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3. Crossroads

Zander's POV:

I tremble in fear at what I just saw. There are zombies and vampires. Zombies would have killed me if she, the vampire hadn't killed them. I've got to be smart if I'm going to make it in this new world. This woman, Marie is my ticket for survival, and I have to make sure I'm valuable to her. If not she will grow bored of me and leave me out in this dark world to die. "Where to now?" I ask as we walk through the restaurant.

I keep my eyes off of the corpses that liter the ground. I can't help but feel like luck is on my side. Its like God sent her to protect me and maybe save what's rest of mankind or destroy the rest. I gulp at the thought.

My heart pounds in my chest as we walk outside and are surrounded by the walking dead. "Fuck why did this restaurant have to be surrounded by an outlet mall?" I say feeling fear grow throughout me. "Let's make a deal. I keep you safe and you let me feed on you. Deal?" Marie asks as the undead get closer to us. "Deal. Princess." I say quickly. Relief fills my body as I watch the woman get to work.

She rips off heads so quick that in a blink of an eye the head is no where to be seen. Blood sprays everywhere as she slaughters them so effortlessly. It's amazing but horrifying to watch. I shake with fear and pain from what I'm witnessing. As I clear my throat she has four down. So quick and swift. I stare in awe as she kills more and more. Getting further and further away from me. Crap I need to follow her.

I run following Marie as she makes a path through the herd. "Stay here I might as well kill all of them that are in the area. It's fun and atleast we know that we will be doing the world a favor." Marie says as she's drenched in blood. She winks flirtily at me then is off in a flash.

I watch her rip through zombies effortlessly sending chills down my spine. She's a killing machine. It's like she was meant for this. She can give mankind hope. No zombie or person stands a chance against her. She will be the person to save us all I hope.

I sit on the ground and stare at my watch counting the minutes as I wait. Knowing that I have Marie to protect me I'm not scared but I do hurt, ache in my chest for the pain of the poor people who were turned and now Marie is putting them to rest. It's survival of the fittest now. I can't believe life is going to be like this now. I wonder how many people are left?

"Hay let's go get a ride. What do you prefer?" I jump as Marie appears in front of me. She is covered head to toe in black blood. She bends down and wipes her bloody hands on the ground then wipes her eyes off.

"Let's get the nicest jacked up truck around. There's a car dealership a mile down the road I think." She smiles making my heart flutter. "I would love that. The only truck I've ever been in was when I dated this crazy cowboy a few years back. The only big thing about him was his truck." She says then laughs.

"I didn't take you for a truck girl." I say as we walk down the road. "Yeah I've always wanted one but have been to broke to ever get one. Believe it or not I'm not a city girl. I am a real down home country girl. Also a survivalist. Well now a vampire but still a good ole country girl at heart. If I still even have one." She says then gets quiet.

We make small talk as we walk to the dealership and she tells me how she was turned into a vampire and I can't help but thank her for not killing me along with killing all those zombies. "Did you happened to count how many zombies you killed earlier?" I ask as we enter the car dealership. "455 is how many I've killed so far. Not too bad for the first day of the end of the world." She says then sniffs the air. "I don't smell anyone this should be easy as pie take your pick. I'm going to the bathroom to wash this blood off holler when you've found a ride." "Sure will do." I say then she disappears. Wow. She's fast.

"Hmmmmm...what to get? Ford or Chevy?" I say to myself looking around at the two biggest trucks. One is a jacked up black Ford 4 wheel drive with a Light bar on top. Then there's a red jacked up Chevy Silverado 4 wheel drive with a brush guard. I've always been a Chevy fan but this Ford is sexy and that light bar could come in handy so the black one it is.

I step up on the step pulling the door open. "Heck yeah." I say seeing the keys in the driver seat. The interior is black and looks totally bad ass. Still smells like it's new. I sit down and shut the door. I put the key in the ignition and turn it. The engine roars to life and sounds like a beauty. I can't help but laugh. "I'd never thought I could ever afford a truck like this and now it's mine and I didn't even have to pay for it." I smile and adjust the mirrors to my liking. "Wow." I say seeing on a screen above the radio where it shows the outside of the vehicle from above. That's badass.

I drive up front to the front door and put her in park. I open my door and jump down. "Does it have a wench?" I jump as Marie appears before. Her brown silky hair is dripping wet as her tan skin glows. She's so alluring and has this energy around her that draws me in. "No." "Give me a second and I'll find the biggest one around." She says then disappears.

"Okay then." I say aloud to myself. I look around the parking lot and about a minute later Marie is at the front of the truck putting this huge wench on. "Wow you weren't joking that's big. Could probably pull an eighteen wheeler with that." "Oh it can. Here's a bag of snacks I found in the cafeteria." She says handing me a trash bag full of food and drinks.

"Oh my gosh thanks." I say excitedly. "Let's go. You drive." She says then disappears. Man that shit is mind blowing how fast she can move. I put the trash bag in the back seat then get into the driver seat. "Buckle up buckaroo." She says as I start the truck. "You don't have to ask me twice." I say buckling up.

"So where to now?" I ask as I amire her beautiful facial features. "Let's go shopping. Let's find a huge boxed in trailer to hitch onto this bad boy then we are going shopping." "Shopping where?" She smiles at the question. "My favorite place. Walmart."