outward blasting kinetic energy. Although very effective at dealing with certain attacks, powerful users like Jagger or Mike can easily outplay Astroboy's defences. "

- Ability Stats:

Power - A

Speed of the ability - A

Speed granted by the ability - A

Range - E

Durability of the ability - E

Durability granted by the ability - A

Precision - B

Potential - C