Chapter 243: Out Of Line

When she arrived at Wang Li Lei's house, she quickly strolled at the house in hope to find Wang Li Lei as soon as she could. Yet unexpectedly someone else had seated down in the couch of the living room as she passed the room. Putting on her guard again, when she saw Wang Yongyi and Wang Yan Zhi, her head inclined to the side unknowingly. "Elder Wang?" She whispered and gathered herself. Bowing down she greeted them. "Good Night, Elder Wang."

Wang Yongyi spared a glaring glance but when he felt Wang Yan Zhi's elbow nudging him, he scoffed under his breaths. "Good Night to you too, Ms. Yu." She greeted her.

Seeing Wang Yongyi she unintentionally stared at him to see his conditions. Finding his face was lively as ever and peachy, she spoke aloud. "I am glad to see you in a perfect health, Mr. Wang. Thankfully you have been released from the hospital."