>>>Day30 182,002KM from point of origin

Made it to Precursors space in one piece. Tougher to find than expected. Didn't help that the debris belt made my scanner useless. I'm still getting a feel for this place but it looks that way. Even though things are developing slower than expected, there has been progress. The yellow giant lit up ember colored nebula, made it easier to spot asteroids. There are several scorched desert planets in this system, with an enormous manufactorum ruin in sight. There were a large self sufficient colony established here, but from the look of it everything were destroyed by the radiation of a dying star. The process isn't instant, so I suspect this system has been abandoned for thousands of years. My scanner also detected many evacuation vessel derelicts that didnt make it. This universe has expanded to the point where many worlds dies left and right and there are those who is sharing the same fate as I, Not sure if It's comforting or depressing.

There were still active screamer relays scattered in the sector, sending a looping message:

"No Man's Land 1443J: Precursors Sector. [SolarHazard] [Expunged] [Population: 0] The incident on Lo was an unfortunate turn of events. solar flare has obliterated most of the terrain and atmosphere. The planet Lo surface is hazardous: DO NOT LAND"

Data has shown that the sector and it's planets has been purged nearly a thousand years ago.