Beginning From Scratches

Rahul, an ordinary college going boy living in Mumbai with a butler and a chef, was not at all serious about his future. He went to St. Stephen's college to pursue Engineering in Extra Terrestrial Communication Systems. He happens to be the only child to his parents, so he was quite pampered a lot. His father, Ashok Mittal, is one of the big business tycoons in India and his mother, Jaya Mittal, is one of the greatest forensic experts in Mumbai, but Rahul lives separate from them.

Although Rahul was not the only child to his parents, he had a twin brother named Rohit, but Rohit was 13 minutes elder than Rahul. Both Rohit and Rahul were reflexively connected, but their natures were drastically different and opposite. Rahul was an average in studies but was strong enough and Rohit excelled in studies but was a bit weak. Both the brothers were raised well without the lack of anything. They were also identical so it was difficult for anyone to tell them apart, that why Rohit got scolded every time for Rahul's mischiefs, and Rahul got praised for Rohit's performances. Sometimes Rohit got beaten up instead of Rahul and Rahul received trophies instead of Rohit.

It was not long when Rohit accidentally died, but what Rahul had a feeling was that it was a murder and not any accident. The local police wrapped up the case saying that it was an accident. Rahul was determined to seek justice over his brother's death, but didn't knew where to start from, so slowly he returned to his daily life.

Like any of us, Rahul also hated to go to college. Although being well brought up, he was an average guy, but one fine day something happened in his life that changed him and his life totally.

As usual Rahul was returning home after his lectures with his best friends, Yash Thaapar and Aditi Sharma. Rahul's house was the farthest from the college. It takes 25 minutes from Aditi's house which was still 30 minutes away from their college. By the time Rahul reaches home it gets time for his dinner, but on that very day his attention was drawn by a brilliant flash which slowly covered the whole sky and turned the night into day. It was a broken spacecraft which crashed near Rahul's house. Rahul slipped into the forest following the trail of the craft. He finally reached an area which was still on fire and he can't go through that huge wall of flames, so he came back to his house with an intention of again checking the area in the morning.

At the house, his butler had a panicked look because Rahul got way later than expected. Any way he had his dinner, did some daily tasks which he got from the college and slept. In the morning he the first thing he did after freshening up was picking up the car and going to examine the crash site. There he finally got up to the spacecraft but was unable to get in the spacecraft as it was locked.

Although he was able to see a humanoid figure lying motionless at the pilot's seat, there were no way in. He thought that maybe he could go in through a window, he started smashing one with the hammer, fortunately after an hour of almost continuous smash on the glass panel, it finally broke down making a way for Rahul. He went carefully in the craft, and found a female body as explained above, but he couldn't pull the thing away from the seat. Somehow, he managed to get the thing away from the seat but in the process, he accidentally activated the craft's intruder defense system, due to which a carbon fiber rope grabbed him by leg and pulled him away.

Now struggling to get free, he dropped on a glass container braking it down, and landing on the floor with a loud thud. His falling on floor caused the pink colored glowing orb to fall on him, with a horrified look he kept the stone away and returned to the cockpit. Now that he is in the craft how could he get out, then only he saw a door sort of thing, he tried to open, at last the door opened after few minutes of struggling. Somehow Rahul managed to drag the body out of the spacecraft. He was very astonished to learn that the vitals of the thing were fading, without wasting any time he kept the body in his car and drove back to his home as fast as possible.

The butler was worried to see such thing, but Rahul handled the situation very easily. He laid the body on a bed in one of the bedrooms in the house. Then he got the suit off the thing. For god's sake there was a spare cardiogram and a spare defibrillator kept in the store room of the house. Rahul took both of them and connected the cardiogram to read the things vitals, while he was charging the defibrillator. After few tries the thing was resurrected to life, but still it was fainted, so Rahul left it to rest.

Meanwhile a robber, Carlos, after robbing the jewelry shop ran into the same forest and encountered the crashed spacecraft. He entered it to get away from the sight of the cops and suddenly he got attracted towards a mysterious glow coming from the inner section of the craft. He found that the glow was coming from the orb as he was about to pick it up he was interrupted by a daring cop, Abhimanyu, who followed him stealthily, and instantly they involved in a fight. During their fight they just forgot about the orb, which gave out a pulse due to which they both went crashing to the walls. The pulse was so intense that it was felt across half of the city. In the process a girl named Maya is also hit by the pulse and knocked off.

Maya happens to be an emerging actress; whose ambition is to work with one of the super stars in the film industry. She was born in a middle-class family and knew what the troubles are been faced by her family. Abhimanyu was just a normal cop, but an honest one working for crime branch in Mumbai Police department. He had trained as a para military personnel.