>>>Day31-32 195,507KM from point of origin

I have finally been able to translate the data I've downloaded from the Precursor's Screamer. It was launched from some kind of exploration vessel called the DSEV Journeyman. Telemetry data indicates the Journeyman came from outside the galaxy more than three thousand years ago. It was using an experimental Hyperspace drive of immense power. I am not clear on this next section, but the visual data seems to be showing that the exploration picked up some sort of life-form in Hyperspace. The organism identified as Xabran. Parasitic life form that can subvert and manipulate both technological and biological systems. The explorer realized almost immediately the nature of the creature and it's potential for destruction if it was let loose. They tried to trap it aboard their own ship by destroying the engine and communication equipment. For all I know, The original creature is still out there somewhere. Trapped in DSEV Journeyman.

Unfortunately, the sacrifice of the explorers was undermined by their own skill as ship design. As the drives was scuttled, the ship activated a distress call that automatically ejected a beacon pod. A pod that contained a tiny portion of Xabran.

"The devourer does not kill us when it tries to take our ship, It leaves us in place, but corrupts our being. We die, but we are not dead. We would be trapped, slaves within our bodies, eternally."

Fate of the Precursors Space

Situational Report 89342

Xabran infected pod has been recovered by Praenuntius C-Flagship. Realizing the value of this undiscovered alien artifact, the Fleet command ordered Praenuntius to study the artifact on-ship. When the science team was studying the artifact in the Tel Sector, an unknown entity inside the beacon awoke and began to spread throughout the ship. This infection caused unusal readings in the power systems, which were detected by the ship's bridge crew. Upon contacting the science team, the sounds of screams could be heard, and the team leader begged command to "Scuttle" It wasn't long before Xabran the seized control of the flight deck, subverting in much the same way that it subverts and uses non-organic technology. Video feed at this point becomes slightly distorted, but from what is gathered and estimated by fleet intelligence, The ship hull quickly wraps personals in it's grasp at an incredibly fast speed, audio of the crews gagging and grunting as if being stabbed can be heard through the video. Sounds of bursting organs and crunching bones can also be heard in the background. The ship continues to functions with full capability, but without life signs on it.

Two recovery cruiser was sent to recover Praenuntius and it's databank, but both was subverted entirely. Praenuntius Powered up it's engine and set it's course for Lo. Knowing that it would survive planetfall and potentially seize the entire planet. The fact that It's primary goal is to infect the capital planet in the sector means that it is not a simple viral creature. It understands our data banks and technology.

[Telemetry Record 07:08:54] U.N.S.E Vana

"We received a distress call from one of our Flagship that had been missing for days. Our recovery cruiser and escorts went to their aid and radioed that they had the Flagship in visual range. That was the last we heard from them"


End of Report

The low orbit of Lo is equipped with high yield particle cannon to deals with invader. It works every time, punching a hole in enemy fleet, striking fear. It could vaporize a space colony, punch a hole in the planet, kill the star.. but today is different. The sector security can deal with an unending fleet of invader, prevail against weapons of mass destruction. All enemies know fear, they knows when to retreat. but a 25 million tonnes hunk of metal at full speed, aiming for planet fall do not. They're dealing with something they don't understand.

The homeworld security is on full alert. Admiral Lars Jenker is standing on the bridge, seeing only the complete darkness outside the thick glass. He worked his ruler and his compass. He inferred. He deduced. He is scared.

"The Praenuntius is entering ten percent accuracy range, Admiral" said the Tactical Officer, Lars can feel the fear and unease in her.

"Counter it with fleet weaponry sir?"

"Launch the bombers and anything not larger than the corvette. We cannot risk another capital ship getting subverted." Lars firmly gave out order, The chain of command work as good as ever, The line of defense is assembled in mere minute and is launched in order to destroy it at any cost. Praenuntius swiftly uses countermeasure and evasive maneuver in very unusual fast speed, evading most torpedoes launched by the bomber The few that hit the hull does little to no damage as the creature flesh that covers the flagship quickly heal itself. Shortly after defense forces first wave of attack, The Praenuntius Flagship unleashes swarm after swarms of subverted interceptors that is faster and nearly invulnerable against the fleet. Seeing that the kinetic weaponry has no chance against the monstrosity, Admiral Lars ordered the remaining squadrons to retreat and called in the alternative.

Several ion cannon frigates jump in around the Praenuntius and immediately begin to pummel its hulls with high power ion beams. However, the Praenuntius newly evolved weapons are more than enough to dispose of the frigates and they are destroyed and subverted before they can even escape.

"The Praenuntius is entering fifty percent accuracy range"

"Retreat and hold the line at the orbit."

"The Praenuntius is entering sixty percent accuracy range"

"seventy percent"

The bridge can now see the Praenuntius twisted hull at the distance with their own eyes.

"eighty percent"

"Divert all power to particle cannon"

"ninety percent, Particle cannon is now ready at 120% efficiency, sir"

"The Praenuntius is entering one hundred percent accuracy range"


The huge cannon barrel lit up, firing a beam of blue light, brighter than a tail of a comet. Every monitor display distorted and all communications were temporarily cut off. The Praenuntius broke into pieces, the heated infected hull emit bright amber color. Scattering in the distance, like a jar of fireflies.

Eighty six personal stood up and applause. The whistle and cheering is heard. But Lars just stood there motionless on the command platform, squinting at bright yellow debris ahead. Suddenly a high pitch shriek is heard from the Comm channel. The voice was a mixture of human and some kind of abominable life form, growling angrily. The cheering become silence.

"The debries has scattered into million pieces, but it's still heading straight toward Lo !!"

"When can be fire again?"

"five minutes, But not before the debris hit us... and the planet."

Everyone's heart was pounding.

"Every military and non military ship, Everything that is armed. Form a blockade near the equator, We have three minutes. Defend the atmosphere with your life"

Knowing that the last command is in vain, there is no way ten thousand ships could stop millions of debris from entering the atmosphere at full speed. Lars sigh, lit up his cigar reserve and drag once, The once cheery bridge is now almost silent, faint sobbing could be heard. Many officers pull out their comm link, calling home. Maybe a farewell, maybe an apology.

The blockade obviously stands no chance. Some were destroyed and some were subverted into one of them, and all of them heads to the surface. The bridge crew could do nothing but listen to the screams of the habitant as the entity infected and consumed them. This sector has fallen. and potentially, the entire galaxy. Lars grunted. He cannot say he has understood all of this. Possibly he's more confused now than ever. But all these moments he's contemplated — something has occurred. The moments feel substantial in his mind, like stones.

"The orbital platform is now infected, sir. Crew deck is gone.."

"Aim for the sun."

"What?... Please confirm" Lars could see his calmest officer losing her cool.

"We cannot allow the creature to leave this sector. Aim for the sun..."

"But it would turn into super nova, burning everything in the sector!"

"The sector is lost, officer!"

"Roger that"

The cannon lined up for another ignition and fire the beam brighter than ever. Highly condensed particle traveling at light speed reaches the sun in mere seconds. On that moment hung eternity. Time stood still. Space contracted to a pinpoint. The sun lit up twice as bright and distorts. Emitting waves after waves of radiation. This star is dying...

she felt the sadness beneath; she let her breath fall softly, like a sigh, like ashes floating gently on the wind. She couldn't understand why he chose to flirt so closely with the death of the world.

Someone near her said: "It worked."

Someone else said: "Now we are all sons of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥."

Atmosphere burns and its deserts turn to glass.