Gift's from 'S'

She goes to the notice board and checks for her ID number. There she finds RJ's student ID number on the board. Using that, she checks RJ's student profile in the academic history of the school site, where biodata and their academic performance are provided. Looking at his academic progress,

" Oh no, he's got few backlogs in theory subjects... Mmm not bad, he's got good grades in lab practicals."

She checks his room numbers that are provided to attend the exams. None of them is close enough to her's except for one subject. They get room numbers next to each other. "Hurray... I can see him that day." She suddenly makes a sad face thinking " It will be so nice if that exam has fallen on my birthday."

One day a senior student comes to ask a favour from her. He is shooting a short film to submit for project work. He asks Tina to act as a female lead for his short film. She says she can't act. He is like " you don't have to be a professional at acting. It's just for the project. I felt that you are the best match for the female role in my short film. And you have very fewer reals. Please don't say no, help me with my project. Think it's a favour for this poor senior." He says so... but he got a crush on her. He takes advantage of this short film and try's to get close to her with the help of his sister. She thinks for a minute and asks Cherish " Is it ok?"

" Accept only if you are happy doing that."

" Maybe with this short film, RJ and I can get friends." say with much excitement.

" You think so!!!"

" Yes!!"... she says yes to him. But she's not so dedicated to the work. She always searches around for him while taking shots.

Keeping that aside, She goes to the library every day and study hard to do her best in exams. They get a day off between each exam. Library, exams, Library, exams...this happens every day until the last one. She also gets to see him one day near the library talking to somebody. That day while studying, she lies her forehead on study table and sadly thinks "My dear and dearest RJ, please clear off all your backlogs. When will we meet again!!! I wish I can talk to you at least for once before I leave this school." 3 days to go for her birthday. Some unknown person pings her on Facebook with user name having symbol 'S'. He sends a message saying

S: Hiii... I'm watching you from day one also know that I'm watching you...nice short flim...enjoy the fun. I was in the room while you were shooting the film.

Tina gives him no reply.

S: Reply???

S: Hmm... OK... you are not interested to chat

with me right. Ok bye.

She doesn't respond for any of the messages.

S: I had sent you a friend request, but you didn't accept me... I got it. You don't wanna Reply to me right. Ok, I won't disturb you. I'll

stop sending you messages. But remember the symbol 'S'.

" He particularly points her to remember 'S'.

Tina doesn't understand what he's talking about. Later, a day before her birthday, at 11:57 P.M. He pings her with a message

S: 3 minute

S: 2 minute

She thought he is asking for 3 minutes to talk with her.

S: 1 minute

S: 12:00 o'clock, it's your birthday. Many many happy returns of the day. I had been waiting for this day since the first day I see you.

S: Don't forget the symbol 'S'. You'll know about it tomorrow.

She doesn't answer for any of his messages​.

Next day morning, her brother calls her to wish on her birthday. The thing is, it's not just Tina's birthday. It's her brother's birthday too. They wish a happy birthday to each other and feel sad for not being together to celebrate their birthdays. He had sent her some gifts and asks her to collect them from hostel in-charge. They talk some brother-sister talk and cuts the call.

She gets a call from the warden to collect her courier. She hurries to the warden room to get the package and rushes to her room so happily with the gift in her hands. She opens them with eyes full of excitement. Package has a teddy bear, coffee mug that plays voice recording​ when taken out of the box, a paper with a message written on it ('S', I wish to be your friend, phone number xxxxxxxxxx) and a photo frame of her taken during short-film shooting. Then she knows it's not from her brother. Looking at the gifts, one of her roommates says " Ohh. Tina... wow... you got so many gifts. Who send you them?... Is it from your boyfriend!!? Wow, the mug is so beautiful. Wow, your boyfriend likes you a lot."

Tina says, " No, it's not from my boyfriend. They are from my brother."

She gets a call from warden again. She goes and gets the gift that was sent by her brother.

" Wow... you got more gifts. Who is it this time?" asks roomie.

" It's a professional hair straightener send by my mom," says Tina with a faking smile.

" Wow.. your mom is so good. She gave you the perfect gift."

"Thank you", says Tina.

She runs to Cherish and Chelsey with gifts send by 'S'. Tina shows them all the gifts and messages he has sent. Then she gets a pop-up on messenger. They open and see who it is. It's a message from 'S'.

S: I'm waiting for your positive reply.

S: How is that gift?

Tina: Who the hell r u... Why r u doing this... I don't want them please take them back.

S: what am I suppose to do by taking them back!?? Just think that an unknown friend has sent you them. If you don't want, just throw them away. Happy birthday!!!

S: Really..... I don't want to hurt you. If you think I did something wrong, sorry from the bottom of my heart.

S: You seems to be busy preparing for exams... all the best for your upcoming exams... Just treat me as a friend... I know that you know me...

Tina doesn't know what to do. She asks her friends about returning gifts to him. They suggest her to not answer his message or phone calls and pretend nothing happened.

" Should I throw them away!!!" Tina asks.

" If you throw them, everyone in the hostel knows.... so just keep them with you. You can show them to your husband in future. Hahaha!!!" Cherish laughs.

She throws a party for her friends in the evening. They celebrate her birthday with a cake cutting​. She also offers them some drinks and desserts in Gazebo.

Next day morning... They hurry to academic block for attending the exam. After finishing her writing, She waits outside at the corner sitting on steps. RJ is in the next room to her. She finishes her exam quick so that she won't miss seeing him. Slowly, one after another is leaving the room. But no sign of him yet. She still waits for him to come. Finally, he comes out and waits there without leaving. She thought he may be standing there waiting for his friend. He looks here and there, looking down from the balcony, moving here and there, looking into the classroom. And then, a girl comes out of the classroom.