Shattering The Heavens (1)

[AU Note: Don't worry if the mc feels a bit underpowered in this chapter. He'll turn overpowered in the next two chaps.]


Above the bed, Lin Liuxian floated like a feather in tempestuous winds. Her silver nightgown's laces started to fly as wind started to gush out from her body.

Her milky legs were revealed as she began to feel an abnormal energy in her abdomen. She nonetheless, didn't know how to harness it.

She tried to draw out the energy, and was pleasantly surprised when it exited her body and turned into a gush of wind.

Lin Liuxian's eyes fluttered as she regained her consciousness. She slowly descended to her bed, before whispering, "This…this is impossible. This can't be happening, I don't have a spiritual root! How…how can I feel Spiritual Qi?! "

Her mind slowly went back to the tea she had in the market. That tea…a simple sip from that tea sent her straight to heaven! Right from then, she began to feel strange presences in the air.

A strange excitement washed over her dainty face as she stood up and draped on a thick robe. She burst out of her room and went straight towards her father's room.

"Father, father!! "

Hearing his daughter's cries, the elderly city lord woke up from his sleep and opened the door. He asked grumpily, "What happened, Xue'er? "

"Father, father, look, look…! I can sense Qi! I-I can sense it! "

Tears slid down her face as she happily cried out. Her father was shocked at first and immediately scanned her from her head to toe.

"Xue'er, don't play with a man half a step into the grave! Are you saying the truth?! "

"Ye-yes, father, look! "

A heavy torrent of wind came into the room as she aimed her palm at the window. She whimpered as another blast of wind invaded the room and threw off some of the items on the desks.

The elderly man's face paled as he stared at his daughter. However, it didn't take him much time to cope with the shock as he excitedly fell to his knees.

"F-father, what are you doing?"

"To the deities in heaven, this old fool had lost his mind! My faith had been destroyed, but you instead rewarded me! Oh, thank you, thank you! I can never forget this!! "

Her father's red eyes bothered Lin Liuxian as she crouched and tried to get him up, "Father, don't cry! This isn't something to be crying over! I-I can cultivate! The Lin Clan won't have to suffer anymore! "

The man wiped away his tears, "Y-you're right, Xue'er. The heavens hasn't forgotten about our Lin Clan! I-I no longer have to worry about our future…"

"Father…you don't have to worry about me anymore. I am a cultivator now…I-I am a cultivator… "

A stern light flashed in her eyes as she turned around.

"Xue'er, but how? How is this possible? Weren't you born without a spiritual root? "

"I'm sorry father, but I don't know. I woke up in the middle of the night like this… " She strangely shook her head.

The elderly man noticed it, but didn't say anything. But the happiness brimming in his body was almost overwhelming, "This is a very joyous matter, should I inform the elders, Xue'er? "

"No, father. Keep this a secret for now, at least until the Fei Clan sends a marriage proposal… "

"Daughter…are you still sure about that matter? " A tinge of hesitation floated on his face.

"I am…sure. It was another matter a few days ago, but I can handle him myself now…he can't force me into marriage anymore! "

The hesitation disappeared from his face as he nodded, and sighed. "That boy…he'll regret it. "

Lin Liuxian tried to silently walk out, but suddenly asked her father, "Dad, can you give me some of your guards? I saw a tea stall owner mix poison in his tea, I want to arrest him. "

Not noticing anything abnormal, the city lord nodded. His emotions were clouded by the joy he felt.

Lin Liuxian briskly walked to the exit of the mansion, and left for the market. She didn't take any guards and went alone in the ever-so-busy bazaar.


Stormwind moved back and forth in the room as he tried his best to hinder his lord through talking.

"My lord, there can't be anything there! This is the mortal realm, you won't find even a worm here. " He glanced at his lord and was surprised when he saw him shook his head. "It'll just be a waste of our time, my lord. "

Shi Xiaofei slowly walked over to the only window in the room and slid away the blinds. He turned back with a dignified expression and said, "Do you find accompanying me a waste of time? Fool. "

Stormwind was shook, and immediately fell to the floor and started kowtowing.

"I deserve a chop to my neck, my lord! Slay this worthless wretch, I don't deserve the honor of serving you! " He bashed his head on the floor and repeatedly trembled. The fiery light in his eyes were long extinguished and replaced by a pair of frightened blue eyes.

Stormwind knew his death was carved in stone. After all, he'd offended his lord — even if Shi Xiaofei doesn't execute him, his superiors back at the Dead Nether will make curry out of his body.

Shi Xiaofei on the other hand, started to feel annoyed by Stormwind. No matter what he's doing, he'd come and block his path. But he couldn't shoo him away either because doing so might make him feel suspicious…

Shi Xiaofei coldly uttered under his breath, "If you dare talk back again, I'll send you back to where you came from. Understand? "

"Y-yes, I understand my lord. I'll open a rift to that tower straight-away, you don't have to bother with the window! "

Stormwind jumped up and put his hands on his chest and sighed. He didn't dare wait and instead ripped open a crack in space.

Shi Xiaofei sternly stared at the armored man and watched him fidget. He waited for a few seconds, before asking due to his cautiousness, "That rift leads to the Tower Of Eternity, yes? "

"Y-yeah, my lord! "

Shi Xiaofei subconsciously felt dread, but ignored it and put his hand inside the pitch black rift. Once he felt that his arm was still working he walked inside.

Near Nightsong was a small forest. The boundaries of the city had walls securing it, but the forest grew on and even inside the walls. The entire forest was flat, except for a few rocky plains; however in the center of the forest was an unusual sight — a mountain.

The mountain had caves, and a few banners filled with insignias and writings. From what could be seen, the forestry around it was all cut down.

The dead silence of the night was broken when above such one banner, the space started to crack and form a circular rift. Beyond the opening was nothing but darkness, but if one's eyes were sharp enough, small bolts of lightning could be seen.

The rift started to crackle as a two-meter tall mountain of armor dashed out with unexpected agility. Once he landed on the ground, he began to scan the surrounding for threats with keen eyes.

A white robed youth similar exited the rift, and the rift closed. He elegantly landed on the ground and said, "Storm, you don't have to worry. There's nothing here that can threaten me. "

It would've sounded utterly arrogant if those words came from someone else's mouth, but when his lord said it, Stormwind felt it as natural.

"You are injured my lord, I'm afraid those at the Divine Realm have already come to know about it — what if they do another ambush? " He said as he uprooted a massive banner from the ground. He took a look at it and sneered. "Territory of the Thousand Sects…peh! Worms lusting after toad meat[¹]. "

…what a comedian.

Shi Xiaofei couldn't understand what he meant by Divine Realm, he didn't understand either when he talked about the Immortal Realm but he guessed they were different planes or something. Even though he didn't understand which one was ranked higher, he understood that the Mortal Realm was the lowest ranked one.

Shi Xiaofei had to urgently learn about the world, otherwise his…façade will be blown apart.

He shook his head and focused on the matter at hand. He looked at the banners and suddenly didn't recognize the writings on them.

Wait a second…this isn't Chinese…

Shi Xiaofei couldn't recognize the language, but weirdly enough, he could understand them. It felt very weird.

Written on the banners were: 'Territory of the Thousand Sects — Assemble at the Apex, Shattering the Heaven!"

"How arrogant, " Shi Xiaofei sneered.

"Burn them all, Storm. Their arrogance surprises me. "

As soon as the words left his mouth, Stormwind nodded and stomped his foot on the ground — his foot was so heavy that the floor began to shake.

A wave of blue flames emerged from his foot and swarmed the banners and instantly turned them into ash.

Shi Xiaofei smirked and relocated his eyes to the mountain. There, he saw a tower bathing in the light of the moon.

The tower had no windows, it only had an entrance. Vines and different types of plants and grown on its white body, but the mess couldn't hide its beauty.

"Enter the tower, my lord. I shall secure the tower and prevent anyone from entering! "

Shi Xiaofei took a breath of relief. Finally, he could get some peace!

Stormwind ripped open another rift, which transported him in front of the tower.

Shi Xiaofei seeing the tower was shook due to its size. From afar, it wasn't as noticeable — but the tower was so big that it shot straight through the clouds.

He didn't know what to do, so he blindly put his hand on the entrance gate and tried to open it.

"Oops, looks like I was too forceful… "

Shi Xiaofei had a confused expression on his face as he looked at the broken gate. He shrugged and threw it beneath the mountain, and once it fell, it made an earth-shaking sound.

Now that the tower lacked an entrance, or at least a gate, it was open for him to freely enter. Shi Xiaofei went inside and was greeted by a wide linear hallway.

Shi Xiaofei's mind blanked as he thought about how big the tower was from the outside. The hall, as far as he could see, stretched over two hundred meters while the tower didn't look that big from the outside.

With no candles or any light sources, Shi Xiaofei was left alone in the dark. He'd actually be in total darkness if the gate behind him wasn't removed. At least he could see.

He walked, and walked, but nothing happened. Soon enough, a staircase revealed itself.

Shi Xiaofei rolled his eyes, and started to go up. Along the way, he saw a few runes and ancient writings float on the air — he didn't know what they were but assumed they were light sources because they glowed.

After two minutes of dashing and frantic walking, he approached a small room at the end of the staircase. A red barrier was blocking the entrance, but he walked straight inside because it didn't, or well, couldn't hinder his entry.

As soon as Shi Xiaofei entered the room, he felt his soul shake as the scenery changed from an empty room into an empty space.

Shi Xiaofei cautiously scanned his surroundings, but was almost blinded when the color of the space changed to gold.

Gold, gold and gold — as far as he could see, the color gold filled his vision. It was as if a miniature sun was throwing its rays at him!

A few moments later, Shi Xiaofei's eyes regained their focus as he looked around and tried to figure out where he was.

The golden space, as if it could hear his mind, suddenly started to dazzle brightly as a flame burst in its center. When the flame disintegrated a second later, it was replaced by a red and yellow paper.

Shock spread throughout his eyes as he dashed towards the paper. He couldn't forget; he'd never forget — he recognized the appointment letter at a single glance.

As if the letter suddenly gained consciousness, it flew away from his grasp. Shi Xiaofei was frustrated, but felt innerly elated to see something from his previous life.

To Shi Xiaofei, his work was his pride. Be it a thousand years, or a million years; he'd never forget the amount of fighting he had to do to be successful.

However, something within his brain told him all of this was a bit suspicious. He was alerted even more when suddenly, a torch appeared in his hands.

Shi Xiaofei backed down and connected the scenario he was facing with the many novels he had read. The golden space, the tower, one of the things that he valued the most, and a torch that he knew he could use to burn it with…doesn't it sound too much like a test of one's willpower?

Shi Xiaofei shook his head and said, "I know what to do… all of this is fake, right? "

He closed his eyes and in a matter of moments, torched the letter.

A chilling scream sounded soon throughout the space as he began to gnash his teeth together.

A voice whispered to his ears, "Brother Shi, why?! Why are you burning down your own company?! "

The voice was familiar…too familiar in fact, but he feigned ignorance and began walking forward.

It's just an illusion.

"Brother Shi, you're disgusting! How dare you do this?! "

"Shi Xiaofei, I hope you rot in hell! "

"What a faker. I always knew he was a fraud. "

"I never thought he was so cold-blooded. "

Shi Xiaofei's will began to fade, but his legs didn't falter. Soon enough, the voices disappeared and left a soulless Shi Xiaofei behind…

He inhaled and exhaled as he tried to calm himself down, but unfortunately couldn't. His mind was injured; the scathing remarks the voices left in his head hurt.

Like a mindless zombie, he wandered through the golden space as figures cloaked in gold appeared and hindered his path.

A blade appeared in his hand.

"Shi'gege, I tried my best; I'm sorry I…wasn't enough. I was a bad wife, I am unworthy… "

"N-no, it can't be…!"


1|A play on the phrase: "Toad lusting after swan meat. "