"Life is a race. Go fast, risk it or die regretting it."

Edgar left the house saying goodbye to his mother. He puts on the bracelet and finds his way to the last unlocked door.

Glass windows, clicking noises of keyboards, and whizzing of the instruments, and the bright sunset fills the office.

Edgar looked at himself at one of the window panes. He was wearing a laboratory coat with the four-armed star and his name on the right side of his coat, Dr. Edgar L. Cumber "Head Psychiatrists".

"Ah, there you are, Mr. Cumber!" The man called out to him. The man continued talking, "So how was experiment A113Z? Is he cooperative or just being a hard-headed child like most of the subjects?"

Edgar looked at him speechless, he was one of the investors of my laboratory. His face was drawn with questions. What is experiment A113Z? Who is the subject?

"Come on, just give me the damn folder and I'll just read it okay? I know your tired, but you are really exceptional at your work so no biggie for me." Cooper said.

Bryan read the contents smiling wickedly then gave back the folder to Edgar. "I know that this experiment is not ethically sound and that you are being tormented by your conscience, but we will make it up for the child. Talk to Michael say to him that his son would be better after six more months of treatment, okay?" Cooper said while smirking and patting Edgar's back. " I'll need to get going now. I need to finish up with the business proposals with the engineers from the department. We will be millionaires after this."

Edgar opens and reads the content of the folder and was surprised. It was the brain wave implant simulation technology. The document reads:

Subject: Christina A. Curt

Project: A113Z-Brainwave Simulation Technology (BST)

Date Started: January 4

Summary: Subject's brainwaves are recorded, read and analyzed by X-iMo Supercomputer. This done through different electrical stimulation that can evoke emotions from the subject. The subject's brainwave will also be better detected in this procedure. The brainwave analysis data will be sent to the central computer for further analysis and simulation. The simulated data will be injected back to the subject's nerve impulses with higher frequency electrical impulses after every tests.

Observation: The experiment can only evoke bad memories and anger from the subject. The subject had several night terrors and bed wetting. Subject health is stable.

Conclusion: Experiment is a success.

He dropped the folder and hurried to the specialties room where all subjects are being housed. He can hear his breath and his footstep heavy and loud echoing the tall ceiling. He stopped at the last step and came face to face with a brown door.

He opens it and in the darkly lit room are snow globes with the theme of different seasons. In the bunker bed there's a crying girl hugging her pink toy bear. Edgar approached the girl wearing her favourite green dress that was similar to the one he gave to someone long time ago. The girl turned around and looked at him.

He knelt and hug the little girls tears pooling in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Chris!" His teardrops fell. "I'm sorry, I did not protect you from them."

"Please, uncle. I want to get out of here. I don't like it here. They are bad. They shock me all the time. I missed dad and mom. Please, Tito. Get me out of here! I'm scared" The girl sobbed as he looks at Edgar with her blood red eyes.

"Come let's get out of here, my dear. I won't let them hurt you again." He said as he grabs her innocent hand and opened the door but Cooper was already blocking it.

Cooper clicked his tongue and said with a sigh of disappointment, "I thought we agreed on this one, Cumber. Subjects must not be released nor talked to if no order was coming from me. Why are you taking that kid out?" Cooper asked.

"This is unethical! I did not agree on this!" Edgar shouted.

"Sure, you do. Hand me the kid and get out of here, please!" Cooper instructed while grinning.

"This is my best friend's daughter. I will bring her back home now. She must not be subjected to tortures like that experiment." He shouted at Cooper.

Taking a deep breath, Cooper reach for his revolver in his back, loaded it and aimed at Edgar while reaching out his hand. "Not everything is ethical Cumber. Now give me the girl or say goodbye!"

"I will not give you my nephew. I will die before you do that." Edgar shouted covering his nephew from the gun.

"Then die!" Cooper shouted as he pulled the gun's trigger. The bullet hit Edgar in the chest. Cooper grabbed Christina away from him and was ordered to be locked in another room. Edgar went out of consciousness as he sees Christina crying out in unbearable pitch, blood pooling from her eyes and being dragged away from him.

"Go back to your reality now! Save them. Save yourself." The mist whispered.