The Price Of Power

'Dear Assana there is a price for this power and I'm sure you wouldn't mind it at all' The message read. Assana Thought that any price would not matter in the end as long as she got what she wanted she would not care. 'The price will be the first born child you have, it will become my new vessel and don't worry the system will be your even if you don't agree how ever if you do I'll give you a bit of my power do we have a deal? '. Assana though for a bit about this deal and and agreed' Before I agree tell me what you are? '

Assana asked the voice. 'I am a servant of the Dark Spider Goddess that's challenged the heavens and is the Mother of all demons and devils' The system spoke. 'The all Mother has deemed you worth and sent me here, she has been watching you in this void for many year' It said as a laughter rang out in the void that caused Assana to shiver and the very void to tremble.

'Do you wish to see your stats before you choose your race? Asked the Demonic Child like voice? Assana was shocked as she heard it. 'This is the system and it will help you' Assana agreed to its deal. 'my job is done don't forget our deal we will be keeping a eye on you' The voice rang out as it sounded father away by the second.

A black ball over light merged with Assanas soul fragment 'Host may call me Lilith I will help you on your journey' The child like voice of Lilith said. 'Does host want to check her stats before choosing there race?' Lilith asked Assana.

Assana agreed' Show my my stats'


Age: 5400

Title: Damned from Heaven

HP: 0.12/0.12

MP: 8

Sanity points: 820

'Host is very pathetic I'm surprised you manged to keep your self alive well as alive as you can be in the void' Said Lilith. Assana was surprised and shocked at the amount of health she has. 'What are theses sanity point' Asked Assana. Lilith laughed' Sanity points can be used to buy skills and items from the system store please note that lots of the systems function is currently locked away until you reach a high power to use them'

Assana was interested went she heard she could buy skill. 'What kind of option are currently open for me to check' She asked Lilith.



'These are the current choices you have, there all Tear 1 others Tears will be available as you get stronger' Lilith responded. 'Show me the available skill I can choose from.' Assana Stated

Basic Mana Control: Cost 200

Basic Weapon Conjuration: 5000

User can create Weapons by shaping the existing matter they are capable of creating virtually any weapon. Depending on what the weapon is made of, it can possess a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat. Stronger matter required higher level.

Lesser Physical : Cost 70

User physical abilities are equally to that of a young human.

Lesser Mental :Cost 70

User Mental abilities are equally to that of a young human.

Absorption : Cost 5000

The user can absorb creatures into their body and use it in various ways, might gaining skills or stat. Must be six levels under hosts level or a weaker race.

Magic Spell :Cost 8000

Gives host a random magic spell when gotten after will open the spell option for system.

'These are the options available to you right now' Said Lilith' After picking a race more options will become available do note that you can only choose races from hell'. Assana asked' What Races can I choose from'.

1. Alkreon

A Demonic animals and insects that are born from a egg. Creature that comes from this egg depends on host chooses.

2.Baby Servitor

Child of the Lesser Desert imps that's roam the Freoks desert. Gray skinned Demons with no wings using trapping to catch prey.

3. Small Element

A lesser Energy That has gain Consciousness.

'Please choose one My Host be aware that all have a evolutionary options. Said Lilith.

After some thought Assana decided' I choose to be a Alkreon' Lilith giggled as Assana struggled with the pain she felt as her surrounding started to presure her soul fragment. A sharp pain entered her mind before she pasted out as a notification rang 'Congrats to host for leaving the void 400 sanity points where earned.