Day #5 [Vomit inside a space suit?!]

When we get up at around 8 am I hear a small beeping sound coming from the tablet near Abbie and see that it is showing the results of the ship scans that have been running all night. We got very lucky again today and found a good sized asteroid that has a bit of everything. Seeing this I decide to alter the repair schedule so that we can try to get the miner out of the hangar bay. Once all of us (other than George) get outside the ship we make our way over to the hangar bay from outside. The first thing that I see is that the main hangar door on the port side is missing so we can't do anything about pressurizing it. I have to say that we are lucky though because it appears as though the miner is not damaged in the slightest. After getting into the hangar we find that while we did lose some tool boxes we still have most of them and the hangar is mostly intact. After doing some cleaning and sorting so we can put stuff away and not lose any more tools or other supplies we check out the miner. We see that it does have some damage as the o2 tank is not functional anymore and the power system will need some repairs (as it can only hold about 60% of max capacity) but the rest of the ship is in good condition. I tell Abbie to take the miner out to collect ores so we can finish the ships repairs. I also asked that she get some extra just in case we have more problems later on. Me and Arrica start doing the little bit of work that we can on the rest of the hangar so we can seal it up as much as possible. As soon as we finish work I have Arrica start checking the 1st refinery so I can go to the 2nd. After inspections are done on both of those we go to check the assemblers and find that while they are still functional but they are only able to hold about 60% of their maximum capacity without leaking or exploding. Just as we finish inspecting the production equipment Abbie gets back with a load of ores from the asteroid. While I was thinking that it was a quick trip, even though it did take almost 5 hours, as soon as she gets the miner docked she starts off for the engineering bay as fast as she can. I figure she just needs to use the restroom and her suit is probably full and since she is heading in that direction where it is safer I just have Arrica go with her in case it is something worse. I go to check the miner and find 1kg of ice, 5kg of iron, 10kg stone, and 0.5kg of uranium. This is enough ore to allow us to seal the rest of the ship, gain another week of power, and refill our meager o2 supply while also gaining enough h2 to allow us to move closer to the asteroid once we have flight systems back online. After finding this inside the miner I decide it is more important to get more o2 first so I go ahead and move the ice to the o2/h2 generator directly. Next I move the iron to the 2 refineries and split it between them evenly so they each have 2kg of ore and get them started. While they are doing their job I set the cargo system to move 50% of the finished ingots into a cargo container nearby so that the assemblers don't get overloaded and start leaking. I also set the assemblers to start working as soon as they get some supplies so that we can start sealing the rest of the ship. Once I finish this bit of work I head back to the engineering section so that I can find out what is happening. As soon as I get inside I hear Abbie yelling at George and Arrica is between them trying to keep them from fighting. I can already tell that it has something to do with George and his pranks again since he has been know to pull them every so often on Arrica and myself as well. After a few quick questions I manage to figure out that he had forgotten about the one he setup in the miner and caused Abbie to vomit inside of her helmet so to get her to clam down I make the 2 of them trade helmets. This is of course partly a punishment for George but also needed since we don't have a good glass cleaner available at the moment and Abbie needs to be able to see as good as possible while piloting the miner or working on the outside of the ship. Shortly after we eat dinner while going over the plans for the next day before going to sleep.


(Damage report)

Main hull breach

Cockpit integrity 5% (leak detected)

[cockpit pressure 0%]

Hangar integrity 5% (door missing) (leak detected)

[hangar pressure 0%]

Production integrity 20% (leak detected)

[production pressure 0%]

Medical integrity 5% (leak detected)

[medical pressure 0%]

Cryo integrity 5% (leak detected)

[cryo pressure 0%]

Airlock 1 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 1 pressure 0%]

Airlock 2 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 2 pressure 0%]

Airlock 3 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 3 pressure 0%]

Engineering integrity 98% (unknown item detected)

[engineering pressure 95% and stable]

Engine Status

Main ION engines not responding (not enough power)

Maneuvering ION engines 40% (dependent on power level)

Main Hydrogen engines not responding (no fuel available)

Maneuvering Hydrogen engines not responding (no fuel available)

Gyroscopes OK (hot-dog roll / passive ship cooling mode)

Jump Drive 10% remaining power (jump not possible at this time)

Power Status

Main power 2.75% and stable (approximately 4wks remaining) (requires nuclear fuel)

Auxiliary power 39.75% and stable (port solar array lost / starboard solar array damaged)

Backup power 39.75% and falling (no external fuel available)

Emergency power not responding (battery status unknown)

Vapor Gas Status

Total o2 capacity (? remaining / currently refilling tanks)

Total h2 capacity (? remaining please seek ship yard help)

o2 tank 1 0% not responding (removed)

o2 tank 2 0% not responding (removed)

o2 tank 3 30% and climbing (damage detected) (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 tank 4 70% and climbing (damage detected) (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 tank 5 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 tank 6 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 1 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 2 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 3 leaking (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 farm 4 leaking (starboard solar array damaged)

o2/h2 generator online (leak detected) (reduced capacity)

h2 tank 1 1% (leak detected)

h2 tank 2 1% (leak detected)

Sensor/Data System Status

Main sensor array not responding (unknown status)

Auxiliary sensor array damaged (max range 50m)

Backup sensor array offline (unknown status)

Emergency sensor array offline (unknown status)

Main computer array 90% capacity (running systems check)

Auxiliary computer array 10% capacity (low power mode active)

Backup computer array 10% capacity (low power mode active)

Emergency computer array 10% capacity (low power mode active)

Production System Status

Refinery 1 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (online)

Refinery 2 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (online)

Assembler 1 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (standby mode)

Assembler 2 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (standby mode)

Recycler damaged (low power)

Other Systems Status

Weapons offline (damage detected)

Welding drone (unknown)

Recycling drone (unknown)

Relay drone 1 (unknown)

Relay drone 2 (online)

Scout drone 1 (unknown)

Scout drone 2 (unknown)

Combat drone (offline)

Mining ship (98% integrity) (o2 tank damaged)

Asteroid anchor (online)

Cargo system (online)