Maybe my son was bullied.

Lu Xiangdong was a little overwhelmed by the unexpected favor. You Yi had personally invited him.

"Of course, of course, I'll definitely go ..." He hurriedly said.

"Let's go in. "

"Alright!" Lu Xiangdong took a step back."After you."

You Yi smiled and said nothing, walking in front of Lu Xiangdong.

No matter how tactful the principal was on the phone, you Yi knew that Yue tingfeng and Lu xiuche had hit someone together, and it was not a light one at that. Now, the other party's parents were here, and they were making a scene, insisting on punishing the two children and not letting them drop out of school.

You Yi laughed when he heard that. This was fun. He stayed at home and took care of his wife during her confinement period. He did not have to work, and he was really free every day.

Hence, she came over happily and did not even tell Yue tingfeng's mother about it.