Back to mountain (3rd)

Days passed like a flying system. Extra days also finished that they received, so they ready to move to mountain school. Head- principal also joined with them.

"Hey… tomorrow morning wait to listen Luna's lecture."

When they arrive the mountain main bridge Chanchala gave a hint to them that could take place tomorrow. That threat will be taking place, Aruth and Raki knew that. However, Raki totally forgot about her bet that she carried out with Luna. Because of this hurt and class suspension made her to forget that bet. Still she didn't even recall a bit of that incident appear in the exam room.

"If it's not taken place that's the issue."

"Hey ... guys. Something unexpected thing going to take place. Look at the corner and see who is staying there."

On the corner of the bridge Kalo standing while placing his hands backward. Suddenly, Raki saw him and point out to her colleagues. Head- principal appeared in-front of the pupils, so Kalo gave a slightly smile. However, his view was on Raki's hand.

"How are you madam? How is child now? Her wound is normal now?"

If he wants to indicate something, he straightaway coming to the point. He isn't going around to demand that query, that's his behaviour. City principal also knew that.

"Why you didn't receive considerable information from your spy bird?"

She tries to grouse Kalo's words, but he didn't argue with her. However, Raki couldn't figured out what principal say.

"Spy bird…... what's that? is that an unusual kind of a bird like that I faced at first day."

She took a puzzle. She couldn't figure out their discussion well. However, Kalo and principal left without pupils. They had to leave to hostel. They went off to the hostel, but Luna suddenly moved in-front of them.

"Immediately go and look at the noticeboard. After seen that joined with Prabuddhi according to the order."

She told what she admits to tell quickly and disappeared behind them. Raki got frozen after seen Luna. She was frightened to pass.

"Hey…. What's going on now? What's on the noticeboard."

Chanchala said that worrying. He was entirely paralysed to death.

"Certainly they have notice about our death. How they going to kill us and the time and the place."

After listen to Raki's words Aruth couldn't maintain her giggle.

"OMG .... Chuttie."

Chanchal also laugh while squeeze her cheeks.

"Let's leave immediately. We have only 5 minutes. Don't you forget that. Otherwise she will absolutely kill us."

While carrying his bag Aruth said. Whole the city students knew that he is an on-time gentleman. He is not postpone anything and he is a infamous bright student in the mountain school, because isn't have loads of colleagues and not going to join enough with others. However, every time he had a good result for the exam, but not History and Language subjects. Not everybody knew the reason behind that. Raki got a chance to knew about the infer, because she too got a class break. She realized the mystery behind the Aruth from Chanchala.

"He doesn't leave for the mountain, because of one young woman."

"What? Girl …. Why?"

"When we came here like you, we took our 1st exam. Same as this exam, we made a chance to look at the Mandira river and remain there for 3 times. On the first day, Aruth met a young woman name Rumanthi. She is extremely pretty. I have determined, she is one of a tribal master's daughter. So, she has a power. She became nice and good to Aruth. So, he also became like to her, but on the 3rd day she presented her original face. Aruth became puppet for her. In-front of people she humiliates him and said one of an idiot loving a mountain prince. That day everyone felt miserable about him. From that day his History zero and language zero."

After listen to the story Raki felt sorry about Aruth and her feel towards mountain people became worst. They never dreamed that there are some people like heartless living in this mountain. This is the 2nd time she is getting prove about mountain people. 1st time was when she went play in the ground.

"This is a hateful place I have ever reach. Better to leave from here. This place isn't suet for me."

She didn't mention about her feel towards mountain for anybody. Her best friends knew about that but they didn't express about with anyone.

"What happen for you? Aruth has a reason. What is your reason?"

Suddenly Raki asked from that question from Chanchala. He didn't hesitated to deal with her question, but Raki knew something is missing in her respond.

"I don't like mountain. That's why nothing particular. How about you?"

"Same here. My freedom is in the city."

Raki gave a straightforward answer.


They came to the hostel rooms. Raki also quickly came to the room and placed her backpack and moved outside to peer into Prabuddhi. She again came via the passage to find Raki.

"Finally, I caught you."

"I'm searching for you."

Prabuddhi said while holding her skull. They both glad to see each other.

"What happened to your hand?"

She was frightened after seen her hand. It totally covered with plaster.

"Not a big deal. We went to play outside. Don't worry. That's not serious. Did you received the message about notice board."

"I don't know about that."

Prabuddhi also doesn't know about what will go on next. So, they both moved to the notice board. Before they arrive there Chanchala and Aruth already reached to the place. They also stayed for them show up.

"What's written on there?"

Prabuddhi first requested him, because she was in rush to know what's on there.

"Read it yourself."

Chanchala told like something fall into his skull while holding her head. According to his behaviour Raki isn't seem good next step. So that infer, she scanned the notice on the board immediately with Prabuddhi.

"Those who have less results in History and Language problems have to follow extra class with Luna. These are the selected names that scholars who must show up the class-:

• Aruth

• Chanchala

• Prabuddhi

• Raki

Every Tuesday class is taken on 5pm – 6pm. Thank you."

After reviewing the notice Raki forgot her control.

"What the hell is this. What's the purpose of this? They didn't bring up this when the exam day."

Raki read the notice 2nd time and yelled madly. She never dreamed this could hit.

"Prabuddhi why you named on this list. Normally, this list must hold only 3 of us. You already reach the exam. So why?"

Swiftly, Aruth asked that question, because corresponding to the list Prabuddhi shouldn't be there. After his mention Chanchala and Raki also loot at her. They still realized it's correct.

"That's true. What's going on here."

"I'm also don't know. Maybe I am the one who have 50% particularly in these 2 subjects. I didn't choose to the class suspension, but I'm include in this list."

"What the hell of this regulations. They vary according to their hand."

Raki was so annoyed about their new policy. However, Prabuddhi isn't differ with their new authority, because she is truly prefer to move to mountain. Her quit words confirm her enthusiasm. Whatever happened other 3 students isn't appreciate to leave inside the mountain any more.

"OMG…. There isn't any chance that I can escape this class?"

Not like other days Raki couldn't figure any arch action and there isn't any suggestion appearing to her mind to skip the class. Unexpected, Luna arrived in-front of them and captured another bad news. After referring to the news board they forgot their way and after listen to Luna's news they thought like they going to pass out.

"You all read the noticeboard. Every Tuesday on 5pm class will start. Let's leave and get ready?"


Raki didn't hesitated to demand the question.

"Today is Tuesday. Class starting on today. I will start within 1-hour. Get ready immediately. Okay? I'm coming again here to bring you, so better be here before 5 o'clock."

Luna said those words hastily and vanished from them before they called for another question, specially Raki.

"What ... Today is the class?"

"What sin this will revenge to me.?"

"We can't do anything. Let's leave and get ready for this class."

"Yeah, we can't skip the class."

Aruth explain the scene for them. Prabuddhi also admit with him and told that they have no other option. Raki isn't in a positive mood, because of today's situation. That form her anger worst more than other days. Normally, she isn't getting angry for small matter, but today that appeared unfair situation make her temper excessive.

On the other side Kalo create a talk with some youngsters in the mountain about Arohi's condition, because they are the closes friends that Arohi had since she was kid.

"After long while we encountered a team that Arohi daughter could deal with."

When they found out that news from Kalo, everybody was curious to identify who are they. Everyone realized how necessary is she to the mountain. When she was 10 years, she hooked into a cabin, because she turn into a disability that no one couldn't care for. Every doctors work their finest to care for her, but no one couldn't get well shortly. That's turned into a problem for everyone.

"However, that team isn't live in the mountain. They arrived from capital as juniors."

Kalo explain the team well, after listen to him everyone stunned. They never demanded the support from anyone from the capital. They felt if they requested advice from them, it's like they bow their head to them. Specially teenagers thought that and they avoid city pupils and look upon them like garbage. They had plenty of reason for that but they never spoke about that.

"Why we're seeking support from them?"

After listen to the Kalo, Agni couldn't remain mute. If something going wrong he isn't become silent for a minute.

"How we going to accept?"

"That's true. Something should happened in-front of us to admit them."

Everyone's offence create something to think Kalo. On the separate side, Luna took the city students to their special class.

"Okay. Let's meet them in-front of everyone and let's inquired about this."

That solution became suitable for everybody. They settle with his suggestion, because they thought face to face city students can't work out anything. Kalo left the place hurriedly, because he saw what's going on next.

"Let's hold the class today. Bring them to the meeting room hastily. They can't see anyone in-front of them."

Swiftly, Kalo appeared in-front of Luna and took her aside from the city students and notice about their mission. Students didn't noticed what's going on now.

"What they're chatting about?"

"I'm clear. Kalo is saying to Luna. Luna how pretty you're today. What's the ointment you're applying?"

Raki said very softly for her classmates without giggling. No one thought she will reply like this foolish joke at this minute. No on couldn't handle their scream. Kalo and Luna turn back to discover why they are chuckling. When they turning they seemed silent, that nothing happened. Raki turn other side and others head turn down. Kalo and Luna couldn't find what's going on, so they didn't care about that.

"Shut up Chuttie. Do you wanner another punishment?"

Chanchala hold his chuckling and told to Raki.

"Why? I said the truth. See…. They will kiss each other."

No one could hold their laugh any more. She isn't laughing to her own laughs, but others can't manage them self. Her jokes she doing like an ordinary person. No one can't realizing how she is doing this, but her speeches are extremely smart to twist other laugh or cry. When they were in capital, her jokes generate loads of issues to others, because without her other all the scholars grabbed into teachers when they are chuckling.

"Chuttie shut up. We'll end here if we laugh more."

Aruth shut her mouth from his palm and yelled to her smoothly. Since then Raki became mute. If she played some dumb work she noticed Aruth will punish her, so she promised him.


After few minutes afterward Luna turn to the children and report she isn't hold the class today.

"I'm delaying the class only for today."

When they picked up those words from her they felt more thrilled about that, but they never dreamed this joy turn into unpredictable position.