Start Of The Hunt

'Host there are over a hundred Stage one Sub Races to Alkreon beast , I recommend that host let fate decide'. As Assana heard this a slab appeared in her mind that allowed her to move up and down a list. This list had the name of every stage one baby sub creature races of the alkreon. At the corner of the slab there was a weird symbol that had the face of a jester. 'The symbol at the corn will randomly give you one of these creatures as your starting form' said Lilith.

As assana looked over the list, she didn't know any one of these creatures. They names difficult to understand. If it was fate that made that demon goddess take a interest in her then why not let fate decide her new life.

Assana decided to touch the jesters face. She hear wild laughter as a wheel materialize in her mind with creature symbol on it, and it began to spin. Faster and faster it went almost as if it where trying to gain flight in her mind before final starting to slow down. If Assana could sweat she though it would probably form a lake at her feet. Final it stop on a symbol of a cat like creature that had a stinger at the end of its tail. 'Congrats your a Lcibos' Lilith spoke startlingly assana.

'Time until host hatches 5 hours'

'Show me that stats Lilith' Assana spoke.

Name: Assana

Title: Damned of heaven

Race: Lcibos (Alkreon)

Age: 0 (5400)

Lvl: 1

Health: 60/60

mana: 80/80

Stamina: 50

Str: (18)

Agi: (12)

Dex: (4)

Int: (8)

Wis: (8)

Chr: (7)



Poison Sting (25 mp)

Healing lick (40 mp)


Passive ability

Blessing of Ravana

Natural Stealth

Natural Perception




Feral mind




Sanity Points : 1220

'Host might want to increase her intelligence stat or she will be no better then a wild animal' Advised Lilith. Assana mentally clicked on Feral mind.

-Has the mind of a common beast, will lose all form of self though once hatched.(All animal creatures with out mental skills will have feral mind. )-

Assana Then Clicked on the blessing.

Doubles any stats boosting skill bought.

'Alright show me all the skills available that increases intelligence ' Assana Though.

Lesser mental(70)

Sage Fragment though(3500)

Demons Mind (800)

'These are all intelligence passive skills available'Lilith explained.

Assana Clicked on each of them to get a understand of what they did.

Lesser mental gives the host the mind of a human child. (Increase intelligence by 6)

Sage Fragment contends a small understanding of a sages mind. (increase intelligence by 120)

Demons mind will Warp the mind of the host making them more violent and cruel. (Increase intelligence by 20)

They sage fragment was out of the question given that Assana only had 1220 sanity points. 'Lilith how do I go about getting more sanity points ' Assana asked.

'Host can get sanity points by completing quest and by eating others intelligence being do not that the amount gotten depends on the level of intelligence the being has, that option is only available after you have the absorbing skill.'

Assana was at a loss that skill was far to expensive at the moment. 'Alright I'll buy the demons mind passive skill.'

'Congestions Since your intelligence is now over 48 your races has changed to Lcibos variety and has gain a magic core'.

please choose one free spell.


Wind speed

Water shot

Earth claws

Assana decided it would be best to go with wind speed as survival was her main priority right now. looking at the the 420 sanity points she had left and decided to buy other skills.

Poison Bite (200)

Mana Control (200)

Poison Claw (200)

Bone reinforcement T1 (400)

After looking them over for a bit she choose bone reinforcement and it increased her 6 points. Thanks to her blessing it gave her 12 point to her Dex making it a total of 16.

5 hours later

Assana started to hear cracking noise around her as small bits of the egg cracked. She moved her body to speed up the process and after a few mins she was finally free.

As she looked at her soundings. There was shattered eggs all around her with bits and pieces of flesh littered around the ground. The smell of blood and filth filled her nose.

She stepped on a slimy Goop as she left what remained of her egg. Looking around as see struggled to adjust her eyes to the dark. This place seemed to be a cave of sorts. A massive hole was leading up and it seemed to be the only exist. Howling sounds sounded from behind her. She turned her head to see a snake like creature eating one of her siblings that just hatched. She backed away from the snake that had not noticed her as it tormented it's prey. she keeps looking at it.

Race: Shadow Viper


identify has lived up. Lvl 1

Tells the name of what the host is looking at

as long as they focus on it.

Assana lowered her body to the ground as the made her way to the hole. As she reached it she gave the snake a final look as it swallowed her sibling. Running through the hole as the shreaks of her siblings sounded behind her. Assana was a only child went she was alive in the mortal realm so the idea of abandoned them was very easy to do. After running up the hole she finally left her nest and she keeps running for a bit long, trying to distance herself from that place. As she looked around all she saw was lushes leaves.

After running for 3 mins she tripped and fell from exhaustion. Looking around she saw a small open in a trees base and dragged her tired body inside it to rest. She decided to look at her stats one more time before falling asleep .

Title: Damned of heaven

Race: Lcibos variety(Alkreon)

Age: 0 (5400)

Lvl: 1

Health: 108/108

mana: 380/380

Stamina: 50

Str: (18)

Agi: (12)

Dex: (18)

Int: (48)

Chr: (7)



Poison Sting (25 mp)

Healing lick (40 mp)


Passive ability

Blessing of Ravana

Natural Stealth

Natural Perception


Minor Demons Mind T1

Bone reinforcement T1




Sanity Points : 20

'I need to get stronger if I'm going to survive this place, and I'f I want to do that then I need to start leveling up soon. 'Assana though to her self.

Looks like I better start hunting tomorrow.