First City High school 2

It is the first day of school. While the freshmen are getting to know their new classmates, Lance just sat on his own corner along with his talkative neighbor Nathan.

"Lance, are you interested in basketball?"

Lance looked at Nathan at the mention of basketball. He saw this classmate of him not looking at him but on the piece of paper on top his desk. It is the Basketball Club pamphlet that he kept from one of the seniors who are promoting their clubs outside the building.

Lance was just about to say something when the door suddenly opened followed by a female teacher.

The teacher came up to the teacher's desk and introduced herself.

"I am ms. Diane Sichor, I will be your advisor and homeroom teacher for the rest of the year."

The freshmen along with Lance and Nathan focused their attention on the pretty teacher who introduced herself as their homeroom teacher and advisor.

And then, Diane looked at the doorway and called out the tall man outside standing in front of the room.

"Allan, why don't you go inside?"

"Yes, ma'am."

The tall man entered the room which startled the whole class except the teacher who has already met him. Although he was a bit skinny, he was so tall that everyone felt dwarfed in front of him.

In an instant, everyone became curious about this mysterious student.

"Is he our classmate?"

"Wow! He is so tall. How old is he?"

"How tall is he? 6-foot 7 or 8? That's over 200 cm in height! I am a 6 footer myself but beside him, my height of 183 cm looks small in comparison!"

The Diane noticed the class getting nosier so she decided to speak up, "Class! Please refrain from talking, let Allan introduce himself."

The young stood in front of the class and introduced himself.

"My name is Allan Morrey..." Suddenly, no other words followed. He introduced himself and kept silent after mentioning his name.

Diane noticed the silence and looked at Allan, "That's it?"

Allan just stared back and nodded before looking down.

Everyone including the teacher thought he would continue introducing himself, but to no avail, everything went pretty awkward.

Nathan even laughed dryly as he looked at the tall young man. "How lackluster..."

Nathan began to murmur his comments on Allan while looking at the latter's face which is almost covered by his hair. Allan's appearance is seriously like someone who used to be alone and dark.

Meanwhile, Lance is thinking if the tall guy can play basketball. After all, Allan's height is no joke at all. He easily beats the tall guy Lance met in CSH named Becreux in height. Lance won't even find himself shocked if Allan told him that he is 7 foot tall. That is how tall Allan is.

Surely if Allan played basketball, his height can easily be a deadly asset!

"Alright, everyone as we have already started introducing ourselves, let us continue... Starting from you at the far back right! Stand up and introduce yourself."

Everyone in the class started introducing themselves as instructed by Diane. The majority of them are boys but they just 4 people more than the girls.

Most of them gave a lengthy introduction while Lance just stood there and just mentioned his name straight up before sitting back down.

Apart from a few who did seem unsociable like Lance, everyone gave a cheerful introduction.

After the introduction, Diane immediately proposed to have a lottery draw for seating arrangement. No one gave a negative response and stood up from their seats.

As the lottery goes on, Lance drew the same seat he initially had in the beginning and thought if there is even a reason for him to stand up.

"Hey, Lance! Look, we are neighbors!"

Surprisingly, Nathan found his seat beside Lance. He quickly caught the latter's attention and gave his greetings.

"Hope we get along!"

Lance did not reject the notion and replied, "Same here."

Afterward, when everyone's seats were assigned Diane looked at her watch and checked the time.

"Alright, this is the first day so I assume that you understand that this day is reserved only for introductions and orientations. We won't be having any lectures until tomorrow. All you have to do today is to get to know each other."

As soon as the students heard Diane they gave cheers and clapped.

Suddenly, a teacher knocked at the door and entered.

"Hello, Ms. Diane... Hello, class 1-3..."

Diane gestured the students to greet the teacher and looked at him.

"Is it time?"

"Yes, it is... The dean is already calling for everyone."

"Alright, I will lead the class there, thank you for the notice."

After the teacher nodded and left, Diane faced her students and said, "Everyone, stand up and follow me."


The orientation was held in the school gymnasium. Thankfully, it was big enough to accommodate everyone with so much room to spare.

First, the Dean, the Principal, and the school director gave their piece and welcomed the students. They spoke of the history of the school and its past achievements, and then they introduced the general education system of the school before giving their advice to the students listening in the Gymnasium.

Then, they began to introduce their teachers and stuff before handing the stage to the student council.

The seniors also introduced their clubs and promoted what they do.

When the basketball club took the stage, Lance looked forward to what they'd do. He looked for anyone whom he will find familiar but found no one.

"We are the FCH Basketball team. Currently, we have 8 active members. Although we don't have any notable achievements, I hope you will still join us and enjoy the sport."

"Later, after this orientation, you go here and try out if you wanna play. We were given permission so, you don't have to worry. Everything is for fun!"

Finally, the Dean came back up and officially called the orientation done.

There are no classes, and students are allowed to go home or check the clubs if they wanted to.

The SSC began to clean the gymnasium along with the other clubs that will conduct tryouts.

Everyone left and returned to there respective classes to get their things. As Lance and his classmates returned to Room 1-3, Diane gave them some advice and gave her farewell for the day before dismissing them and leave.

"So are you going to the basketball club's try out?"

Nathan spoke to Lance as he was about to exit the room.

"Yes." Lance headed towards the comfort room to get changed. Unlike the time when he visited CSH unprepared this time, he came prepared and brought basketball shoes and jersey for the tryout.

Nathan, as if interested in what will Lance do in the club, also retrieved his PE uniform from his locker and followed suit.

"Hey, Wait up!"

On the way to the comfort room, Lance and Nathan bumped into someone. Allan came out of the comfort room with his PE uniform on.

'Is he also going to join a tryout?' Lance thought as he glanced at Allan's uniform.

Nathan suddenly smiled and outright used his hands to understand how tall Allan is.

"Hey, Allan! How tall are you exactly?"

Nathan looked at Allan while expecting an answer but the latter just walked away and ignored him.

"What's with him?"

Nathan glanced at Allan's departing back before he tried to ask for Lance's thoughts.

Lance also ignored him and entered the comfort room to change clothes. Nathan followed suit as he took one last glance at Allan's tall stature.


Author's Note

I would like to give you my readers heads up of my release frequency for the next chapters.

I apologize that I won't be able to update every day and the release frequency will be low as our family desktop broke down.

The main reason though is the effect of the loss of our desktop. My parents use it for work while I use a laptop for writing and reading. Since the desktop is not working anymore, they will be using the laptop from now on, thus decreasing my time to write.

But do not worry as I will not stop writing.
