>>>Day20 87,946KM from point of origin

"The cubs and the lions are snoring,

Wrapped in a big snuggly heap.

How is it you can do all this other great ♥♥♥♥

But you can't lie the ♥♥♥♥ down and sleep?"

I can't sleep. There's nothing to worry about now, I got weeks worth of fuel, Two more says worth of air. But I am still restless. So I start scanning to find something to ease my boredom. I detected a enormous structure on first scan. only 7 kilometre ahead...

It's an extremely large station. Black, gloomy and there's antenna sticking out everywhere. I readied my air tank, did some stretch, Docked and began my exploration. I found the Main control terminal in the first room, so booted up the system and checked the station inventory. There's were plenty of supply here but most of them were stored in an isolated container somewhere. The ownership is locked, I have to find it by myself and hack it.

The display over the front gate was dark; no buttons or other controls were visible. The doors to the elevator had been welded shut. Puzzled, I ran my finger along the strange seam, then shrugged. I turned and walked over to the grey door next to it, pushing against it. It gave with a small click and sighed open to reveal a stairwell, an orange railing running along the edge of the stairs. I flicked on my helmet light and bent over the edge of the railing; My light tunneled downwards into a spiral of receding stairs. I couldn't see the bottom. Pushing away from the rail, I began my descent, the boots kicking up small clouds of dust.

The stairs switched back twice before I came to the first landing. Unlabeled barrels and crates had been stacked haphazardly next to a metal door. The words Physical Plant had been stenciled on the door in white letters. I tried the handle, but the door was locked. I continued my descent.

I stood in a corridor that ran the length of the building. Dozens of gurneys lined both walls, leaving only a narrow aisle between. Across from me was a nurses' station; to my left was the dead elevator, its door also welded shut. At the far end of the hallway a tattered sheet had been tacked up across a floor-to-ceiling window. The pane had been smashed out of the window, and brilliant slashes of light spilled through rips in the material, darting across the walls and floor each time the sheet snapped in the wind. The place I still hauntingly dark even with all the lights on, I hacked the nearby panel and crank the light intensity and radius all the way to maximum. The container is on the lowest, deepest floor. Guarded by two interior turrets. I disabled the security so it would be any problem.

There were thousands of medical components. I have no need for them but its a great source of Nickel and Silver.