>>>Day 1: 871 KM from point of origin.

Its a great start. The acceleration is pretty standard. I've reached 104mps in just 30 sec. The idle fuel time for one uranium is 2 hours but with some optimization it goes up to 7hours. I reduced the gravity field down to the hall way size, and turn off my comm array until I want to scan. Didnt start mining or scavving yet but I may need to find ice vein soon because the o2 generator continously eating ice. Also I cant sleep in bed with my helmet off because I'll suffocate for some reason :(

I might left the ship cruising while i do other things but I'm so afraid that

It'll crash into asteroid even in normal density. D: (autosave is on)

Current Skybox: Dead Planet, No Sun, Radiation Clouds

1782 KM from point of origin.

Its very dark outside, There is no sun, just a morbid blackhole

emitting feint light.. cant see what ahead. I want to get out

of this system the sooner the better.