Chapter 242: Worries

Chu Bing Luo pressed his lips twisting to a smile. Once again he thought that Xiao Yun was utterly different then the rest of the women he ever met. There was countless of women who are sly and they were born as a sly creature, but often times they used it in order to defeat their enemy. However for Xiao Yun, she was sly for her own sake, to protect everyone dear to her. "Of course not." He chuckled. Turning his eyes he saw Xiao Yun intently searching the emails in the phone. "But how would you find the sender?"

Of course Xiao Yun wasn't a superwoman who had the IQ of a hundred sixty. She was good at math, however, she wasn't good at technology. But what is there to be fret of? She knew someone who could possibility help her. She smiled. "I don't know."

Chu Bing Luo clearly didn't expect her comeback. "Then?"