Chapter 7 : Is That Really Our Master?

Because Yue Li Lian doesn't have any energy left, she couldn't get out of the car on her own. Knowing this Li Jun Wei look at her and then he pats her head and says, " Wait here "

Jun Wei gets out of the car along with Xiao Chen who quickly follows his brother and gets out of the car too. Xiao Chen opens the trunk of the car to take the wheelchair, but before he could Jun Wei had walked to Li Lian's door car and opens it.

" Wait for me Ge Ge ...the wheelcha-" He cut his sentence and he felt like his jaw already reaching the floor.

Jun Wei didn't use the wheelchair and instead, he casually carry Li Lian in his arm in a princess-carry style.

Other then Xiao Chen who was still in a daze from the shock, the maids and other servants in his house look at him wide-eyed and their face turns purple. Jun Wei who hates woman and never get close to any woman at all suddenly brought a girl home!

"Is this a lie ? Am I dreaming?" ask one of the maid to her friend

" NO WAY! Quick pinch me ! I must be dreaming"

"Is that really our master? The woman-hater? our master?"

" Wait, But Who is that woman?"

"Is that master's girlfriend?"

"I don't know what the master has a girlfriend, I thought he is... gay?" the other servant quickly chime in the conversation and the whispers didn't stop.

Xiao Chen quickly regains his consciousness and follows his brother an then whispers to the head maid. "Old Zhue, can you prepare the room next to my brother's?"

The old maid nodded. She looked at the other servant that was gossiping and scold them " Do your work!" before she brings some other maids with her to clean the room.

Meanwhile, Li Jun Wei and Yue Li Lian is still trapped in their own world, they didn't even hear the whispers around them.

Li Lian was flustered, her face turns red from embarrassment after being carried by Jun Wei. Jun Wei expression, on the other hand, didn't change. He was expressionless at first, but when he sees the girl's blushing face, he smiles at her.

They didn't move for a few minutes, they only look at each other with affection.

Xiao Chen who witnesses this, felt dizzy because he was being fed by their affection.

'brother, I think I need to take a pen and a small note, to study from you how to flirt'


Li Lian lay her body down on the bed. Fluffy bed, silk blanket, pillow, and soft bed cover...Even her pajamas made up of high-quality silk!

Li Lian closes her eyes for a moment, she couldn't believe everything that happen to her. Sudden marriage, husband, and the fact she was in a coma, many things are still being process in her mind. But here was one thing she wants to do for sure,

And that was revenge! revenge to her sister and everyone that has destroyed her life! But the revenge will not be fast, it will be slower but more painful! she will not let them go in peace.

Slowly her consciousness drift away and she fell asleep.

The slight sound of the footstep entering Li Lian's room. Jun Wei walks slowly inside her room and then looks at the girl's sleeping face. The girl's face looks innocent she looks like she was in peace. His gaze was burning, he raises his hand and softly caresses her black hair.

His expression was affectionate. But suddenly Li Lian moved abruptly, her face turned pale, her cold sweat and tears fell. With her fragile hoarse voice, she mumbles. ""

In Li Lian's dream, she saw nothing but darkness. With all her might, she ran away from the darkness that tries to engulf her. Suddenly she saw a light and ran towards it, but what came to her eyes was not a light, it was a fire. Her mother's house was burning in fire! She scream loudly and ran towards it, but she couldn't do anything.

Jun Wei frowned, his expression was as darker than the sky outside. He continues to caress her delicately comforting her, "It's alright, you're saved now.". In a flash, Li Lian expression turns calmer, his voice felt very soothing to her.

In her dream she saw a hand came and hugs her, she felt serene after being hugged by those hand she looks up at the man face and she recognizes the man, she calls his name affectionately.

"Jun Wei."