Hawk's On Prowl

On the island of Keihatsu, barely translated from Japanese meaning Enlightenment, Pratik, adopted son of Rahul's uncle, was just found alive. You all must be thinking that what in the world Pratik, who hails from Bangalore, is doing on a remote Japanese island. Well for your information, Pratik is originally from the town of Ludhiana. Pratik was an orphan. Like I mentioned earlier Rahul's uncle, Mr. Mahendra Gulati adopted Pratik at the age of 5. Pratik grew up to become the heir of the business company owned by his father. One fine day Pratik accompanied his father on one of his business trips to Japan. They started their journey from Australia. When their plane was passing the Sumatran Island, a missile knocked it off the course and the crashed in middle of the sea. Luckily there was an emergency life raft just ready at the bottom of the plane. Both Pratik and his father survived the crash but unfortunately there was sufficient food and water for only one person, so Pratik's father shot himself after instructing Pratik to protect his family.

This incident is almost 6 years old. Pratik's raft further floated to the island of Keihatsu, where he was stranded alone for almost a year, then realized that he was not alone on the island along with a stranger, who is expert in archery. Although Pratik learned few techniques in archery, yet he has to perfect the art. Some terrorist group started showing up on the island in search of this archer guy. Turns out that this guy was formerly associated with the army of Japan. There was an anti-aircraft ballistic missile system situated on the north side of the island and this archer guy knew the code of that system, and those terrorists wanted that access code. It was not long when they both were taken captive. The archer guy introduced himself as General Lynn. In their captivity Lynn asked Pratik that if he was not successful in getting out of captivity then meet his daughter and ask her to forgive him. Somehow Pratik was able to get out of the prison but Lynn stayed behind. While trying to escape the island Pratik was captured again by some international agency and they tortured him until he gave them the location of the vessel where he was first held captive. Turns out that those terrorists were trying to acquire an ancient relic which held some magical powers.

Only Pratik knew how to defeat them so he was trained by the agency's strongest fighters. There only he perfected his combative skills along with mastering the art of archery. He was then sent to Hong Kong to eliminate the threat of mass annihilation by the means of a genetically modified bacteria which would cause tuberculosis to everyone but not those who have taken its antidote. The gang was planning to release the bacteria into the air but their plan never succeeded thanks to Pratik releasing the antidote in the drinking water. This gained him confidence and soon he went again on the island of Keihatsu to stop those terrorists. In the process he liberated many more prisoners on that vessel. One of them was a Russian and a member of the brotherhood called Bratva. The Russian introduced himself as Vladimir Nabokov, and asked Pratik for a favor, he asked Pratik to come to Russia someday but not to enjoy vacation instead there's a man called Constantine Couvar, who is a big threat to Russian people. Pratik was rather amazed than being confused, that some random guy has asked his help.

Anyway, as his promise he went to Russia and met Vlad, who introduced Pratik to his brotherhood. There he learned that taking out Couvar would be a great challenge as he is heavily guarded and is going to run for president. On his first attempt on taking out Couvar he ran into a trap and was being held captive. Luckily, he was rescued by a girl named Talia who thinks Pratik killed her student on the island. He then explained her that Lynn sacrificed himself so that his daughter lives, indeed he was the one who taught Pratik how to shoot arrows. Talia then tested him to know if he is worth teaching, and conclusion came that Pratik knew almost every trick of archery. Talia then suggested him to wear the hood of Lynn to honor him and go be a hero, save his friend's life.

He then took Couvar out and killed him, then asked Vlad to drop him on Keihatsu again. As requested Vlad dropped him on Keihatsu with a bag full of food and water, and some fake beard because to the world he was trapped on the island of Keihatsu for 6 years. Vlad said he would ask some locals on the mainland of Japan to pass from near the island, so that Pratik could signal them with a fire. That is how he was discovered alive.

When he returned to Bangalore his mother was so happy to see him again. Shortly he adjusted in the city. In broad daylight he was helping his mother in office but as the night falls he gets on with his vigilantism to help protect the city. No sooner after getting the news Rahul and Jane visited Pratik's home. That evening was the time when Rahul found out that Pratik is up to something and started following him. He was happy to see Pratik in action but it was no long when Pratik was getting outnumbered by those thugs. Now came Rahul in action, he came flying and swooped down to create a shockwave which threw all thugs around Pratik back. They both fought side by side to eliminate all the thugs. Pratik was dazzled to see Quantum King help him, then he asked who he was. Rahul replied with a gentle smile "I am your brother." Pratik was in dilemma that he didn't have any brother but soon realized that Quantum King was none other than Rahul himself. He then asked "how do you know all of this?". Rahul replied "oh! Come on I saw you slip out of the house from your room's window. What did you thought that no one's going to see you do that. First rule of heroism is never operate from your home, second have a base of operations, third never use your original name for your alter ego, fourth never reveal your true identity". Pratik said that he had a name in his mind, that is Hawk.

Rahul now came back to his home with Pratik. Pratik was wondering how fast things have changed since his last visit. He was glad to meet the Dark Flame. Dark Flame has now gained control over his powers and Maya is still in the Devil's Lap, though being fully trained. She remained there just to enjoy her time with Nyssa.