The Beginning Of The End

Steph slowly entered her dorm room as quickly as possible to make sure nobody could hear her.

People were snitches, they'd do anything to go outside the gate. All they had to do was pick their person.

Steph bent down to find somethings to put in her bag. All she saw was random stuff, until this piece of metal caught her eye. It was a watch.

Not just any watch, but a special watch.

She put on the watch only just to sit down and think for a minute.

Turning around to look at her window she saw what she thought was a shadow of a person. All of a sudden,she felt pain in the arm that the was watch on. "What the fuck" she whispered to herself.

Steph knew It was a bad spirit. "No way...this can't be real". Knowing what trouble comes from interacting with spiritual beings, Steph grabbed her things and left.

Steph ran outside trying to remember what number Matt's door was. Heading inside the other pod of rooms, she knocked on the door in a rush.

Matt opened the door with his soulless eyes and dark hair all over his forehead.

"What's the big hurry?" Matt asked.

Looking down Matt saw the watch that she was wearing. " You didn't use it did you?"

"Well is it bad if I say yes" Steph responded with a sound of worry. "So where are all your other friends" Steph waited for a response.

"We'll talk about that later...just grab what you need". Matt's lifeless voice made him seem serious.

-3am in the morning-

"Steph, wake up" Matt whispered.

Waking up, Steph looked around the room to find her bag. Matt walked to the back of the room to grab his. "I'm ready, are you?" Matt questioned.

"Where'd you get that gun?" Steph asked.

Ready to go, Matt asked the question again.

In response Steph was ready to go, but in reality her heart was pounding like a hammer against a nail. Matt grabbed her hand and said some secret kind of 'spell' before they left. Deladria language was a language that only certain people could learn, in order to protect and work with the spirit realm. Leaving the dorm Matt asked for their plans. Even though they knew what they was about to go through, they didn't have any real clue about what might go on in that land they called home.

"So...what's our plan Steph?" Matt whispered.

"Anything, but dying". Steph was serious about this only because their actual plan was to get out of the horrid place where nothing but dead and boredom took place.

Steph took her gun and fired two bullets. One to the security camera, and one to the gate.