First Battle

Assana awoke before dawn, still not use to her new body. Lifting her head from the grown as she began to stretch.These tree roots providing great coverage and had keeper her safe in her rest. Assana started to move dirt from under the tree as she made her den.

Digging skill learned! Level 1

Assana was confused on why such a simple act would be a skill. After 20 mins if digging her den was done and she had raised the level of her dig up to Lvl 3. Finally with the sun in the sky Assana decided to leave her den and look for some type of food. As she traveled though the undergrowth of these tall plants. She asked Lilith if there where was to up grade her other skill?

'Host can repeatedly use the skill to deepen her understand of it those Lvl it up or she could spend sanity points to Lvl them up as well.' Lilith responded.

Assana best weapon right now would be information. She chose to upgrade her identity to Lvl 3 costing her 13 points. Now with her identify skill she observed her surrounding looking for something she could eat.

She found a Berry Bush and decided to inspect it.

Blue Raven Poison Berry- A small poison Berry that can be eaten that person will suffer ,Only eat if there's no other option!

:Miner poison status effect.

Assanan though back to how simple digging gave her a skill and decided to take a chance and plucked a Berry and went back to her den. It took her less the 5 mins to make it back since she didn't go the far. Finally in the safety of her place she eat the Berry. A sick feeling traveled through her body making her feel weak and sluggish. Her body sweating heavily as she struggled to breath. As she looked at her HP drop faster and faster before finally stopping a 12 points remaining. She was so close to death if not for her stat increase she would be dead. So for the next hour she used healing lick to steady raise her health back to Max. And then rested for the rest for a bit. After she looked that the notification. Her choose had payed off.

Healing lick Lvl 2

Poison resistance Gained. lvl1

Pain resistance gained lvl1

Will power gained Lvl 2

Title gained Stupid fool

Assana read the information and felt upset at being called a fool. After haven spent with out eating or drinking she left her home.

She used her stealth to sneaky move around as she looked for prey. After coming a cross a few creature that where far to strong for her to even think about dealing with. She saw a lone insect wandering. Its six legs scurrying about as it move. Assana almost missed it as it body matched the green around it. If not for the yellowish liquid in its abdomen she would have never seen it.

Assana activated her identify skill.

Race: Acid scout ant

Info: Though a single acid ant is barely a problem, these colonial insect travel in a acid-spewing hard that can lay waste to creatures many times there size.

Assana looked around to see if she could see anymore of these thinks but and thankful she didn't. It would seem that it was alone. Assana still using her stealth crawled closer to it.

Stealth Lvl up to Lvl 2

Smiling she was barely a few inches away as she stabled it with her poison tail. The ant turned to face her as it spit acid at Assana. it dropped over her sides as a sizzling sound sounded out.

HP: 48/ 108

Her heart dropped a bit. That was a bit over half of her HP in one attack.

Pain resistance Lvl 2.

Even with her pain resistance it still hurt like hell. Assana dogged to the right as another acid spit was shot at her. She ran in using her wind speed skill and slammed the ant with her body. It staggered and tried to bite her. Another poison Sting hit the ant as Assana tried to kill. Finally as its body fell down it looked at Assana with its many eyes. Thinking that she had won she moved in to deal the killing blow but the ant body started to glow as it exploded.

HP: 2 / 104

chucks of ant was ever where around her, as she laid flat on her ass. As she laid there in pain she keeps using healing lick. 'Damn Ant couldn't you just die normally' Assana screamed.