The Heavenly Tea

Stormwind bowed to Shi Xiaofei, and asked for his permission, "My lord, my armor will explode if I don't go. I'll be back in a minute. "

…wait, what?

Shi Xiaofei in his entire life had never heard of such a ridiculous excuse before. Plus, do cultivators need to crap?

Shi Xiaofei suddenly felt tense; did Stormwind notice something strange with his behavior?! Oh no, what's he going to do?!

But after thinking about it, he realized that Stormwind was a rather rash and angry type of 'person'. If he found out that another person was trying to masquerade as his revered lord, he'd instantly try to kill him. Shi Xiaofei could deduce that much from being with him for a few hours. Other than that, he wouldn't have asked for permission if he suspected something!

Shi Xiaofei said nothing, but waved his hands at Stormwind, who nodded and within the blink of an eye, disappeared.

The girl had a shocked expression on her face.

Where did he go?! Wasn't he just there a while ago?!

Miss Lin began to think that these two weren't some simple cultivators. Being an insignificant mortal didn't mean she was an idiot — she had seen cultivators before, they weren't that fast or 'bloodthirsty' like Stormwind.

However, the person that truly mystified her was Shi Xiaofei. From the beginning till now, she had kept watch on him, but didn't see him expose any of his abilities…

To her, Shi Xiaofei was a man hidden in dark clouds. She was a mortal, and held prejudice against cultivators who disdained normal folk, but he was unlike any other cultivator she had seen before, and didn't put on airs.

Lin's pearly blue eyes gleamed with interest as she watched Shi Xiaofei calmly look at empty space, where Stormwind was standing before he disappeared.

Shi Xiaofei's entire body had a heroic and refined aura. Through his thick silver armor, she could see his well-defined shoulders and...

She soon turned embarrassed as she turned away and tried to distract herself. Unlike other young ladies of the city, Miss Lin was a rather sheltered woman. She rarely had contact with men, except for a few that she grew up with.

It didn't help either that he was flawlessly charming…but she didn't pay attention to that.

"Miss Lin, I never had your full name, " Shi Xiaofei walked towards her and smirked.

"A-ah, about that, I'm sorry. I tend to be very forgetful, esteemed cultivator… I am Lin Liuxian, only daughter of the Lin Clan patriarch. It's my honor to meet esteemed cultivator!"

Lin Liuxian lightly bowed and expressed a slight smile. Shi Xiaofei on the other hand, didn't show much interest and nodded.

"My name is Shi Xiaofei, I'm a traveling cultivator, " and with this one sentence, he finished his introduction and without talking further, sat on the bench in front of the window fitted on the stall's kitchen.

Innerly, Lin Liuxian was frustrated with his conduct. She didn't know why, but his arrogant attitude combined with his nonchalance irked her. Furthermore, she from the start believed that Shi Xiaofei belonged to a powerful family, otherwise how would he have such a powerful retainer?

Her respect for him started to decay, because from the start, she despised people who were arrogant solely because of their background…

Silently, she sat down in front of Shi Xiaofei and concentrated on him. She wanted to know which family he came from…but it impossible to know that just from staring at his face.

"Miss Lin, I hope this isn't something too personal, but I'm interested in your family; especially you, " Shi Xiaofei inhaled and looked at her with keen interest.

A faint blush of embarrassment spread across Lin Liuxian's delicate face as she weakly whimpered in surprise. However, her expression immediately turned stern as she said, "Esteemed cultivator, I'm not interested…however, if it's just questions, I can answer them to a certain extent."

Disdain began to fill her mind as she began to think of Shi Xiaofei as just another lecher. Despite being easily embarrassed and shy, she wasn't as innocent or easy.

Noticing the changing expressions on Lin Liuxian's face, he replied, "Don't misunderstand, Miss Lin. I'm not interested in you. I'm more interested in learning why you were being bothered by those two men. "

Once again, Lin Liuxian was startled as she realized he saw through her. She stuttered but failed to say anything.

"You see, I was and still am always interested in mortal affairs; yours is no exception. "

In lands far, far away; within a field filled with vivacious and fragrant shrubs, stood a two-meter tall mountain of armor. The bright sunlight bounced off its bloody armor.

Despite it being night in Nightsong, it was daylight here, which signified that it was somewhere far away from it.

A light scowl left the armored man's helmet as he crouched and focused on the tenacious shrubs. Every shrub was located a feet away from the other shrubs, and were tenaciously growing — even though the field was cracked and lacked any type of fertilizer.

Judging by the delicate and glass-like leaves of the shrubs, all of them were tree plants. But these weren't any ordinary tea plants…

"Finally, a good batch of Northern Minor Leaves! " Stormwind uttered under his breath as he opened a crack in space above his body.

The crack widened to the size of a fist before he put his hand inside and pulled out a green jade box. Moments later, the crack closed automatically.

Stormwind aimed his gauntlet one by one at each shrub and opened his other palm. He didn't even need to move as the tea leaves shattered like glass and flew inside the jade box.

Before anyone could see him, Stormwind ripped open another crack in space and disappeared inside…

Inside a small hut, a man wearing a brown and dirtied robe was preparing tea.

The floating orb above his working station was lightly tapped by him. In return, the orb started to shine even more brighter. With a dreadful expression, he took a handful of dried tea leaves, but just then, a rift opened in the hut.

Out of a dark crack in the air, a two-meter tall armored man came out. To not hit the lowered ceiling, he slightly bent his neck.

The owner acted like he saw a murdered and immediately began begging with a pale expression, "Sir cultivator, spare me! I did nothing! "

It wasn't his fault…the owner did recognize the two-meter tall man from before when he turned two guys into bloody mist! He'd be an idiot to not immediately fall to his knees!

"Calm down, fool. I won't kill you, but you have to do me a favor. Get out and tell my lord that your assistant is handling the tea. A few minutes later, come back in inside. If you mess up, your nineteen generations will disappear from this world! "

The owner fell to his knees and kowtowed to Stormwind. Then, he wiped away his sweat and left the hut. However, he didn't manage to notice the intense bloodlust coming out from Stormwind before he left…

The red eyes housed within the helmet shone like orbs. He said in a slight whisper as he started to prepare the tea ceremony, "Wretched fool! How dare he try to prepare dogshit in the name of tea? "

"I-I was the fiancée of the Fei Clan patriarch's only son… I grew up with him and loved him, yet he abandoned me a few weeks ago for another girl. That's why he sent his men after me. He wants both of us at the same time… "

At the end of her small rant, she shook her head and flashed a bright smile towards Shi Xiaofei.

"It doesn't matter; it was fate and was bound to happen, esteemed cultivator… "

Shi Xiaofei looked at her with eyes of interest. Yet his mind drifted to something else as he began to think about who created these worlds…and why they eerily resemble novels he read on earth.

A man who easily wooed two women, and from what he could see, had a bunch of men at his beck and call. He resembled a small-time villain the main character would face at chapter number ten…

Right from the beginning, he'd thought of the world as some novel written by a deity. And he was a man equal to that deity. It didn't take him much to realize he might be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. If he was one, it meant that he wouldn't have to train or actually, do anything at all.

If that was the case, wasn't he free to do anything he wants? No one is capable enough to hinder him, after all…

Shi Xiaofei stared at the girl in front of him, and suddenly shook his head. No, that wasn't what he meant. He wasn't a horny teenager when he died, and had control over his behavior.

The entire world was for his taking — that's what he meant. Shi Xiaofei was an intensely ambitious man; so what if he failed in fulfilling his ambition in his previous life? He'd succeed in this one!

Once such a thought began sprouting in his soul, he felt a strange presence inside his own body. He tried to focus on it but failed as it disappeared only a few moments later.

Nevertheless, he focused on the conversation in front of him.

"I thought women of this city were liberal, hm? Don't they usually accept their husbands taking in mistresses? " Shi Xiaofei feigned ignorance and asked. Weren't women in Eastern fantasy typically a lot more liberal in terms of relationships?

"No, that's beneath me, esteemed cultivator. My husband having another wife or a mistress is something I'd prefer death over."

"Oh hey, our tea has arrived. "

The owner of the stall interrupted their conversation and entered with two cups of, strangely, blue tea.

"Esteemed cultivator, the tea served in the market is low-quality… are you sure you want to drink? "

Lin Liuxian tried one last time to change Shi Xiaofei's decision, but failed as he shook his head. She sighed and took a cup, and was astonished when she discovered the intoxicating fragrance emitting from it.

The owner had a heady expression on his face as he regretfully handed the last cup of tea to Shi Xiaofei. He didn't drink even a drop of the tea, but the simple steam coming out of it took him to heaven.

"Owner, what type of tea leaves did you use to make these…mm, it's so fragrant, " Lin Liuxian said as the wind carried the steam to her face.

Strangely, she felt weirdly comfortable as she closed her eyes and felt like all of her worries were gone. And she hadn't even drank the tea yet!

Shi Xiaofei on the other hand, showed no abnormal effect and was instead retching at the smell of the tea. It was too disgusting! Was it tea or camel shit?

Nonetheless, he closed his eyes and downed the entire cup of tea in one gulp. The stream of burning hot tea slid down his stomach and disappeared — after that, nothing happened.

The moonlight shone beautifully on the two, as Shi Xiaofei suddenly uttered, "Miss Lin, let's go back to the mansion. "

"Master cultivator, here are your clothes. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to call us, " a small group of maidservants handed Shi Xiaofei a black robe and bowed in respect.

When they stood up, they didn't forget glare at him in reverence and awe. Of course, they heard about the event that happened in the market, thus they didn't dare to stare too much and ran away after a while.

"Foolish women, when will they learn?! I, Commander Stormwind, have never seen my lord show interest in women — how do they think they have the chance to catch his eye?! "

At the back of the room, Stormwind growled proudly. The most annoying thing about him was that he didn't move even an inch as he stood by the window and guarded it.

Shi Xiaofei tried to open his armor and undress but suddenly felt exposed since… he didn't know how to open his armor. And it was, to say the least, uncomfortable wearing an armor all the time.

Maybe it was…uh, a magical armor that was bound to his soul. Will it open if he commands it?

Within his mind, Shi Xiaofei willed his armor to open. But nothing happened.

Disappointed, he opened his eyes and was surprised when the armor draped on his body disappeared. His well-defined muscles and lean legs appeared in his vision as he said, "Not bad."

Although, the size of the okra hanging from his nether regions shocked him. Other than that, he didn't find anything abnormal about his body.

Stormwind stoically glanced at his body, and returned his gaze to the window. Which Shi Xiaofei was grateful for, as he didn't want a…two-meter tall guy to stare at his ding-dong for more than a nanosecond.

Shi Xiaofei took the black robe and quickly draped it on his body. Once he was finished, Stormwind asked, "My lord, do we sleep or… "

"Nope, we won't sleep — I have things to do. Storm, why don't we visit that Tower Of Eternity that lass was talking about? " Shi Xiaofei asked as he slowly turned towards Stormwind.

"That place isn't worthy of your visit, my lord. I must decline. "

Shi Xiaofei shook his head, "There's something…weird I sense in that tower. We should visit. "

Deep within the city lord's mansion was a well-decorated room filled with regal furnishing and beautiful colors. Within that room, a girl dressed in a nightgown was sitting on the bed in a lotus posture.

Her delicate face brimmed with vitality and zest as she breathed heavily. Her youthful chest rose up and down as the spiritual qi in the atmosphere washed over her like a tsunami.

Within moments, she was floating above the bed.