Eyes meet for the first time

All that she knows about him is ( His name, age, class, mother tongue and some unbelievable rumours.)

Cherish got some issues with her laptop. So she asks​ help from her cousin who is in 3rd-year of the same branch. He is good at fixing such system issues. She goes to his classroom to hand over her laptop to him. Tina goes along with her. While they are talking, she sees RJ coming with a smirk on his lip, resting his hands on the shoulders of his friend, and walking so elegantly. Looking at him that close, her heart feels so heavy and feels difficult to breathe. She felt her rising heartbeat kicking so hard on her chest. She can't blink her eyes. For a minute, she forgets where she is. He looks at her, and she looks at him. Their eyes meet for the first time. The corners of her lips meet her cheeks leaving a huge smile on her face. He walks and enters into his classroom​. After Cherish finished her talk, Tina pleads her to stay there for a few more minutes hoping she can see him again. She is waiting at the corner looking into RJ's classroom. One of RJ friends says something to RJ showing his finger in the direction of these girls. Tina gets tensed so she moves her hand adjusting her hair, touches her face, eyes, earrings, lips, clenches her fist towards her heart and says "Come on let's go". She thinks they caught her looking at him. So she wants to leave the place before he comes. Cherish holds her hand and asks her to stay.

" Cherish, What are you doing? Leave me. I have to go. I think he caught me seeing. I don't want to get scolded by him."

"What did you do so wrong to get scolded by him? Let him come. I'm with you. If he shouts at you, I'll tell him all about your feelings for him. Let's end it here. You are not going to confess your feelings anyway. At least this way, he'll get to know."

He walks so gracefully​ with his hands in his pockets and rises his chins up. He comes close and cross them without saying anything and go climb the stairs down without looking at them. That moment when he got closer and closer she felt like bursting into tears. But nothing happened.

" Ufff... My head almost got exploded. I need to have a shower. Come one let's go to the dorms."

She rushes to the dorms. The whole day, all that she thinks about is RJ. She recalls everything that happened today and smiles herself like a mad girl.

Next day, it was slightly drizzling in the morning. Though Tina doesn't have any classes in the morning, she still goes to academic block with Cherish and Chelsey to submit project files. While returning, it stopped drizzling a few minutes before they plan to leave the block. The weather is so lovely with a cool breeze and a colourful rainbow in the sky. Tina dressed up in white clothes and her hair!!!... half tied up leaving rest of her freshly washed long curly hair to flow free. Her hair is flying like waves in the ocean as the wind blows. On their way to the hostel, Two boys are coming in the opposite direction to them. They look at Tina while crossing and one of them says, " Wow, what a beauty, She looks like an angel white horse to my eyes."

Hearing that, Chelsey laughs and ask Tina "Do you know who they are talking about?"

Tina didn't put much attention on, so she says

" Who??... What talking?"

" Those boys who just passed by!!!" " They are talking about you. You are the one who's wearing white clothes."

" What did they say?"

" They said you look like a white horse. I mean like an angel white horse."

" What!!!! I think he got some eye issues." They laugh out loud.

They go to Gazebo on their way to dorms and order some drinks to quench their thirst. They sit and talk until their drinks get ready.

Cherish says " I'm observing for almost 3 days, he is following one of us. Hey, Chelsey, I think he's looking at you."... " Don't look!!!!.... take some time and turn casually."

" Lol...OK...." " What!!!... No... I don't like him. Look at him he is fat and look at the shape of his body. Boys are handsome when their body is in the shape of an inverted triangle, Broad at shoulders and small at the hip. But look at him... he's got a body in the shape of a hexagon. Lol..."

Cherish and Tina chuckles.

" Wooohhhh, wuhh... look at that boy, he got his mouth in the shape of a rectangle. Hahaha!!!..... I wonder how he will be kissing his girlfriend with that rectangle shaped lips of him. Imagine his kids with rectangle face and lips.... rectangle family Hahaha!!" Cherish starts to give some funny names to people she sees and makes​ fun out of them. They both laugh at cherish jokes. Now that their drinks are ready, they go collect them.

Chelsey talks,

" Cherish, Tina, I don't want to go out with you guys anymore." acts like serious.

" Why??... What's wrong."

" Whoever I have a liking for, is looking at you two girls... No one is looking at me except this Hexagon. You guys are dominating my beauty. I like tall guys. But every tall boy I find, they only look at Tina. Waaaah... Wahhh!" cries, Chelsey.

" Hahaha..." They laugh. " Don't worry, he is playing hide and seek, one day he'll get bored of hiding and come running to you."

SEM end exams are going to be conducted next week. School provides the students with the facilities of visiting the library up to 12:00 in the night. School also provided the facilities of bus transportation from library to hostel block for girl hostelers. Girls are not allowed to roam outside the hostel compound after 7:30.p.m. So, no girl student is allowed to leave the library between 7:30.p.m. to 12:00 midnight. All are taken at once in a bus around 12:00. by the hostel warden being in charge.

As the sem exams are getting close seating arrangements for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th-year students of each individual branch are sticked in individual notice boards specially provided. The subject she took over needs 5 years completely​ to get a graduation certificate. She goes to notice board and checks for her number. There she finds RJ's student ID number on the board.