Chapter 8 : Dangerous

Li Jun Wei calm demeanor breaks when she heard Yue Li Lian's word. Watching the girl sleep, the only thought resides in his mind was to help her to avenge herself. The murderous aura around him dissolves in a blink once Li Lian calls his name.

The only thing that Li Lian utter was his name, but his heartfelt as if it was about to burst... What if he hugs her? If he kisses her cherry-colored lips? But most of all what if she says ' I love you' ?.

Now the girl he had loved for years in his arm, he would never let anyone touch even a strand of her hair. And eliminate those who dare to hurt her.

Jun Wei lets out a sarcastic smile, Ironically, the most dangerous beast was he himself.

He clenches his fist shook all his dark thoughts and marches away from the girl's room.


A few weeks following, Li Lian's schedule was filled with rehabilitation. Her joints still felt hurts and sore every time she walks, but looking back now, she had certainly improved.

Li Jun Wei left China to W Country the next day after she arrived at his house. So, Li Lian mostly spent her time at the rehabilitation center and when she's at Jun Wei's house, she would usually be accompanied by Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is a very cheerful and bright person, he often jokes around and this helps with Li Lian's mental health. Li Lian would always laugh when she heard Xiao Chen's lame puns.

Sitting on a chair near the bright colored-crystallized window glass, Li Lian put down her book and took a small break with a sigh.

For some reason, after the following day when Jun Wei leaves China, her heartfelt heavy and misses him dearly... It was her first time to feel this kind of feelings, even when he was with Chang Min she didn't felt the same.

Li Lian gaze at the cover of the magazine on her table silently. Two familiar faces were printed on the magazine, with a big headline on the top 'Best Couple of The Year'. The couple wore glamorous clothing and hugged each other preciously as if they were perfectly made for one another- The couple was not other than the people who betrayed her, ruined her life and killed her. Xie Hue Lin and He Chang Min!

However even as she look at the picture, her heart didn't ache as much as the day when she died. The only thing she could feel was angry at Hue Lin who dared to kill her foster mom.

She thanked God for giving her a second chance and for showing The true color of that man before she nearly marries him.

Now, her sly sister, Xie Hue Lin became the number one clothing store owner in China. Her name is widely known for her kindness and for being He Chang Min's fiancee. He Chang Min, on the other hand, had become the CEO of He Corporation a year ago. Beautiful and renowned socialite, Xie Hue Lin; Handsome and distinguish CEO, He Chang Min- Clearly the two was a perfect fit of each other.

Li Lian just flips the magazine without any interest until a sudden uninvited guest came to her room cheerfully.

Xiao Chen yelled from the other side of the door, " Sister-In-Law!!!! "

Lian looks at him and shook her head,' Is he really Jun Wei's little brother? They're literary a different species '

Li Lian laughs and asks him, " What is it, what happen? are you dumped again?"

Xiao Chen scratches his head, "Uh... Well, I was dumped yesterday.., But I have a more explosive.., no, I mean a piece of good news!"

Li Lian lifts her brows, " What news ?"

Right when Li Lian finishes her word, Her eyes looked at the man that came in from her door.

The elegant way of walking.

The nobility and charismatic aura around him.

The cold expression in his handsome face softened when he saw Li Lian.

" Jun Wei ." Li Lian stood from her chair abruptly.

His Charming voice filled her ears " Li Lian "