>>>Day 0: Point of origin

>>>Day 0: Point of origin

Class-C Shuttle // Ebikko >AUTOLOG

Autologger; LINDA V.2.0, Krass ind. Crew logger // Mental Evaluation enabled

[...] = Autologger switched off momentarily


>CREW : 1


Sol 1 Dec 31, 1969 @ 6:00pm[...] "I decided to just cruise, in to the big empty, the blackness. Mathematically; chance to find myself anywhere habitable is non existent, I know. But space's a wonder. If I am to join my specie in death, I'd rather have my sight-see first. I just woke up afterall. Besides , I have this.. Linda the Autologger. She will record my journey, my thought. It's a shame that I cannot talk to her though." "Linda, enlarge your scope a bit, describe the interior." Ebikko [Class C Shuttle] is a small sized tube shaped civilian shuttle equipped with Cryogenic module. In front stood a cockpit cluttered with monitors displaying various numbers, coordinates, subsystem routines. A packet of decades old noodle, a pair of biodegraded chopsticks dissolved halfway into the stale soup, making blue, oozing, disgusting liquid. "...I should have flushed these out before I slept. Millennials later, the alien will find out how filthy human is." From the cockpit is a straight hallway that is about one meter in width, equ

>Nerve synchronization successful

"Hello." said Drifter, subject shown subtle sign of curiosity.

"Are you writing this down, Linda?"

"Oh.. okay. Remarkable precision." He sighed, heart rate slightly increased.

"These details aren't needed. Try to be more poetic..." He smiled. "Describe what's outside."

The . Planet J'ranet, third from the sun. Former home of billions, now a charred and thoroughly scorched by the phenomenal heat wave that occurred on it's fifth star cycle.

"I woke up to this. Almost unbelievable... Surreal."

He ran his finger through his stubble as he stared out of the port window. Concerned, in denial perhaps.

"It's not affecting me, though." "I've been asleep - isolated in here for decades. The world isn't mine anymore."


"I decided to just cruise, in to the big empty, the blackness. Mathematically; chance to find myself anywhere habitable is non existent, I know. But space's a wonder. If I am to join my specie in death, I'd rather have my sight-see first. I just woke up afterall. Besides , I have this.. Linda the Autologger. She will record my journey, my thought. It's a shame that I cannot talk to her though."

"Linda, enlarge your scope a bit, describe the interior."

Ebikko [Class C Shuttle] is a small sized tube shaped civilian shuttle equipped with Cryogenic module. In front stood a cockpit cluttered with monitors displaying various numbers, coordinates, subsystem routines. A packet of decades old noodle, a pair of biodegraded chopsticks dissolved halfway into the stale soup, making blue, oozing, disgusting liquid.

"...I should have flushed these out before I slept. Millennials later, the alien will find out how filthy human is."

From the cockpit is a straight hallway that is about one meter in width, equipped with all kind of living essentials such as bed, refrigerator, storage cabinet, small hatch that leads nowhere, toilet, and lastly, airlock. The layout is designed to be efficient, economic, not resilient but fully capable at outlasting it's user lifespan.

Ge turned the ignition key, the control panel unlocked for him, the vibrant ember orange monitor color schemes turned to bisque yellow scrawled with text and codes. He crunched hiss knuckle and pulled the lever.

The acceleration took place, slightly pulled him into the seat, the engine hummed energetically as the shuttle spiral toward the endless perihelion, leaving the dead planet behind. He was, admittedly excited of the journey that lies ahead, exploration, wonders, the unimaginable, it's like living the childhood dream. And for a moment he completely forgotten about his people demise /