A special examination

As today's exam was different from the previous ones, in order to keep it a secret, Yue tingfeng had no idea where he would be taking the exam.

When he arrived, he found out that the examination hall was actually the school's auditorium.

This was really unexpected. The school's auditorium was usually not open to the public. It would only be opened during the opening ceremony, to send off the third-year graduates, or for the school's anniversary and more important award ceremonies.

Today, his grade-skipping exam was actually set up at this place. How much attention did they pay to him?

Yue tingfeng sighed in his heart. No matter how calm he was, he could not remain calm when he saw this place.

Mr. Wu saw the surprise on Yue tingfeng's face and said,""You must be surprised too. I only found out ten minutes ago that the examination venue was chosen here."

After learning about it, teacher Wu quarreled with the president. Wasn't this a bit of bullying?