Congratulations, Mr. You, for having your beloved son.

What a joke. The final exam this time would affect the reputation of the high school affiliated to foreign languages in the city.

The principal was waiting for Yue tingfeng to place first in the league tournament so that he could bring glory to the school and to himself.

Fighting was a small matter now. The most important thing was to make sure Yue tingfeng did well in his exams.

At this point, the principal could not help but recall that MA chaojie had caused trouble for Yue tingfeng in the morning and did not allow him to do well in the exam. The thought of it made the principal angry!

Don't you think he deserved it? He deserved to see it.

If you don't study hard and want to copy other people's answers during exams, that's fine. But during exams, how many students don't want to copy good answers?

The point is, can you not delay others from doing the questions when you are copying?

Every minute you waste, you might end up being the first in the city.