>>>Day33 202,640KM from point of origin

I feel sick.. I don't feel like writing anything today. Not even scanning for derelicts. So I left my ship drifts. I forgot to turn off the thrusters and the dampener for three minutes which cause most of my fuels to be wasted. So It's another unwanted mining session for me. How can one be so lazy when there's nothing in his life to distract him? Is it the state of mind the keeps me from being productive? I've got loads of questions piling up in my head while I sitting in the dark...

"How do you stay drifting for so long? Got any tips for fuel consumption?"

balancing your hydrogen scoops or mass distribution, but the answer's a lot simpler than you'd expect. The answer is … it's, well, you just need to know where you're going I guess. Sorry, that doesn't make much sense … what you should do is …

"I'm real sorry, Pate, I can't seem to concentrate today."

EBIKKO AUTOMATIC MEDICAL RECORD: has been malnourished for three days. Over the past week, a severe food shortage has hit Ebikko. spend more of his day patiently waiting for ration replicator, but end up receiving less food. The malfunctions in food processor has been notified but no action was taken.