>>>Day21 94,586KM from point of origin

I found that the further I am from the point of origin, The more time dilates. I move significantly slower in my ship and the ship move slower in top speed. I have noticed this change at around 50,000km, But at the ninety, the dilation is so strong, my body feels heavy and the ship is slowed down to crawl.

Theres an update in ship schematics database. I can now build proper Cryopod is now. So I took this opportunity to scrap the old (broken) two stories bunkbed that suffocates me. I spent about two hours to plan and build a new cryo room on the left portside. Due to abundance of resource, I installed three pods total just in case I meet another living human (Or any sapience, at this point I am not picky). I also put in another co pilot seat in the cockpit.

I'm thinking about installing some solar panel and oxygen farm for infinite life support, But I just couldnt get myself to do it. Theres two reasons. First is, Both would look fugly and bulky outside. Second reason is It would takes forever to weld one solar panel. What do I expect? I am an Isolated procasinator with all the time in the universe..