
Ch. 86: So Accommodating?

Biting my lip I looked out over the expanse of beautiful scenery. I could make out little Snippet chasing some insect as she hopped around playfully. Everything was surreal . . . Here I was pouring my heart out about my past to the last man I would EVER wish to discuss this with while the rest of the world went on as normal.

I heard Baymun clear his throat so I collected myself before turning around to face him emotionlessly. I wouldn't allow him the satisfaction of seeing any sort of weakness.

"So now you have the details - I suppose the ball is in your court. My people have kept this a secret so your army wouldn't come back to finish the job . . . What will you do now Crown Prince?"

The demon's cold gaze searched my face for signs of distress and upon seeing none he said lowly, "I'm sure you don't wish to talk about your past, especially to me, but let me assure you it's most helpful. And no, not in the 'I will finish the job' type of way. I happen to agree with your sentiments - A 'curse' wouldn't cause such a calamity to befall your people. It does indeed sound most coincidental . . . Yet I'm unable to fathom exactly what part the Bodach Empire could've played. Although I led the army, my father oversaw the planning and choosing of which lands to strike. Knowing him it's very likely he withheld information that he deemed unnecessary to divulge. If there's any proof that Bodach was in fact the culprit and we did tamper with your land, then it would be within the King's Records - Something I'm not privy to acquire until I ascend to the throne. I hope you understand that upon your acceptance of my proposal we could very well find out if Bodach was at fault and exhaust every avenue possible in finding a cure."

I scoffed at his choice words, "Upon my acceptance huh? Of course you wouldn't help just out of the kindness of your heart."

Baymun smirked, "I'm indeed a calculative man after all. Besides, what do you think would happen if I assisted you without due compensation? Can you imagine the other countries we've conquered hearing how the Bodach Empire assisted in restoring Eurosia, a land we decimated for good reason, just because I wanted to be kind?"

The demon scoffed, "I'd have every available leader, Lord, Prince and King standing at the palace door demanding equal restitution. On the other hand, if we were to wed it wouldn't come as any surprise for the Bodach Empire to assist Eurosia because it would signify our alliance."

Even though I hated to admit it, he was right. I really, really hated that!

Ugh! Was I really going to have to marry this man in order to reach my goals? If so, then there were going to be some much needed and strict ground rules.

"IF this is to happen . . ." I inhaled deeply, letting it out slowly while instantly hating what I was about to say, "Then there need to be some stipulations."

Thankfully Baymun didn't outwardly smirk, but I got the distinct impression that he wanted to, "Such as?"

Biting my lip I started, "Among the things you've already listed: the future change, an equal partnership, assisting my people in finding a cure, etc . . . I also request that Richie be set free. He hasn't done anything a typical male wouldn't do and, according to him, she was consenting and not at all unfamiliar with sexual interaction. Of course, in the event that my brother is a blatant liar and he did indeed rape a virgin, then by all means you can dole out any punishment you see fit; I just want to verify that the Lord's story is legit before killing off a stupid boy who doesn't think about the consequences."

Baymun gave a small smirk of understanding, "That sounds perfectly reasonable. I'll handle the matter accordingly and will even grant your brother a promotion for his troubles."

I furrowed my brows, "Whatever works, then so be it. Don't just hand him things he's not worthy of though."

Baymun nodded then asked, "Is there anything else you request?"

I walked over to the table again and sat down demurely, "No intimacy between us. As you know, I can't have kids so it would be pointless to carry out any unnecessary intimate interactions."

Baymun's violet eyes were deep and foreboding, "Unnecessary? If it's so unnecessary I do wonder about your lack of hesitation regarding the somewhat intimate interaction with Sir Toval last night? Was that necessary?"

Scoffing I waved my hand, "That's not intimate - It was a harmless peck on the forehead between friends. However . . . Upon reflection I do suppose it would seem unwise to interact in such a way as a married woman, so if we were to wed I won't act carelessly. Is that better?"

Baymun tapped his finger on the table and after a few minutes he responded, "Noted. I do have a counter request."

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I nodded for him to proceed.

"As a show of our shared interest in future change and loyalty between King and Queen, I propose that neither of us have any sort of romantic relationship outside of our own. Bodach law already stipulates that a woman who is maritally disloyal will immediately be executed along with her family, and since there's no such law mandating the husband remain loyal, I recommend that you come up with something equally punishable without means of death. Our subjects would never willingly allow the Queen to execute the King."

Ugh, of course they wouldn't. Such a male thing.

Narrowing my eyes in suspicion I asked, "Why bring this up at all then? Wouldn't it be easier for you to have access to any woman you want so you can produce heirs and what-not?"

Baymun raised an eyebrow, "Do you honestly want to be Queen to a man who sleeps with other women? How well do you think this will reflect on the Empire when we are trying to show that women are more than just breeding machines?"

I pursed my lips while tapping my chin, "True . . . But that seems like an awful lot to go through just to prove something to your subjects. Besides, don't you want little demon-princes to raise?"

Baymun gave a low chuckle, "Demon-princes? Your colorful imagery of my imagined offspring is admirable, but I hate to disappoint - I have no inclination to raise heirs. My brothers can successfully produce as many children as they see fit; My duty relies only on seeing this Empire into a new era of change."

I still wasn't quite buying it - He was a MAN after all.

"So you're saying you want to marry me, remain celibate till your dying days, and not have children all for the sake of your kingdom? Are you sure you can handle that?"

Baymun gave a look of steel resolution, "I have ample levels of self-restraint. This will not be an issue . . . If you are so concerned, perhaps you're questioning your own ability to maintain celibacy?"

I outwardly rolled my eyes this time, "Oh believe me, this won't be an issue. Alright! If you think you're so 'able' I'll take you up on that offer . . . If you're unfaithful I retain the right as Queen to leave the Empire with my honor intact along with a sufficient amount of money to support me for the rest of my days. Also, I would personally be allowed to oversee you being castrated." I gave him a smug look, curious to see what his reaction would be, "Is that suitable?"

Baymun didn't flinch as he nodded his agreement, "Perfectly reasonable. Anything else?"

Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't help but wonder if this guy was in any way serious. Perhaps he was lying about all of this but he was so resolute it was hard to tell.

Pondering if I had anymore thoughts on the matter, I added, "Well, I would rather not wear dresses all the time. It's quite bothersome since I've gotten used to wearing pants."

He nodded his head in understanding, "I don't see any harm in it. You'd be allowed to wear what you wish so long as you dress formally for necessary events."

Was this guy always so accommodating?

Raising my hands exasperatedly, I asked, "Are there any stipulations you request? I can't help but wonder if you are getting anything out of this deal?"

Baymun gave a tiny smile, "What I would ask is that you treat me with a level of respect. If we were husband and wife, I would treat you as my equal and I would ask that you do the same. Among that, I'm in need of someone other than Kovin to make sure assassination attempts don't succeed . . . I'm well aware that you are one of the most outspoken persons who wish me dead, therefore this would be your greatest challenge. In the event that I do die from anything other than natural causes, it will be stipulated that you will be executed thereafter. I need to make sure you won't needlessly allow harm to befall me . . . That includes non-lethal means as well."