The Awakening

Now coming back to Rahul, his discovery finally woke up after a day. Rahul was excited about this, he went to it but was surprised when it started throwing things at Rahul. Rahul very smartly dodged them and tried to comfort the thing, at last it got calmed down and then it tried to say something, but the problem was it speaking some alien language which Rahul could not understand. Suddenly the thing kissed Rahul and then it was communicating in English. It asked apology for the sudden kiss and explained that she was also a human like Rahul, but the difference is that when she was 16 years old she was abducted by aliens. She explained her parents used to call her Jennifer. She explained when she was abducted, the aliens injected something into her body which caused her to speak their language but it could be reversed when she would actively kiss someone. She said that injection of some fluid also allowed her to behave like them, but they used her body for experiments like making her impregnated with a child with both human and alien genes or injecting some animal genes in her ovaries to produce cross breeds.

During the first year she was treated like a test subject after that she was given the duty in hangar bay of the mothership. She was named C003J65, working as a hangar staff she gained confidence of the commander of the ship. The commander gave her a task to transport the highly powerful energy source, which was that orb, to another galaxy. In the way her spacecraft was attacked by another spacecraft in which was an Inter Galactic bounty hunter, Cronos, sent on a mission to get the orb. Jennifer explained that somehow, she managed to get rid of Cronos by luring him into the asteroid belt, but in the process her spacecraft got hit by a big asteroid and she lost control of it, causing the craft to deviate from the path and come down on Earth.

Now that she was on Earth once again, she asked Rahul not to call her Jennifer but instead call her Jane. Rahul was startled but he agreed. Anyhow Rahul came back to his normal routine once again.

Meanwhile back there in the forest both Carlos and Abhimanyu were lying unconscious. Carlos was the first to wake up, and he fled away although being badly bruised and he was limping in pain. Abhimanyu woke up after 10 minutes and was dizzy and confused about what just happened to them. Maya was lying unconscious on the street but she woke up in a hospital.

It was just another fine day, when Rahul started to feel uneasy, he wanted to go out in fresh air, so he climbed up to the rooftop of his college. He didn't notice that Aditi was closely following him. That was the moment when Rahul's super powers started manifesting. Suddenly Rahul's attention was drawn towards a helicopter which was dangling dangerously high in the sky, and also dropping down rapidly. He wasn't sure what to do but was feeling a little bit tingling sensation in his spine. At that very moment the tail rotor of the helicopter came straight towards Aditi. All of a sudden, he ran towards her with a lightning speed, just to save her from the blades by just split of a second. Aditi was stunned and Rahul was confused by the incident. Now Aditi purposely shoved Rahul off the building to confirm that Rahul has some cool powers but instead Rahul was floating in the air. Then Aditi said go save them they need you. Soon Rahul buzzed off and hold the helicopter from down. Because he didn't know his powers it becoming difficult for him to hold on, and hence he fell down with the helicopter on him.

Rahul was lying there fainted, but only for a brief period of time. He woke up and tried to lift the helicopter, which he did quite easily, this incident made Rahul sure that he has gained some powers. No sooner he was confronted by Carlos who was clad in an exoskeleton of rocks, who just performed a robbery in the bank nearby. Finding a place to hide Rahul plunged into a clothing store and bought a mask to hide his face. Then he ran towards Carlos to beat him up but instead got beaten up. Aditi knew this could happen that's why she came there immediately after Rahul left. She picked him up and took him to a lonely place in her car. When Rahul was normal again she said him to go back to his place and try to find some answers.

Meanwhile Abhimanyu who was in the office making reports on a recent case, got frustrated and in frustration he punched the wall, the matter of fact was that the area where he hit got cracked and a hole was created. Seeing this he got more confused and suddenly whole of his body was engulfed by flames, seeing this other people were horrified. In the same time Maya was rehearsing her role, and the scene was where she needs to be in an angry state, this caused everything around her to vibrate uncontrollably. Then before fainting she screamed, which caused every glass object to either crack or shatter into pieces.

Coming back to Rahul, who now came back home, worried, tensed and horrified, is confronted by Jane, who is more than happy to see him home. She asked him about his day. In reply Rahul explained her what all had happened and he nearly escaped death two times. Hearing this all Jane was also wondering how this could happen. Then she asked him that the time he saved her from the craft, did he come across a pink colored glowing orb. Rahul said yes, not only came across but it touched me too. Jane replied that is the reason, you have been gifted these powers by the orb, then she remembered why Cronos was sent after her, it was not to kill her but to retrieve that orb. She said now you have powers it is your responsibility to keep this secret. Rahul learnt how to control his powers and soon he was fighting some local criminals very effectively.

One day while fighting some local gang he got helped by Maya, who was wearing a black costume. Before he could ask something, Maya fled away. Another day while chasing a team of robbers he crashed into Abhimanyu, who was surrounded by flames. For some time, they both didn't showed up again in Rahul's life, but they weren't for a long time. Carlos, who now called himself Boulder was wrecking the city. Someone had to stop him, by the time Rahul created a nice suit for his super powered alter ego. He reached to the Boulder and hit him hard. In the same time Abhimanyu and Maya also showed up. Rahul confused who was an ally and who was not, so he asked out for a clarification, and got an answer that both were here to fight Boulder. Abhimanyu said they could call him Dark Flame, Maya introduced herself as Crystal, then Rahul said they could call him Quantum King. Together they defeated Boulder and left him for the cops. That was the moment when their friendship started as super heroes who would go to any extents to safeguard the city. Rahul took them to meet Jane, who was relieved to know that Rahul was not alone.

Few days passed on like this, now Jane was getting romantically attracted towards Rahul, which she was not noticing lately. One fine day she was just upset, seeing this Rahul got desperate and asked what the matter was. She replied, "Cronos attacked me once, but I escaped. I am sure he would attack me again". On this Rahul replied, "Then he doesn't know that I am with you to protect you, to help you". Then Jane said, "I don't know what he would do, but I don't want to lose you, you can't understand what's going on with me, I don't know if you feel the same way, as I am feeling now". Rahul took it lightly but was sure that someday or the other Cronos is going to show up here.