
Ch. 87: Feeling Trapped

So I'd have to keep him safe? "Non-lethal . . . Like poisoning and such?"

Baymun nodded, "Correct."

I sighed. Honestly this wasn't a horrible trade-off but it does mean I can't get out of it with an 'accidental' oops-my-husband-died sort of thing.

Sighing once more, I sat back in my chair as I mulled it over. There was no way I could get a better offer than this . . . And honestly he could've amped up his side more since he knew I'd do practically anything to keep Richie safe.

Biting my lip, I asked the dreaded questions, "So how's this going to play out? Are we writing this up or something? When would the wedding take place? Also, is there anything else I need to be aware of?"

Baymun gave an annoying look of satisfaction, "I can have two documents written up immediately detailing all of the stipulations for us to sign, with each retaining a copy. The wedding would be held in two months time - Since we're cutting it so close to the deadline I'd need your answer right away along with another stipulation that in the event if you cancel or run, the army would hunt you and your family down for dishonoring the contract. This would also remain effective after the wedding . . . I can't very well go through all this trouble just to have you abandon your position."

I ground my teeth in frustration, "You think I'd dishonor a deal?"

Baymun gave me a bored look, "I don't have the pleasure of knowing your personal morals . . . Perhaps in the future I'll become familiar with them."

Grunting in annoyance, I couldn't say I blamed him. If I was cutting it close to a deadline, I'd make sure the other party wouldn't hightail it at the last moment. Still . . . The whole thing kind of felt like a trap.

"How do I know this isn't all just an elaborate scheme?" I asked suspiciously.

Baymun gave me a tired look, "And what exactly would I be scheming?"

Hesitantly I replied, "I'm not quite sure . . . But this whole thing is odd."

He just pursed his lips, "Well I hope you understand that I need an answer . . . I do happen to have a few more things to handle today."

Baymun gestured for Kovin to come over while I was stuck deciding on what to do. Before Kovin got within earshot, I made up my mind, "Alright. I accept. But don't think I won't still hate you . . . Afterall, you're the reason I'm here in the first place."

The demon looked over at me, something indiscernible glinting in those devilish eyes, "I know."

Baymun then turned his attention to Kovin who had just made his way over, "Kovin, please have Richie removed from the dungeons and escorted to his new quarters. At dinner tonight, make sure his new title of Royal Advisor is made known."

Kovin gave a quick look at me with a knowing smile, "Understood m'lord."

Did Kovin already know what the demon had planned? Did he know I accepted already? Perhaps he did and that's why he's smiling.

Shaking my head in disappointment, I looked away toward the gardens as Baymun continued his orders, "Also, please bring Lord Illander and his daughter forward so I might alleviate their concerns."

Kovin bowed his head and left. Baymun turned to me once more, "Do you have anything else planned for this morning?"

I looked up biting my lip while thinking, "Not that I'm aware. I WAS supposed to be doing morning drills with the soldiers . . . I guess now it'd be pointless since they're probably done and I'm no longer the Champion, right?"

Baymun nodded his head showing I was correct, "Well, you're more than welcome to remain and learn about handling a delicate political upset. A future Queen needs all the practice she can get." Although taken aback by his offer, I readily accepted. Heaven knows I didn't want to miss out on seeing how he'd get Richie out of this mess.

Kovin shortly returned with Illander and Charlotte in tow. The impatient Lord bowed low asking, "Has m'lord decided on a proper punishment for the insolent scoundrel?"

Insolent scoundrel? Gritting my teeth, it was all I could do not to jump up and slap this man across the face. I remained calm however and decided to let Baymun do his thing; The man knew how to handle nobles a lot better than I did . . . Right?

Baymun gave a look of boredom, "Scoundrel you say? You're aware that Sir Richie is a newly appointed part of my royal advising committee, are you not Lord Illander? Since they're of equal status it would be advisable not to have a Royal Advisor of Bodach and the Lady Charlotte's intimate affairs displayed so publicly within our Empire . . . Our current laws do dictate that a foreign woman shouldn't be allowing any man of station into her chambers."

Ah . . . Now I see why Baymun promoted Richie. The guy's good. Even if the laws are stupid, he's using them to his advantage.

Lord Illander's face turned beet-red, "Your Highness I beg you reconsider! That man forced himself on my daughter! Her virtue's been taken! Surely it's not unjust to demand satisfaction?"

Baymun gave a look of contemplation and after a few minutes he spoke, "Indeed. An accusation so appalling should receive due compensation. I propose that we have our physician examine the young Lady Charlotte to determine how much force was used . . . If it proves that her damages are severe, then the worst punishment will be doled out. If, however, her damages are minor then a less painful punishment will be recommended." Baymun waved his hand for emphasis, "We'd give an eye-for-an-eye; The damage inflicted will be the damage received."

Lord Illander seemed to ponder it over as I glanced at Charlotte. Her wide-eyes and flushed cheeks were a dead give-away to her guilt. I looked over at Baymun who wore the same expression as I did - This chic wasn't a virgin. There wouldn't be any 'damage' to inspect.

Before Lord Illander could give his response, Charlotte tugged at his sleeve saying lowly, "Papa, I don't want to be checked out by a physician -"

Lord Illander gave her a pitying look, "Sweetie I know it's embarrassing but a physician is trained to do that type of thing. It will be painless, I promise. They'll just check to see how badly everything is to determine what type of death that horrid beast deserves . . . I promise it'll be worth it."

Lady Charlotte's face turned pale and she looked down wearily, meanwhile her father looked up to Baymun, "I suppose checking her out won't hurt . . . But I demand that death be the end result. The level of severity should determine how much torture he will be placed under."

Baymun seemed to mull it over before nodding, "Understood. However, in the event that it's shown Lady Charlotte's virginity wasn't taken away last night, the ending result won't be death, rather severity will determine a proper pun-"

Lord Illander cut in angrily, "Of COURSE he took her virginity! My little girl is pure - Why else would I offer her hand to you at the banquet? Your little 'advisor' took advantage of her in a weakened state - He sweet-talked her and raped her! If I hadn't intervened, she might be pregnant with his bastard -"

"Enough." Baymun's icy cold glare could turn a person to stone.

Charlotte took this opportunity to ease up to her father again, letting out a small pleading voice, "Papa maybe we should let this go? We're upsetting the Crown Prince and if I hadn't been so heartbroken last night after the Prince's rejection, perhaps none of this would've happened."

Wow. Laying it on thick, huh? She had the audacity to inadvertently blame the demon for her troubles . . . Girl's got a death wish. I should know.

Baymun's cold glare turned to the girl, "Pardon me Lady Charlotte, but I don't believe my refusal last night could equate to hopping in bed with a random man."

Lord Illander was about to spout a list of rageous grievances, yet a look from Baymun silenced him in a flash. Surprisingly though the little Charlotte had something to say, "Random man? He's your friend . . . Is this why you wish to protect him?"

Baymun gave a bored look, "Friend? He's no friend of mine. I won't tolerate rape within my kingdom no matter who it is . . . Are you suggesting that I am being leniente? If so, I assure you that I am not merciful against liars - If Sir Richie indeed is lying and you didn't accept him willingly, he'll be grievously punished."

The look in Baymun's eyes told what would be in store for her if he found out she was lying instead . . . Claiming rape and virginity in the place of neither would not bode well for her.

Baymun looked up at Lord Illander, "Now - I'm willing to have the physician examine the Lady. Will you or will you not accept?"

Lord Illander simmered down enough to mutter, "Aye, we will," just as Charlotte tugged on her father's sleeve once more saying lowly, "I don't think we should Papa."

Lord Illander looked down at his daughter in confusion asking, "Why not?"

Charlotte looked up at her father guilty, effectively causing comprehension to cloud the Lord's features.

After a few minutes of heated silence, the Lord grit his teeth and bowed to Baymun, "I apologize for troubling you, your Highness. If you'd please keep this matter under wraps, so to speak, we'll be heading back home first thing in the morning." To save face he added, "We just don't wish to inconvenience you any further . . . You're a busy man after all. I hope our alliances won't be affected by this small matter of misunderstanding?"

Baymun tapped a finger on the table, looking up at the Lord coolly, "The thought never entered my mind. Good day Lord Illander."