Class Suspension

After completing the exam, results out within 2 days. Everyone knew no one had any chance to see the Nurki river. Moreover, 3 of the students got class suspension. Two of them are seniors and one is a junior.

"Hurreeeeey I got one-week class suspension."

Raki shouted very gladly. From the new student Raki is the particular one who got suspension. She got less than 30 points for the History and Language subjects, but she is the highest in medical science that is 97 points. Her friends receive less than 55 marks, but they didn't get into the suspension time. However, Raki was thrilled. Aruth and Chanchala was the other two seniors from the 2-year class who got suspension. According to Luna's policy after bringing about the results they must turn to city next day. So, they took off to the city.

"Who's the highest in medical science."

When the convention going on, their second query was that, because Kalo is the one who review the papers. They were terribly upset that their Spiritual Triangle mission failed, and they hope to fulfil their second mission. Every time Kalo expect that after finishing an exam.

"Highest marks for Raki that's 97%. She is a junior and Aruth 95%, Chanchala 92% and Prabuddhi 90%. These three are seniors."

Luna repeat the results while getting her note book.

"Kalo what's your conclusion? Can we satisfy with Arohi's question?"

From the Agni tribal master claimed that question from Kalo Before answer the question he remain silent for a few moments.

"I'm even figuring out how to deal with that question. I don't realize yet how to answer that question, because those names that Luna replied, that question we're trying to explain I mean Arohi's disability. Their answers all same for that question. Concepts, the steps everything same. I don't identify how they wrote like that. That girl who got 97%, what her name?


"Yes, her answer very sharp. I can't understand how she wrote like that. Her all the responds are 100% correct. However, I didn't give the maximum marks for that question only for everyone."

All the tribal got a query how 4 of the students got same marks for one question.

"The answer for the question will have only with those student or city head-principle."

Quickly, Mask gave an impressive answer for their complication. It turned into a huge relax for their mind.

"Luna can you find and bring those kids here."

"I'm sorry master, Particularly Prabuddhi available at the time in the mountain. Other 3 pupils received a class suspension, dealing to the order."

When they found out that news from Luna, everyone's expectation crack down, because they have to delay 1 more week to settle the problem.

"Let's wait 1 more week. We have hung this much long, so 1-week isn't long."

Pruthvi seek to inspire his communities, because up to here no one settle any question properly. Now they all impossible.

"Yes, let's find head-principle too. We could hear a straightforward answer,"

Kalo concluded the question at the edge. However, everybody hope getting split up gradually.


"Why you're staying along?"

On the bench Raki sat with her guitar and whisper a song alone. Head-regulation came straightway after seen Raki. Other days, Aruni and Rangika also coming to capital with Raki. However, current only Raki came to the capital.

"They freed the pendant."

"Okay, so that means they like to stick around there. Now they can't change. They must live there."

"I'm glad with their choice. I hope they could settle their with no trouble. As a friend I'm always support them."

"You're an extremely honourable friend that they picked up. Don't worry you can make any choice. I'll stay with you and if you have any trouble let me notice. We both could discover a solution together. Okay?"

Head-principle grab her into her heart and hug tightly. Without knowing Raki's eyes seep tears. She misses her best mates. They never divided for bit. They grew into a family for each other. She lingered for a moment thinking her friends.


"Now their mind totally belongs to mountain. They care for that palace better than their soul. No one can't change."

"How you know about these details? Opening pendant and their fond. Who said these details to you?"

After listen to head-principle unexpected Raki's mind got a suspect. How she could recognize about these matters.

"No one mentioned me. I said you before how I got you. That day you're the last person who showed up on the passage. When I met you, I got a message under your cloth, but I got none message when I found Rangika or Aruni's cloths. I don't notice why. But everything was write on that note."

Raki couldn't analyse what's leading on. However, she realized who ever granted us to capital he or she strongly believe in head-principle and depend on her. The issue is she still doesn't identify who dropped us. That unknown person required to look after us that's why that person secretly sent us to capital and hand-over our safety with head-principle's hand.

"Do you still have that letter with you?"


"Can I look at that one?"

"I'll show you."

After their conversation both moved to the principal's office room. And she handed over the letter. It's look like ancient, but yet they could read those letters. Raki didn't read the letter yet. She thought to read that later.

However, those who left to the capital for their suspension got their fun whole the day. They found their former colleague. With them three of them had a great fun while singing and playing. Days came closer to move to mountain school. However, Raki's hand got broken when she moved to play. The wound became worst because previous also same hand got damaged. So that infer, injured became worst and they had to hold their operation for two days. So principal issued a report to the head of the mountain regarding the condition and point out the Raki's position.

After seen her letter Kalo got annoyed, because they have to delay 2 more days until their land. He couldn't indeed stay for a one day how come he wait 2 more days. He couldn't count on the capital principle.

"Luna…. Sent a spy bird to the capital. I wish to identify the fact of this report."

Because of his anger Kalo couldn't accept that letter was sure. After his command Luna sent a black spy crow. These bird are specially train for these kind of spy activities. And again, these birds' minds like a camera. Everything they are seen sent it to the mountain. From the mountain authorise head seniors could look at these pictures.

It didn't got considerable time to watch the pictures, because bird already expressed the pictures from the city hostel. They saw Raki's hand full dressed with plaster. They saw the damaged isn't small after seen the pictures. Kalo's passion also passed down after watched her.

"It's not a minor injured master."

Luna also identify letter isn't any more inaccurate. However, they had to stay few more days.

"Luna go and instruct about this case for the Pruthvi and I prefer to notify this to the meeting."

After picking up the scene that appeared accidentally, Mask request them to not to reach those students now.

"Offered them a recommendation for holiday extension. We should not face them now. Let's wait. If we called for them to come here it's turned into an issue to that child. Anyone can say this isn't a minor wound."

Mask became more sensitive after discovered the pictures from the capital. After long time his feeling became good for some one. Specially, Raki's pictures. His enthusiasm became simple to carry out a settlement for Seniors. They agreed to stay few more days.