FCH Basketball Tryouts

In the first day of school, everything was all about orientation so the school dismissed the students early. Most of the students started to head home but some students decided to stay and check the school out.

There are a lot of clubs in the school and it is the day when those clubs are taking advantage of the first day to recruit members as soon as possible. This is the reason why the main building is quite congested of students.

Lance and Nathan are currently walking away from those recruiter's sight. Thankfully, there is a fire exit in which they used to escape.

"Lance, are you thinking of playing basketball?"

Hearing the question, Lance glanced at Nathan and nodded. It was his plan from the very beginning to join the team.

Nathan looked at Lance and checked him out. He wondered if Lance is good at the sport. Then he noticed Lance's height and found that he is taller than Lance.

As simple as he is, he smiled feeling proud of himself while following Lance.

"How about you? Are you going to join?"

"? ... I will just check it out."

Then, Nathan glance at the ground finally noticing Lance's shoes. He quickly became shocked as he never thought he'll see that kind of shoe.

"Wait... Lance?"

"Yes?" Lance stopped and looked at Nathan who seemed to be making a face which says, 'I don't believe it!'

"Tell me, what kind of shoe are you wearing?"

"Shoe?" Lance looked at his shoe as he became bewildered of the question.

"That's the new 'Kien Black Wolf Series', right?"

Lance remembered the brand and nodded. He does not understand why Nathan is so shocked.

"Tell me, you are actually quite well off right?"

"Well off?" Lance became even more confused as the conversation dragged on. 'What does Nathan even want to know?'

"If that is authentic, that is nowhere near cheap! Anything from Black Wolf series is at least worth 500 Dollars!"


"... I envy you..."

Nathan is right, Lance spent more than 500 for the shoe. The latter just found the shoe quite nice as it had good traction and durability. Also, Lance knows that Kien brand is already tried and tested so he trusted that it will be a good choice for his shoes.

Lance sighed and just walked away. He thought there is something serious, but there is none.

"Hey, wait up!"

Actually, Nathan is right that Lance is well off... no well off is actually far off from the truth because Lance might not look like it but he is a millionaire.

Lance actually has a net worth of 130 million. He could even buy the school if he wants to. That is how privileged he is.

When his father died, he inherited at least 35% of his father's wealth. As an only child, he is the one who benefited the most from it. He is not just showing it as he finds flaunting his wealth immoral.

To be specific, his father is not just wealthy but a 'Hundred Million Dollar Guy' wealthy. His father, Michael Peyn, is a 4-time league champion and finals MVP, not only does he have a hundred million salary coming from the league but also earns hundreds of millions from endorsements even after he died.

Actually, he hasn't even touched any of his father's inheritance. He even feels guilty every time he thought of it, he even planned to transfer it all to his aunt but Liza refused to it and insisted him to keep it.

Up until now, all the money Lance used came from his Aunt who understands his guilt.

While walking, Lance groaned as he remembered it. He just hoped that he did not return back to the time this late, and maybe if he was early, he'd even be able to mend his relationship with his father.


In the School Gymnasium.

"Hello, my name is Claude Roberts. I am a 3rd year, so I am your senior..."

Claude looked at the students who came for the tryouts and begun to introduce the club.

Nathan noticed Allan also listening at the side. It seems like Allan also wants to join the club. Nathan imagined how good the tall guy would be if he played.

Lance, on the other hand, is looking for someone. He could not find Fin Stee amongst the 5 members of the Basketball team who are conducting the tryouts.

"First of, let us all introduce ourselves. I want to hear your name, position, and height. Then afterward, we will have to assess everyone's abilities, starting from jumping height, dribbling, scoring and lastly by playing the game itself."

Claude looked at the 27 first-year participants who came to join the tryout and pointed at someone, saying, "Starting from you."

The participant stiffened and stood straight, "My name is Gray Eulbaster, I am a shooting guard, although I am 5-foot 4 inches tall (162.56 cm), I believe in my shooting!"

"Pfft. Is he serious?"

"Wah... Can he really play?"

"He is too short."

Hearing Gray's introduction, some of the participants chuckled and burst into laughter making Gray embarrassed. They mocked him in a low voice which further made the small guy down-hearted.

Lance just watched the scene somehow irritated. He couldn't understand why those people are underestimating Gray because of his height, Lance believes that as long as you can shoot you are a threat, especially for a shooting guard.

Next, Allan stood up and startled Gray beside him.

"Wow, he is tall!"

"Oy, look at the size difference between the two!"

"Pfft. The small guy looked even smaller beside him!"

Claude ignored the comments and looked at Allan while nodding. He hoped that Allan would join the team.

"Allan Morrey. Center. 6'11". (210.82cm)"

Lance glanced at Allan and thought, "I thought so."

Suddenly, someone shouted from the distance, catching everyone's attention in an instant.

"What!? Did, I hear that right, man?"

'He is here.' Lance thought as he recognized the voice and the figure of the man who had just entered the Gymnasium.

Claude suddenly frowned and walked towards Fin, "You are late!"

"Come on man, that's not how you talk to the captain right?"


The participant was shocked when they heard Claude. Is this small guy the captain of the team, they thought.

Claude made a facepalm and thought of how unbefitting of being a captain Fin was.

Fin just ignored Claude and stood in front of Allan who just stared at him while looking down.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you really that tall?"

Allan frowned and said, "Yes."

"Haha!" Fin suddenly laughed, making the participants wonder why he is laughing.

"This is great! You are even taller than that arrogant Levi Becreux! Haha!"

Allan just rolled his eyes and sat down, not wanting to stand anymore.

From the background, everyone heard another slapping sound that came from Claude who had just performed another facepalm.

"Captain, can you please not disturb the tryout?"

"Am I interrupting?"

Everyone suddenly nodded in front of him.

"Wah, you are cruel, man-"

While looking at everyone Fin suddenly noticed someone familiar. He looked at Lance and suddenly smiled.

'Did he recognize me?' Lance thought.

Fin looked at Claude and asked, "They are going to play right? Claude?"

"huh? yes."

Fin began to walk to a bench without looking at Claude and smiled. "Then I won't be disturbing you anymore. You may continue.", he said.

Fin just sat on the bench and began to spectate.

Claude watched Fin while frowning and noticed Fin gesturing.

"Go ahead."

Claude sighed and looked at the participants.

"Let us continue..."