Young and frivolous!

Yue tingfeng shook his head."If you don't know how to, it doesn't matter how much time we have. Let's just leave it at that."

All the teachers were thinking,"young and frivolous, young and frivolous. When you see the questions, you will regret that the time was too short."

"How about this?" the principal said."It's still 90 minutes per session. If you finish it, you can hand in your paper in advance, and then we'll move on to the next exam."

"Sure," Yue tingfeng nodded.

He took a look at the time. There was still a long time before nineo' clock. They had arrived early, about the same time as their usual class time.

"Why don't we start earlier?" he said impatiently. Don't waste everyone's time, I still want to go home for lunch. "

When he said this, everyone felt that he was really crazy. They all thought,"When you see the test papers, you won't say that the time is too short.

"You ... You don't even need to prepare?" the principal asked.