Day #6 [The ships floor plan......]

We wake up at around 8 am today and start eating breakfast while looking over the damage report from last night to see how much we have done lately. While the ship is still in horrible condition and almost everybody would just scrap it at this point, we don't have that option. I decide to start working on sealing the rest of the ship little by little working our way from the engineering section forward so that we can stay as close to the only area that has pressure just in case. The nearest area is just a stairway that goes from the roof mounted airlock (airlock 3) near the landing pad/ore drop point on the roof down past the main passenger cryo bay on the upper deck (deck 1) then past the galley and lounge (deck 2) and continues down to the lower deck walkway (deck 3) just outside of the main engineering door. This lower walkway goes straight from the engineering bay to the hangar near the forward half of the ship. If you go from the galley and lounge you get into the crew quarters and from the passenger cryo bay to the medical bay then the crew cryo bay. Past the crew quarters is the upper hangar area (more of a catwalk than anything). If you are going from the crew cryo bay forward you go through the production bay which connects to the 4 outer drone docks on the sides of the ship just ahead of the solar arrays on both sides (these are replaceable by expanded cryo trays). just as you get past all of this you get to the 4 inner drone docks (secondary hangar) and the asteroid anchor array. Just past this is the drone control room (deck 1) and the sensor bay (houses both main and auxiliary sensor arrays). Between the main hangar and secondary hangar there is a 2nd stairway along with 2 more airlocks (on the sides of the ship) that are connected to the main station docks. The main control room/cockpit is at the front of the ship on the upper deck (deck 1). Looking at the damage of the ship it almost looks as though we were hit broadside by a fleet of gauss cannons using depleted uranium bullets on a screen door. Once we leave the engineering section and get supplies from the production area, (this takes another hour to get through the forward crew cryo bay door) we start sealing up the rear stairway and work our way along the lower walkway to the hangar so we can have a much larger area that has pressure to work in. The biggest reason I want to add pressure here is that 20% of the power and data cables run through the ceiling of this section. If we can repair these then we can restore 40% of the power and data systems in the entire ship (even if it is all just low power mode to prevent burning out the cables). The rest of the day goes by without any added issues so it is mostly boring other than the fact that I find some left over iron ore in a storage container and move it to one of the refineries in the production bay. We manage to finish the repairs to this rear stairway and get most of the repairs to the lower walkway done by 8 pm but it took longer than expected to get the doors to the other areas closed up so we could add pressure to this area when we finished. Once we finally get the rear stairway pressurized we start building some simple airlocks at each doorway so we can travel from one area to the other without losing all of our air. By midnight we manage to get the lower walkway done up with an airlock as well as the galley and lounge area. As usual I make sure that everyone eats before bed so we have the energy to work the next day.


(Damage report)

Main hull breach

Cockpit integrity 5% (leak detected)

[cockpit pressure 0%]

Hangar integrity 10% (door missing) (leak detected)

[hangar pressure 0%]

Production integrity 30% (leak detected)

[production pressure 0%]

Medical integrity 7% (leak detected)

[medical pressure 0%]

Cryo integrity 7% (leak detected)

[cryo pressure 0%]

Airlock 1 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 1 pressure 0%]

Airlock 2 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 2 pressure 0%]

Airlock 3 integrity 20% (leak detected)

[airlock 3 pressure 0%]

Engineering integrity 98% (unknown item detected)

[engineering pressure 95% and stable]

Engine Status

Main ION engines not responding (not enough power)

Maneuvering ION engines 39.75% (dependent on power level)

Main Hydrogen engines not responding (no fuel available)

Maneuvering Hydrogen engines not responding (no fuel available)

Gyroscopes OK (hot-dog roll / passive ship cooling mode)

Jump Drive 10% remaining power (jump not possible at this time)

Power Status

Main power 2.8% and rising (approximately ?wks remaining) (requires nuclear fuel)

Auxiliary power 39.75% and stable (port solar array lost / starboard solar array damaged)

Backup power 39.75% and stable (standby mode) (no external fuel available)

Emergency power not responding (battery status unknown)

Vapor Gas Status

Total o2 capacity (? remaining / currently refilling tanks)

Total h2 capacity (? remaining please seek ship yard help)

o2 tank 1 0% not responding (removed)

o2 tank 2 0% not responding (removed)

o2 tank 3 50% and climbing (damage detected) (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 tank 4 90% and climbing (damage detected) (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 tank 5 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 tank 6 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 1 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 2 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 3 leaking (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 farm 4 leaking (starboard solar array damaged)

o2/h2 generator online (leak detected) (reduced capacity)

h2 tank 1 2% (leak detected)

h2 tank 2 2% (leak detected)

Sensor/Data System Status

Main sensor array not responding (unknown status)

Auxiliary sensor array damaged (max range 50m)

Backup sensor array offline (unknown status)

Emergency sensor array offline (unknown status)

Main computer array 90% capacity (running systems check)

Auxiliary computer array 10% capacity (low power mode active)

Backup computer array 10% capacity (low power mode active)

Emergency computer array 10% capacity (low power mode active)

Production System Status

Refinery 1 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (online)

Refinery 2 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (online)

Assembler 1 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (active)

Assembler 2 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (active)

Recycler damaged (low power)

Other Systems Status

Weapons offline (damage detected)

Welding drone (unknown)

Recycling drone (unknown)

Relay drone 1 (unknown)

Relay drone 2 (online)

Scout drone 1 (unknown)

Scout drone 2 (unknown)

Combat drone (offline)

Mining ship (98% integrity) (50% o2 capacity)

Asteroid anchor (online)

Cargo system (online)